Thursday 2 January 2020

Tess's health problems.

I must say that after only three days on the anti-inflammatory tablets Tess's back legs seem a lot better.  Unfortunately she is now off her front right leg so this afternoon my son took me back to the Vet's and he solved the problem in a minute.   I have been looking  at her front right paw and could see nothing although she was constantly licking it and refused to go for a walk.   The Vet found a small cut between the pads on her right foot and it had begun to fester.   So now she is on anti biotics too.  It is all getting a bit complicated - half an anti biotic tablet twice a day and one anti inlfammatory daily (and she will be on these for the rest of her life, hopefully keeping the arthritis at bay).  I wish they could do the same for my arthritis - in fact on the strength of my visit to the Vet I have made an appointment to see my doctor - maybe visit a rheumatologist or something.   We shall see.

With my Grand daughter and her husband and their three year old coming at the week end I have been shopping for food (they are all three vegan).   They are staying in B and B but we are all,all six of us (this includes my son and his wife), meeting here for lunch on Saturday and spending the rest of the day together.   I have found a nice looking soup recipe with all kinds of vegetables plus beans and pasta and I shall serve this with garlic and naan breads - and at their request I shall follow this with jacket potatoes with various stuffings and salads on offer.   My grand daughter is bring a pud which is going in my fridge tomorrow night.

The lovely sunny weather we have had has disappeared today and it has been windy and cold and cloudy but every sunny day is a bonus in January isn't it?   Especially so when we hear of the dreadful bush fires in Australia with thousands having to flee their homes.  I just can't begin to imagine it.

Well friends we are beginning to settle into 2020 and a new decade - two days in already.   One thing is pretty sure - I am not likely to see in the next decade so I must make the most of every day.   Out to lunch tomorrow with M and W and a Winter Warmer menu - one course plus a glass of house wine for eleven pounds - I have already decided I shall have fish pie.   That will set me up nicely for making the soup in the evening.


  1. Should a three year old be a vegan?

  2. Your vet seems to know his stuff, and I am glad Tess' problems can be solved with pills. Hopefully, your own doctor will have something equally helpful for you!
    The first two days of 2020 have been sunny here, too, but crispy cold.
    I am sure your lunch is going to be a success, as it has been in the past, if I remember correctly what you wrote about previous visits.

  3. Perhaps its time for such visits to be at your son's house and he can provide the cooking and food. No matter how easy you try to make it sound i know having them there all day and feeding them must take a toll on you. Surely someone there must see that. At some point its time for adult children to step up.. Ofcourse all this is just in my honest opinion.

    So glad to hear Tess is better and that your vet found the problem. And hoping your doctor can help you dear Pat. We are in the process of taking down Christmas.. I love putting it all up. But i seem to have short term memory on just how long it takes to take down and put away.. lol Take care. Hugs! deb

  4. So pleased Tess's aches and pains can be sorted by the vet. It's a pity we can't all find a nice vet to fix our aches and pains so quickly!
    Have a lovely weekend with your family and friends, and perhaps the weather will perk up for you all.
    I can't bear to think of what is happening in Australia.

  5. The Winter Warmer menu sounds good. Pleased to hear that Tess is healing and hope your doctor can do the same for you!

  6. I am glad to hear the Vet found the secondary problem with Tess' foot. The antibiotics should get that healed and then she will just be on the arthritis medication like many of us these days!

    Enjoy your days with friends and family. You have such a wonderful circle of people in your life.

  7. I believe you had suspected something was wrong with her foot! You knew it, just couldn't find it. This will be an easy fix. I'm glad you are inspired to go see your own doctor and see if you can get some of your aches and pains figured out as well. You and Tess can both take your meds at the same time, although yours likely will not have to be hidden inside a meatball! -Jenn

  8. Glad Tess is a bit more sorted now - just need to sort out your own problems with arthritis.

  9. Dare I say, but I hope their Veganism doesn't last too long; it's really not good for them, unless they dose themselves with extra vitamins and iron.

    May I also say that as someone who counts from 1 to 10, rather than 0 to 9, for me the new decade starts on 1. 1. 21. 2020 is simply the last year of the last decade.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. My nose in your business, but.... My mother is 93 and racked with all kinds of arthritis. She lives in her own home, and is able to move freely inside her house with the aid of a 'wheelie' walker. Her rheumatologist is wonderful for her! From my experience hauling Mom to the Docs' I would urge you to see a specialist. They have tricks up their sleeves! Cheers from the USA.

  12. Tess seems to be doing well despite everything. It is rather inspiring that our pets trust us so completely to fix things for them.

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