Saturday 30 November 2019


When one lives alone Saturdays are often the most difficult days to get through.   In the week folk are going about their business - working, shopping and the like.  Sundays people are staying in or going to church and the shops are closed so not so many people around.   But Saturdays are family days and I find them lonely quite often.

Walking Tess two or three times means I get to chat to fellow dog-walkers and this morning I had to go into town to the cash machine and to get some milk, so at least I had a trip out.   I invited Tess to come with me but we had a very sharp frost and she took one look out of the door and scuttled back and got in her bed.   But I did manage one pleasant conversation with a man and a Red Setter.   They were standing outside the supermarket waiting for the man's wife who was shopping inside.  I stopped to chat to the dog first as (like all the Red Setters I have met) it was so friendly but then the man and I got talking about dogs we had owned and their personalities. 

I walked across the road to the Bakers (we have two very good ones) and bought myself a cheese and onion pasty for my lunch - it was delicious.   Then I sat down to read The Guardian and promptly fell asleep.   I try hard never to do this but it is harder to stay awake when the weather is so cold I think.   Now, at a  quarter to five in the evening we are all shut up for the night.   The frost has come down and there is a sliver of moon in the sky and it is very cold.   I have pulled my car as close to the bungalow as I can so that it is as sheltered as possible.   I did this last night and it really helped a lot with the car not being too frosted up this morning.

Another terrorist atrocity.   Will there ever be a time when all faiths can live together in peace and harmony?   I doubt it but it does sadden me that people have to commit these acts and that people have to die in the name of religion.


  1. So much for a prison reform activist in London. He did a lot of good I must say. I hope that these people take note of what happens when terrorists are let loose and back into the community and he will carry it forward in his way of thinking for his next seminar.

  2. I expect that because I work shifts (NHS) in a big city, Saturday is quite often just like any other day here (so is Sunday, depending on my shift pattern). I used to hate Sundays as a child as all the shops were shut and hardly anything was open but nowadays in and around big cities most things are open and there is a lot going on.
    I always feel for lonely people on Christmas day as that is the day when most things are closed everywhere, apart from hotels and restaurants and it would be very sad to sit in one of those on your own when everyone else is with family and friends. I worked last Christmas day though and am at work again this year so will be having dinner with family once I've finished.
    I don't think the time of year helps either as it is so dark for much of the time which doesn't lift the spirits at all.
    Dog walks are definitely a great way of meeting up with others.

  3. I read about this and I was amazed that he was let out. I am so sorry for the two deaths. I hope the group that let him free will see these faces everyday.
    We have a similar problem in the U.S. Where I live it is cartel and drug gang members plus lot of gun violence, Sanctuary Cities and States. Lots of repeat offenders.

  4. Such bravery was shown in overpowering that knife man - I hope he will not be set free this time.
    I hope you had similar weather to us today - very cold, but crisp and bright. Such a pleasure after all that miserable rain.
    It is good that you have your car to enable you to get about and meet people when you feel like some company.

  5. Heather, he won't be "set free this time" as the police shot him dead!

  6. Some people are social and like or have to be with other people to make their life go around.. I'm an introvert and like being by myself.

  7. No political party has promised to build a lot more prisons, in advance of the election. I think it's about time that all these criminals (terrorists) were kept out of harm's way. Letting that Khan man out to wander the streets was a crime in itself. They are responsible for two deaths.

  8. It was a terrible crime but the bravery of those who tackled the terrorist must be remembered. Being alone. Well I am an introvert as well, happy to be by myself and do my own thing - selfish I know. Never liked Saturdays in the past because always ended up with a stress headache whilst Sundays for me is a day to be enjoyed for its peace.

  9. During the week, I live on my own, but am busy with work all say and therefore retreating to m quiet flat in the evenings ia very welcome. My weekends are usually just as busy, only not with work but with other activities such as household work, walks/hikes/runs, meals with friends and family and so on. I sometimes wish for a bit more time to myself, but on the other hand, I am grateful for having people in my life who want to spend time with me.

  10. Thanks everyone for your views on both subjects - introverts/extroverts and terrorism and the way to deal with it. Most interesting reading them.

  11. Sorry for the many typing errors in my above comment - typing on my ipad is just not the same as on a proper keyboard!

  12. I work Saturdays Pat... and Sundays come to think of But hopefully a time will come when i will not.. I'am an introvert.. my husband the opposite and somehow we manage for the most part to meet in the middle.. i read where one of the people who tackled the attacker had a narwhal tusk as a weapon... imagine that.. of all things.. lol Hugs! deb

  13. I don't like thinking of you as having lonely Saturdays, Weave. Can't you organise one of your weekly group activities to be on a Saturday?

  14. Nice that you live in a place where the people are friendly.

  15. I think religion tends to be one of the hooks would-be terrorists choose to hang their baggage on. The real motives tend to be power, economics and politics.

  16. Tom - thank you for that kind thought - it is selfish of me to moan about being lonely on Saturdays - by no stretch of the imagination do I really know what it is to be lonely.
    Thanks everybody for your contribution.
