Monday 3 February 2020


Sitting here mid-afternoon, looking out of the window, the sky a clear blue and the sun shining, it is easy to forget that outside it is February - there is not a lot of warmth in the sun and the wind is strong enough to almost blow me off my feet.  Our Book Group this morning was at M's - only a couple of hundred yards or so from where I live - but the wind was too strong to take my wheeled walker so I battled down the hill at a wobble.   I did consider taking the car but it is not an easy place to park and I had an important letter to post so would have to have got out of the car anyway.
I got there unscathed albeit wind=swept and wobbly. 

'North and South' by Elisabeth Gaskell (at school all those years ago she was always called 'Mrs Gaskell' but I am talking mid-forties, so times have changed):  six of us this morning, lots of discussion, generally we all liked it and got a lot out of it.   We agreed that it was a book which could be described as a precursor of both feminism and industrial unrest - both were just beginning to be felt in society.   And we did all agree that Margaret and Mr Thornton should have 'got on with it' instead of waiting until the last paragraph of the last page to do anything more than cast admiring glances at one another.

It was only on the short walk home that I realised that I would probably be locked out.   My cleaning lady comes on Monday mornings and I left her there.   I also forgot to take a key and it was only when I felt in my coat pocket that I realised.   Luckily I have a key safe so I was able to get in, and  - true to form - I was only in a short time before my cleaning lady rang to make sure I had got back into the house alright.   Time was when doors could have been left unlocked up here but that time is passed now - the Police advise us all to keep our outside doors locked even when we are at home.   Wise advice.


  1. I learnt my lesson once when I locked myself outside of the house. It was lunch-time and I was expecting an estate agent at one pm for a valuation and I could see my keys still in the back door where I'd left them. Being the amiable chap he was the estate agent broke a small back window for me and my daughter managed to get through to unlock the back door, without injury. Since then I always make sure I have my house keys in my hand before leaving the house, even now when I don't need them as I never leave the house on my own as my husband is always with me.

    Then there was the time when there were reports of a bomb in the supermarket where I worked and my house keys were in my bag in my locker and the police wouldn't allow anyone to go to the back to retrieve our things. It was the end of my shift and my daughter was due out of school and I couldn't get a message to her, so I had to hang around until the police were finished. After that I got a safety clip to wear on a belt loop with my keys on it.

  2. It's a horrid feeling to be locked out - glad you were not, and how nice of your cleaning lady to telephone and check on you. Also glad that you arrived and returned from your meeting safely, if a little windswept. These days it doesn't take much to make one wobble, does it?

  3. I'm so glad you had an extra key. It sounds like you had some good discussions at your book club. I'm happy you enjoyed the book.

  4. Here in small town Texas we are given the same advise - keep your doors locked. The world is not a safe place anywhere, it seems.

  5. Good of your cleaning lady to check. It's not the house keys I have problems with, but the car keys - it has a funny locking system and yes, stupidly, it is possible to get locked out of the car with the keys in the car, and the engine running. Fortunately the only time this happened it was at home, and I went for the spare set.

    It is a while since I read North and South. At least you didn't have far to go to your book club.

  6. I don't leave my doors unlocked now. The last 5 years crime and roving gangs have gotten so much worst.That us what happens when you live so close to the Mexican border. There is a huge cartel war going on right now. It is overflowing.

  7. I lock my door most of the time. Except when I don't.

  8. Your cleaning lady sounds like a very good, reasonable person to look out for you like that.
    Glad to hear you made it to the book group and back safely, in spite of the strong wind.
    I have locked myself out once, when still living with my parents. Good job our friends on the ground floor were at home; I waited there until my parents came back from shopping. (I had been downstairs to get the washing out and forgotten to take a key to the door of our flat on the top floor of the house.)

  9. The thing to do is hide a key somewhere outside, the next thing is to make sure there are no other keys in the door you want to use the spare key on!

  10. There seems to be a thing about you and keys at the moment. Speak to your self as you go out of the door.

  11. I loved hearing from you, Pat. And I'm so very sorry about Tess. I know you miss her terribly. It's just the hardest thing to lose a good friend. You will be in my heart.

    As to your keys, my husband and I have left them in the door of our hotel room on occasion. Pretty bad idea, that.


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