Friday 31 January 2020

A Gremlin in the works.

I subscribe to a service run by our local District Council called Lifeline.   I wear an elasticated bracelet on my wrist.   It has a red press-button on it and this I can press in an emergency in order to get assistance from the warden.   I have only used it twice in the year I have subscribed.   The first time was when my telephone went out of order for ten days or so and I needed to tell them it was disconnected and the second time was this morning to tell them that I had mislaid my bracelet.  Luckily the warden, N, was only a couple of streets away.   I have now stopped typing long enough to welcome her and to receive a new bracelet which I am now wearing.  Sure enough I shall no doubt find the missing one by tomorrow.

Last week it was my front door key that went missing and I had to replace the lock in the front door - that,  of course, I had to pay for but my replacement bracelet came free (I do have to pay almost thirty pounds a month for the service).

People complain about the services we get but I can only praise the local services for the elderly living in their own homes here in our little town.
It is a grey day with a sharp wind and rain in the air, but on the plus side the temperature when we dr ove home from our usual Friday lunch out was eleven degrees.   Not bad for the last day in January and the day we are leaving Brexit behind whether you are one of those who like it or not.

And speaking of lunch out - Scampi chips and garden peas  for us both today - and jolly good it was too.    So now to draw the curtains, pull down the blinds and shut out the damp, chill evening and settle down with a good book and the odd television programme I want to see (Michael Portillo in his yellow trousers and pale blue jacket anyone?)


  1. I can't stand his red trousers and green shirt! I suppose he does go to colourful places.

  2. He is quite the peacock isn't he?

  3. I sometimes watch the Michael Portillo programme, as it follows a quiz show I enjoy.
    It must be a relief to have a replacement lifeline. Will you be able to keep it as a spare if the old one turns up?

  4. Glad to hear that you got your replacement lifeline so swiftly. I hope you never have the need to use it though.

    Haven't watched Portillo for ages as my husband's not keen on him, but the train journeys are interesting all the same.

    I had Scampi last week for the first time in a couple of years (when I was trying to cut out everything high in Histamines). I did enjoy them!

  5. How nice they could replace your bracelet so quickly. Services such as that are well worth the cost since it makes it safer for you in your home. Enjoy your evening and have a nice weekend.

  6. Did you have to climb into the bungalow through a window when you lost your key?

  7. Residents in the flats where I live have those bracelets too. A very good service and so nice that our families know we have a security device.
    I had scampi and peas for my supper too - scrumptious.

  8. Rachel - I did have a key on my car keys too. I had the lock changed more for the safety angle as I seem to have lost the key somewhere.
    Penhill - My son lives a mile away.
    My replacement arrived so quickly because, quite a coincidence, this was the day when the warden happened to be visiting our town and would have been coming to me anyway. When I find my old bracelet I shall be able to keep my new one I was told.
    As to Scampi - I never tire of it although I only have it maybe once a month. I do eat a lot of fish though.
    Thanks for the comments.

  9. If you had mislaid the bracelet how were you able to press it to summon the warden?

  10. Do non-garden peas exist? I want some if they do.

  11. I know when I lose my keys, but how many things do I lose and don't know I lost them?

  12. Our local help forces are reliable, too. I've called on their services several time.

  13. Yes, strange temperatures. We are to have 20 C on Monday (so they say).

  14. I was wondering the same as Anonymous :-)
    We had 13 C yesterday, and it will be more or less the same all this weekend. The birds sing like it was spring already.

  15. To summon the warden when one has lost ones bracelet - just press the help button on the table machine.

    Thanks to you all.

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