Monday 23 December 2019

Almost there.

Well 'twas almost the day before Christmas and it is almost true that 'not a creature was stirring not even a mouse'.   Tess and I have just been for our late afternoon walk - Tess 'raring to go' and me still having difficulty walking.   Add to that that it is a very windy day and you will realise that it was not a particularly successful walk for either of us.   Still, tomorrow is the day that Jane comes to walk her so she will get a good walk then.   But once I have fed Tess (immediately after writing this) we will both settle down for the evening.

Our little town is heaving today, as I suspect is everywhere.   There is a big market here and when I went in at nine o'clock there was not a single place left in the Car Park and I just managed to nab the last Disabled Place just by the shop I wished to visit - very lucky.  I like to think it is all people who have been working up to today rather than people who have just left their Christmas shopping until the last minute. 

One by one flashing lights are appearing in the windows on the estate where I live.   I have just an arc of candles in the window - I quite like the peace of it.   I have not quite got the enthusiasm to decorate the bungalow since my dear farmer went so I only have a few decorations here and there but I have had a huge lot of Christmas cards which I absolutely love receiving (and sending) and when they are up it livens the place up and makes it Christmassy.   They all came down this morning so that my cleaning lady could give a good dust.   After tea I shall read them all before putting them up again and I shall enjoy that.   I hope you are all having an enjoyable and Christmassy day too - and there is 'Carols from Kings' to look forward to tomorrow - one of my favourite things about Christmas.


  1. The sending of Christmas cards is something that seems to be falling out of fashion these days. I'm glad you get so many. Hope you and Tess snuggle down and enjoy your programme. -Jenn

  2. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and then I will think about Christmas but not until Carols from Kings comes on.

  3. I have gotten my Christmas decorations down to just a few things, tree, snow globes and cards. Just enough to enjoy the lights !
    I always love getting your card ! Makes me so happy I hope you received yours. I have messed up so many addresses this year.
    cheers, parsnip xx

  4. I know what you mean about cards. I’ve lived in four different places during my life and have friends still, luckily, from each place - so cards, sending and receiving, are very important to me. I actually like Round Robins even though they get a bad press although I still hand write my own news. This year has brought rather a lot of sad news but it goes with the territory of older age I suppose. Take care xxx

  5. I'm feeling rather smug having got everything I needed at my local farm shop, successfully avoiding the crowds in town. I thought the whole point of Christmas cards was to make it impossible to do any dusting over the holiday period!

  6. I have reduced my decorations this year and I think it looks better for it. The cards are all on my deep windowsill and like others I have had a few sad messages this year. I'm beginning to feel Christmassy - no doubt once I get together with my family it will really feel like Christmas.
    I am very glad I wont need any more shopping until next week, apart from some milk. I hate struggling through crowds, and bargains or not, I don't go to the January sales.

  7. I cooked the ham today so everything is prepared until Christmas day. We have very few decorations, just a small tree and a bridge of lights on the window sill, plus some twinkling lights in the apple tree and evergreen bushes in the garden.

  8. I hope you can rest up and "get your legs back" now your visitors have gone. It's nice to be able to do what you want, when you want (though I don't often get the chance to do that!)

    I had to smile at your taking your cards down so your cleaner could dust round! That's a bit like the lady who would clean round before the cleaner arrived as she didn't want her to think she was a poor housekeeper!!

    Another one for Carols from Kings' here (well, Tam will make sure she sees it too - a Christmas tradition for us here).

  9. The sun is shining here on the southwest coast of British Columbia!! I never go anywhere on the day before Christmas Eve but I think the sun will draw me out today. No shopping for me, it's heaving in the malls here too. Christmas has become the giant shopping event of the year with none of the cozy, family stuff left. Cards have become too expensive to mail in Canada & I'm too unsteady to put up lights! My Ex & I used to go for breakfast in a little Fish & Chip cafe on Christmas to meet up with all the other orphans who had nowhere else to go but it's gone now too. So, I guess it's Dim Sum for dinner - I bought it frozen - & I'll start a new sock with that new Opal Rainforest yarn I splurged on while I watch Shetland on the TV. It's become just another day, albeit quieter, with less traffic . . . .

  10. Merry Christmas. I too love my cards, although the hundreds of years ago have dwindled to almost nil. i don't mind the postage as each card is a gift to the recipient. Glad you enjoy yours. I enjoy your blog so so much. Keep writing.

  11. Once in Royal David's city... then the voice breaks...

  12. Merry Christmas, Pat, - I am glad that you and Tess are doing well, and hope that you enjoy the next few days, simplified as they are from the wonderfully busy days of husband and family and Christmas doings. I still have a fair number of children around, and we will be celebrating Christmas Eve here at home, with Oyster Stew (and beef for those who don't care for Oysters, tradition or not) I look forward to the quietness of the New Year, - guess it is my age!

  13. Chaotic here too yesterday, but I did manage to buy my Turkey. I hear on the news this morning that people are generally only buying 'what they need' this year... this is a great advance over the usual 'siege mentality' of most Christmases past.

    I wish you a very relaxed and pleasant Christmas Weave. I too shall be watching Carols from Kings; providing we get back from lunch in time. Cro xx

  14. I'm looking forward to Carols from Kings later. X

  15. Merry Christmas to you, dear Pat!
    Like you, I have few decorations up this year but absolutely love the display of Christmas cards that has been growing steadily on the sideboard in my living room.
    I sent about 20 cards and have received about the same number, not exactly from the same people, though. Some of my aunts and uncles in Yorkshire are not well and have not written this year, but I know they received my cards and I hope that brought a bit of joy to them.
    As for last minute Christmas shopping, there are of course a few things one needs to buy fresh, such as salad, fruit, vegetables, fish and meat. All the other things can of course be organised long before.

  16. Christmas greetings from downunder. It actually is very early Christmas morning as I write this and we’re sort of ready for friends for morning coffee before taking turkey and berries to a family lunch. But first, some sleep. Best wishes all.

  17. Greetings from the Cotswolds,have a lovely Christmas Pat.

  18. I hope you enjoy your Christmas and have a healthy and happy time. Best wishes, JC x

  19. Yes indeed, Rachel: Christmas starts with Carols from Kings.

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