Tuesday 29 October 2019


What started out as an easy day turned out to be quite a busy one.   Lots of little jobs to do in town meant that I was on my feet a lot after my coffee with friends.   Then it was home to find that Tess had gone early for her walk today - the lady who takes her had promised to come early because Tess's Hair Appointment was for one o'clock (her usual walk time).   And dead on 1pm the lady arrived to give Tess a cut, shampoo and blow dry.   And how smart she looks now.   I will try and get a photograph to put on tomorrow.

As soon as the hair was done I rang the vet to get Tess's vaccinations up to date but there wasn't an appointment until late this afternoon and I can't drive in the dark.   So we are going at ten in the morning.   On the way back we intend to call at the Pet Shop for a new harness instead of a collar - and then Tess will be completely modernised. 

So now it is a General Election just before Christmas - as far as I am concerned that is all we need and I am sure that most of the country feels the same.   It must be rather nice to be a pampered dog who has  no idea about such things and can go through life with one's head in the clouds.

But at least it has been a bright, sunny Autumn day and everywhere has dried up nicely.   A nice drive through the Dale to the vet in the morning, when the forecast is still for a pleasant day.   This morning the weather forecaster was at Westonbirt Arboretum in Gloucestershire where the Japanese Maples and Acers are at their very finest at the moment.   It is many years since I was there but once seen never forgotten.


  1. When I look at my Jacko when she comes off the marsh and compare with Tess, it's quite amazing how pampered your dog is. My dogs have never worn collars or coats and certainly never visited a hairdresser, gawd.
    Really looking forward to the Election, not only will it block out all that Christmas hoo-ha but it will hopefully mean that a lot of Remainer MP's that have been holding things up will now get their come-uppance.

  2. Glad you,ve had some sunshine . It's wild weather here today , wind blowing from the East so I had to stuff the cracks around the back door with insulation stuff and newspaper to stop the cold draught ! Cant wait to see Tess's new hair do ! :) x

  3. It sounds as thought Tess has had a complete makeover. How very stylish she must look!

  4. It has suddenly turned cold down here and leaves have changed colour and many have fallen almost overnight. Tess will be glad of her warm coat after her trim. She will look very smart. I'm not sure what I feel about the forthcoming election. Whatever the outcome, I just hope it will shut the moaners up.

  5. I was at Westonbirt on Sunday which was a beautiful sunny day. The maples were outstanding especially in the sunshine showing their glowing red, yellow or orange. I am pleased Leyburn has had some dry weather. Tess will be glad of her coat after a hair cut.

  6. Derek - if my dog didn't visit the dog-groomer regularly her coat would become impossible. As it is she has an allergy to grass which gives her a skin rash and only regular cutting to keep her coat short and trim keeps it more or less at bay. Compared with most dogs on the estate (and there are many) she is amongst the least pampered. Do you bath your dogs? I can't manage to do that - I have no bath and I cannot stand up easily in the shower without holding on, so that is out.

    Lucky you Gillian - I am green with envy.

  7. Tess will look very beautiful with her shampoo, trim, harness and coat. I can['t wait to see a photo.
    I found a fabulous groomer who takes such great care of the Square Black Ones we take them every 4 weeks They were so wonderful with Watson when he was deaf and almost blind and with Hamish when he was getting so ill. Now they take care of Winston and he looks and feels wonderful
    We will take Agatha there when we feel she will be able to handle it. She is getting stronger everyday.

  8. If the pre-Christmas election is based on Brexit, and not on domestic policies, the country's problems will remain exactly as they were before. The only way I see to solve this problem is to hold a decisive Brexit referendum first, then a General Election later.

  9. Pat, I have always fancied having a Border Terrier but it is the regular trimming that has always put me off. As for bathing my dog, yes, but only about 3-4 times a year or if it rolls on something nasty. I guess I have always seen my terriers as hardy, working dogs and I despair sometimes at some of the pampered pooches that I see, such as Yorkies with bows on their head.

  10. It is now cold enough here in the mornings for me to want gloves and my padded coat for the way to work. Amazing how quickly the cold has arrived; only on Sunday, we still had about 20C during the day.
    The UK has been dominating our main TV news for a long time now, and it looks like this won't change much until all is said and done.

  11. Your mention of the Westonbirt Arboretum prompted a memory of a visit there many years back in the depths of an English winter. In spite of that I was very impressed with every thing I saw, it was lovely.

  12. It's beginning to feel as though winter is just around the corner. The General Election will not brighten my days much either! Perhaps a haircut will make things seem better! :)

  13. I am pleased Derek that we solved the problem of grooming. I agree some dogs need it while others dont. I had a German Short Haired Pointer for twelve years - don't think he ever even needed a bath - he rather liked going in the river in summer and that was enough. Agree about Yorkies.
