Tuesday 5 November 2019


November showed itself to perfection this morning - very wet and chilly - absolutely nothing going for it at all.   I always go into town on Tuesday mornings and meet friends in the Post Horn for coffee.   The whole time we were in there in rained and was very miserable.    Shopping done, paper bill paid for the week, it was time to come home to Tess.   I don't think my dog walker has been today.   I was home by eleven and have not been out since and there has been no sign of her.   I dare not go out to take Tess for a walk in case she came, but when it got to half past three this afternoon I ventured out.   The weather was beautiful.   All signs of rain had gone, the wind had dropped, the Autumn sun was shining and it was quite warm.   Both Tess and I enjoyed the walk tremendously.   The down side was that in a fit of enthusiasm I spent the first hour of the afternoon emptying my wardrobe, cleaning it thoroughly and replacing the T shirts and blouses with my winter jumpers and cardigans.   Has to be done - no chance of wearing a T shirt any more this year!   So by the time we walked my ankle was very swollen and I had been on my feet far too long.   Shall now go and put my feet up and watch the programme on the Swaledale farm (not all that far from where I live) and follow that by watching Ben Fogle.   Hopefully a pleasant evening with a glass of Croft sherry for company.


  1. Just the miserable weather here today I'm afraid. Maybe we'll get the sunshine tomorrow. Enjoy your sherry!

  2. I'm watching the farm programme too. I love those children, they seem so happy.

  3. Sounds like a good day in spite of the weather, and at least you and Tess timed your walk to perfection. Hope your foot and leg are more comfortable in the morning.

  4. A miserable, chilly day here in the US too--very November-ish. I've been inside most of the day, and had my first cup of cocoa for the season. I hope your ankle swelling goes down quickly.

  5. My clothes are all year round clothes.

  6. I spent such an afternoon recently, switching out seasonal clothing. They say it's good for you. I don't know.

  7. I hope nothing is wrong with your dog walker. Wouldn't she ring to let you know when she can not make it?
    Our weather was the other way round - beautiful and sunny the first half of the day, drizzling rain, grey skies and sunset at 5:00 pm. Still rather mild, though. I was walking home from the pub (quiz night!) at 11:00 pm and it was 11 Celsius.
    Hope your ankle is better today.

  8. I hope your ankle is back to normal today but I'm glad you enjoyed your walk. I hope your dog walker will turn up soon!

    I am layering - t-shirt on the bottom, then a long sleeved thin top and then a sweatshirt, and when it's colder, my fleece over that!

    We also watched the Yorkshire Shepherdess programme - I think their attitude to life - and child raising - is spot on and those kids are so sensible and practical. How kids should be brought up. Was falling asleep after ten minutes of Ben Fogle so recorded it to watch today.

  9. A couple of good programmes BB - I watched them both. We live only a few miles away from the Yorkshire Farm in the programme. Although fairly remote it is not quite as remote as it appears in the programme. Yes, the children have to go a long way to school, because so many of our rural schools (and hospitals) have closed.

    Thanks for calling in.

  10. Our opposite season of spring in southern Australia is quite changeable too. We had 34C for Halloween and now the next days will have 12C maximums. At least there are roses everywhere to remind us it is late Spring.

  11. Pat - we are considered to be living in a "remote" place by some - yet we are only 3 miles from the main A road and the school and 10 miles from town (Carmarthen). We are approached along narrow lanes with passing places though and I know some people panic at the thought of having to reverse if they meet another vehicle! Our narrow bridge doesn't help either . . . I guess it's what folk are used to. The Yorkshire Shepherdess certainly needs their Landrover though - that's not just for poncing around in as some of the 4x4s are in the countryside!!

  12. Our November days tend to run - chilly, cool, warm, very warm and humid, rain, chilly, repeat. Today it's very warm and humid - back to shorts and tee shirts.

  13. The weather here is very Novemberish. It's grey and misty and the light is flat.
    I hope your ankle is more comfortable after a good rest. X
