Thursday 7 November 2019


It has been a very miserable wet day here.   So wet first thing  morning that I had to push Tess out into the back garden for her morning 'wee and poo' and she scuttled back in and stayed in her bed.

It is my hair day (9.30) and as I have visitors coming to stay Saturday night I thought I would go into town early and do my shopping (I had made a comprehensive list).    This went well - I found my usual parking place close to the shop, did my shopping and then a charming young man who always comes to my aid pushed my trolley back to my car and unloaded my bags into the boot.   I got home, washed out the fridge and put away all my shopping ready for Saturday - deciding to put the Sourdough loaf into the freezer.    That was when things went wrong.   My freezer is in the garage and when I went to it I found I had not shut the door properly when I last opened it a couple of days ago.   The whole thing was covered in a thick layer of frost.   Friend W was coming to call to take me out to lunch which gave me about twenty minutes to get the stuff out of the freezer and set it to defrost.   Just about managed it but it did rather spoil my day.

Now at seven in the evening the freezer is up and running again (and the door is firmly shut), everywhere is tidy again and I am about to settle down to read The Times, which I have not had a chance to open yet.   This sort of 'crisis' really throws me out as I get older.   I do like everything to be going well.

In addition to this my two new settees have arrived at the Furniture Store and are to be delivered on Monday.   I wish to donate the two I have now to the British Heart Foundation - they will collect but every item must be covered by the Fire Regulations.   They came in in 1988 and we bought the settees in 1995 so there should be a label somewhere but so far I can't find it.   The makers of them (Parker Knoll) have sentme a list of places where the label should be and I am currently waiting for my son to arrive so that we can look underneath - the one place I can't get at.
Oh the joys of getting old.


  1. Damn! Bloody Jack Frost will creep through the narrowest crack.

  2. I too become very anxious when things do not go to plan or there is a hiccup along the way. Hope you sort it all. And have a good visit.

  3. One less thing to worry about if you don't have a freezer. Keep life simple. What on earth do you put in it? Oh yes, the sourdough loaf. I would just put it in the cupboard.

  4. What would we do without our sons? Glad you averted disaster with the freezer. I like things to go smoothly too. Last week I had a telephone scam scare but after calling at my bank and getting everything checked, and enlisting my daughter's help with changing a couple of passwords I felt I could relax. These things do shake one up rather. Enjoy your weekend.

  5. What a bother! I had our freezer door not close and the kitchen floor was awash. Weaver, all those tasks are far harder when there’s only one of you - I wouldn’t risk upturning the sofa without help either. I do hope you find the jolly tag.

  6. You would need to push me out into the cold, too, when I don't want to go, although I did take out the trash.

  7. "keep life simple" suggests Rachel, perhaps when/if she gets to your age, with your medical problems, she might come to realise that simplicity is about having things to hand, such as spare food in the freezer, a fridge, central heating and no fire to have to clean. Living a frugal life is OK until it gets too painful and impossible to do it.

  8. I don't live a frugal life. Never have and never will but freezers for one never featured in my life. I have a pantry full of food. Don't hang on my every word to Weaver Derek, she is perfectly capable of defending herself.

  9. Like most of us, I want things to run smoothly - but when you have to use public transport almost every working day (and very often on weekends, too), you get used to quickly adapting and to not expecting everything going according to plan...!
    The only freezer I have is a small compartment in my fridge, but I need to defrost that one on a regular basis, too. What I keep in there are ice cubes for our G&Ts and other drinks we have on weekends or at parties, plus some ice cream for desserts on weekends.
    As I eat hot meals at my clients' canteens almost every day during the week, cooking only happens on weekends; that greatly reduces the need for much food storing.

  10. I never said that you live a frugal life Rachel and I am fully aware that Pat can defend herself. I am also aware that Pat wouldn't deny me an opinion on your original comment, so far to her credit, she hasn't begun practicing deleting comments.

  11. As I have said to you before, when I leave a comment it is for Weave, not you, and Weaver fully supports me on this. You seem to enjoy picking over my every word almost every time I comment here. I would be grateful if you would stop it.

  12. I have a freezer that beeps if you leave the door open. They are on the whole useful for keeping stuff should you be snowed or flooded in though. Must admit I keep reserves of quite a lot, faced with a starving Lucy doesn't bear thinking about. There again, if the electricity turns off, such as Cro's the other day they become useless after a time.

  13. Rachel, my original comment was for Pat and in support of her needs in life, if you saw it as a personal criticism of you, you was wrong and perhaps might need to ask yourself why you always misinterpret my comments.

  14. Chilly and wet here also. I can easily deal with one or the other but not both at once. Ick! I have had conversations with the "universe-at-large", as I grow older - lighten up and run smoothly for a time!

  15. Then keep my name out of your comments. I didn't see it as criticism but I saw it as your constant stalking of me and everything I say.

  16. Why do I have a freezer? Good question really - and one I asked myself when it all went wrong yesterday. Well, I suppose that I can't get out as easily as I used to and I really need to keep a spare loaf, a spare pint of milk and such like. Also it is handy if I use my slow cooker to eat one meal and freeze the rest in individual portions so that I get perhaps three more meals. A lady at our coffee mornings once a month makes and sells turkey lasagnes - they are delicious and will heat in my Remoska - I eat one that day and freeze the other for later in the month.
