Sunday 26 January 2020

Sunday again.

How quickly Sundays come round (Salmon Florentine again today I think).   I like Sundays, when the four of us meet, chat, wave and chat to friends and have a nice lunch, pot of tea and relax for an hour afterwards.   It has become such a pleasant part of my weekly routine.

As I write this at 10.39am, looking out of the window, I see the clouds scudding by and there are rain spots on the glass.   Without going out of the door I know that the weather pattern has changed and it is January weather after a week of Spring-like weather here in The Dales.  The bushes and the hedge at the top of the garden are waving about in quite a strong wind and the sky at the moment is full of rooks struggling against it to get somewhere important to them.

Today my thoughts are in China - I know it is a huge country with millions of inhabitants but any new virus is scary and as I have a Grandson working there (not in Wuhan province) it naturally concerns me more than it usually would.  And, of course, it is already spreading to neighbouring (and further afield) countries - as one would expect in these days of world-wide travel taken as a matter of course.   Let's just hope that it is identified and that research soon produces a vaccine.  I think that often we get too complacent about things and this has pulled us up short (as did Foot and Mouth Disease in the cattle and sheep on our farm in the early nineties) - there are always threats lurking there in the background.   I remember how my mother used to talk about the terrible flu epidemic which swept through after the First World War and killed so many young men who had survived that only to die so soon afterwards.

Enough doom and gloom - onwards and upwards -  I am missing my sweetheart of course but am now beginning to look back on our happy times together and the good twelve, trouble-free years she had.   I know it was her time and now I have many happy memories.


  1. Glad you are looking back on happier times. This virus unfolding in China is another thing to worry about but we can only put our trust in the steps that are being put in place. I am sure it won't hurt all the travellers in the world just to stay home for a few weeks.

  2. This sounds like tv coverage again alarming people. I have read that there is a new virus but am not troubled by it any more than the previous SAR one 20 years ago when it came to nothing. I doubt the "screening" at the airports is particularly scientific. Enjoy your salmon and your friends.

  3. So pleased you are able to enjoy happy memories of Tess, and that you are looking forward to your Sunday lunch date with friends.
    China seems so far away but with international travel everywhere is brought closer. I hope medical science can find a remedy for this nasty sounding virus.
    It is a very grey and dismal day down here too and we really don't need any more rain.

  4. A regular Sunday lunch get-together is always something good to look forward to, whatever the weather! Rainy and cold here today. Just our typical January weather I suppose.

  5. Sundays used to be dead in towns, didn't they. Now they are almost like any other day.

  6. Regardless of the actual risk it must be a scary time for the Chinese people and visitors. Glad you are able to remember the fun of having Tess now.

  7. I miss hearing about your's and Tess's walks. She will always be missed and in your heart.

    Have a wonderful day.

  8. I do worry about some super bug that's smart enough to beat any system we have to fight it. You're right that global movement of people makes it easier for a bug to spread.

  9. Suggest your relation gets out now.

  10. This is a flu virus which will effect the elderly or those already sick most of all. The young and fit will survive if they are unfortunate enough to contract it. Why worry Weave, an elderly woman who gets wound up by tv bulletins, telling her on her blog that her relation should get out now? The media like to keep viewers and readers by making dramatic headlines/ Ebola is not wiping us out, SARS did not get us, and nor will this.

  11. The best thing this contrary winter can do is end.End, I say!

  12. I have always thought that it wouldn't be war that ends it all, but some type of evil virus. I don't think this is the one, but nature does seem to know when we are becoming overpopulated.

  13. I worry for the health of the millions of workers in 'education camps' who exist in crowded and unhygienic conditions. There's a picture of Marco Arnautovic (footballer) wearing a mask. In two years time the Winter Olympics is scheduled for China.

  14. I have no worries where the virus is concerned for myself - something sooner or later will carry me off - when and what is in the lap of the gods and can stay there. As to my grandson, I credit him with enough sense to do what he wishes.

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