Wednesday 8 January 2020


The trees are bare, the gardens are  lifeless but if you look carefully - as I do when I walk very slowly round the estate (I can't walk quickly)- there are signs of life everywhere.   And this morning I opened the patio doors to let Tess out into the garden at seven o'clock and I would have  said it was still dark but a blackbird was singing.   And ten minutes later, when I let her back in, a blue tit had joined in.   Now it is afternoon and although the temperature is considerably down on yesterday it isn't really cold. the sky is quite blue, the breeze is quite light and it isn't particularly wintry in spite of being January.   Last year 'the beast from the east' surprised us all at the end of February - let's just hope we don't have a repeat version this year.   So - I went round with my camera to photograph anything that showed signs of life in the garden.   They are all a bit battered from the wind and the rain - but they are survivors all and give a hint of what is to come.   So enjoy and look forward to Spring.

And last, but by no means least, the first daisy in the lawn!


  1. I did the same yesterday Pat as I was hanging out the washing - there is quite a lot of colour and life when you start looking.

  2. My goodness. That is certainly one early daisy!

  3. How beautiful! Thank you. We won't have that here for a long time yet.

  4. How magical it seems (to someone from northern New England) to live in a place where you can see flowers growing in the winter!

  5. I have quite a few snowdrops popping up here, there and everywhere, they always cheers me up, and make me feel spring isn't too far away

  6. We already have snowdrops and aconite here

  7. My bulbs in pots are silent yet, and that's good. It's a long way to whatever we will have for spring.

  8. You keep in touch with the environment which is extremely important.

  9. My little grandson Mischa (The Cherub) always picks a daisy for me. He's a cutie.

  10. Like you, I look forward to spring, but I am bracing myself for winter - it must come, I don't believe we'll be let off as easy as this.
    I worry about plant and animal life; it all behaves as if it were March already, and I'm afraid a lot will die when winter eventually decides to visit our parts.

  11. Well I bought some primroses yesterday, and there is a quickening heart beat. The birds are noisier, crystal clear on the air and the buds are forming, when the willow turns colour is always a good indicator.

  12. The bulbs are all pushing up here, snowdrops showing touches of white, and still quite a few of last years plants showing colour. Whatever comes, Spring is not too far away.

  13. How pretty! We are a long way from Spring here in Illinois (USA)! Getting colder and colder as we are expecting snow and freezing rain this weekend! So glad you shared these sweet pictures since I won't be seeing this in my yard for awhile yet!

  14. Thanks for your replies. It is much colder today with snow on the hill tops. but not set to last.

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