Sunday 15 December 2019


Yesterday morning I woke at 5.30am to find the central heating on (it is set at eighteen overnight) so it had obviously been very cold.   Today I didn't wake until a quarter to eight, only to find the heating hadn't come on.   When I drew back the bedroom curtains there was snow  - obviously the snowfall had kept the temperature up a little.   I might add that I quickly turned the heating on - I am not that hardy!  Now, at half past nine, the sun is shining and the snow seems to be going, so I should be alright to go out on my usual lunch date.
Remember I live in very hilly countryside and I drive a nippy little Vauxhall  Corsa - not the most suitable combination for wintry weather. 

I have still no landline - the fault seems now to have been identified as under my front lawn and they are coming tomorrow to dig that up.   I cannot complain about BT service - they have been very good at giving me priority because of my age and  trying to restore my access to Lifeline, the service I belong which helps people who live alone.  So I am relying on my mobile at present.

My old 98 year old friend, who always comes out to lunch with us on Sundays, called off today - she said she didnt want to venture out in the snow and that the view from her window, looking out directly into the Dale, was enough to keep her happy all day as it was 'white over'.   As friend W had another engagement that meant that just C and I were there.   We both had a veggie choice - C had Penang Curry and I had Vegetable Chilli - both were delicious.   For 'afters' we both had cheese and biscuits with celery and apple - it was delicious too.   I arrived home in time to take Tess for a short walk before the road got icy - I dare not walk on the footpath as it still had snow on it and had hardly melted at all.   I have to cajole Tess into going out when it gets too cold so I don't think she missed her usual walks.   Now all the blinds and curtains are drawn, the heating is turned up and both of us are settling down for a snug evening once the place gets warm.   Hopefully see you tomorrow.


  1. We have had feathery snow today. Do you find it puts you in a Christmasy mood? -Jenn

  2. I am glad to hear it was not enough snow to keep you from attending your Sunday lunch. However, even with just a little you have to be careful walking as sometimes ice is not easily visible. We are having a beautiful snow here in my part of the US and are due to get about 9 inches. It's beginning to look like Christmas!

  3. Quite a lot of snow here this morning but, unfortunately, all gone now. I hope you get your phone line sorted quickly. X

  4. I am glad you will have BT for your future. We had wall to wall sunshine today and I enjoyed it very much.

  5. Just wanted to drop in and say I love your posts :) Take Care, Bobbie

  6. Glad the snow was not too much and you were able to get out. Beautiful as it is it can be treacherous.

  7. No snow here yet, it has been really mild all weekend and is forecast like this for well into this week. But we had rain, so that makes me happy because I hope it means our precarious groundwater levels are recovering.
    Does Tess still mind so much going out in the cold even with her splendid new coat?

  8. No snow here so far but there was some a few miles to the north. Even a few miles makes a big difference.
    Glad you are being looked after re your land line, and that you were able to get out to lunch with your friend.
    Here's hoping that, weatherwise, we all get let off lightly this winter.

  9. We seldom have snow here on the Texas Gulf Coast and it does melt very quickly if we get any.

  10. Thanks everyone. See next pos t for latest re phone line.
