Thursday 12 December 2019


What a strange week it has been weather-wise.  Alternate days have been breezy but pleasantly sunny.  The other days, including today, have been horrible.   Today it is very cold (two degrees), very foggy and heavy rain.  Luckily the rain didnt start until I got home after a trip into town - my usual hair appointment followed by chores.  Because it involved some admin work involving my son and because he has now broken up for the Christmas holidays, he kindly chauffered me round - a great help.   Admin done I slipped into our Deli and bought two large Christmas cakes as presents.   They are made in Wensleydale and are every bit as good as home made.   Now that I no longer have my beloved Aga I no longer bake cakes.

I got home to find that Tess was out with Jane, my dog walker and Tess was quite perky when she returned - she had obviously enjoyed it in spite of the weather.   I spent a quiet afternoon reading, doing the puzzles in The Times (I do these every day - have to keep the old brain active), and having the odd doze until it was time for The Repair Shop.

Well Election Day is drawing to a close - thank goodness - I and many others - am totally sick of all the empty promises and all the waffle.   I shall certainly not stay up  to see the declaring of the results; there was a time when I did.   I did go and vote -my son drove me up to the Polling Station.  I was in two minds whether to bother (ours is a very safe seat) but , as my son always says, "Remember Emily Davidson mother" - and I do.

Another week bites the dust.   Not long to Christmas now - and more importantly not long to a New Year.


  1. I walked down in the rain to cast my vote this morning but I saw very few people there - and who can blame them in this weather.

  2. It often seems as though the days speed up as we approach the end of the year. X

  3. I have hardly thought about Christmas. It will be just another day. I am looking forward to January.

  4. We are a tiny parish, unlike the London places where there were long queues - we just walked in, voted and came out again, having broken up the previous voter's nice long chat with the ladies the other side of the desk! Lord knows what tomorrow (Friday 13th, how apt!) will reveal. Like you I am sick of politicians promising the earth, and you know that a large percentage of those promises will never bear fruit (apart from the ones which involved folk having to pay higher taxes).

    We have had mostly heavy rain this week - though we did get sunshine for a little while yesterday afternoon. I shall be glad when the shortest day is at our backs too!

  5. I went to the polling station in my lucky Christmas jumper. Whoever I vote for when I'm wearing it wins. Unfortunately I washed it recently. We'll have to wait until tomorrow morning to see if it still works - I'm worried that the cycle might have washed out all the oofle dust.

  6. I'm afraid that I'm an uninformed American, but who was Emily Davison's mother? Google details Ms. Davison's life, but I could find no mention of her Mother's role in the suffragette movement.
    Thank you for your blog--I enjoy it very much.

    Eileen in Florida, USA

  7. I got soaked on my way back from our Polling Station. From the knees down my slacks were heavy with rain, but I couldn't let all those brave Suffragettes down. Glad it's all over bar the shouting, as the saying goes.
    Roll on 2020, hopefully with serious concentration on all the vital issues: NHS, affordable housing, funding for schools, fire and police services, etc, etc.

  8. I'm a British citizen disqualified from voting in UK having been resident elsewhere for over 15 years. That's the rule. I cannot change it. But nevertheless as a grandfather I shall watch the exit polls later tonight and the early trends.

  9. Good for your son, and good for you to have brought him up to honor women, their rights and the fight to get them. I am not familiar with the suffragette movement in Britain, but I am sure those women were treated as brutally as those in this country. Remember Emily Davidson.

  10. It's howling a wet gale here. I really don't want to go outside, but I shall have to go with Billy when it's light. Yuk.

  11. I am glad you went and took your part in the election. As your son says, remember Emily Davidson. Voting is too precious a right to sacrifice it so easily, and if possible, maybe next time you can arrange for voting by mail so that you won't have to go out in inclement weather.
    It has been raining here over the last two days and nights; should be snow but it is still a little too warm for that - although cold enough for me to wear my padded winter coat, scarf and gloves.

  12. Well, no doubt who won is there? Landslide, as they say. Now we shall have to wait and see! Thanks for calling.

  13. I had to look up "Aga" - very nice gas stove. Good that you voted and I understand your relief at the end of all the political nonsense. Ours is just about to move into high gear for a year. Ugh.
