Thursday 17 October 2019

The Camera does not lie!

My friend has just sent me a photograph of me with the Orange Trio so that you can see what it (and I) looks like.   Sadly I can't get it to download - perhaps it is as well.   They say the camera doesn't lie - well all I can say is that I look about a hundred (and I am only eighty seven next week).

My builders have finished, left everywhere neat and tidy and gone away.   Now we wait to see if it will work and if the wall will  dry out.   I am keeping the room well aired during the day and then, when the heating comes on around tea time I am  closing the bedroom door so that the room gets nice and warm.   We shall see, but fingers crossed. 

I have found a replacement gardener to finish the pre-winter jobs as my gardener is laid up with a back injury.   At the moment he is mowing the front lawn and then he is going to plant some bulbs for me.   When I was such a keen gardener it is very irritating not being able to do it myself.   At least we are having a fine day again today - two in a row is almost unheard of for the last month.
More to add later hopefully but busy right now.  I shall return


  1. Now I want to see the photo of you and the orange trio. I don't do any major gardening either and want to hire a gardener one of these days.

  2. See. Worries eased a bit. Simples!

  3. I'd be inclined to leave the bedroom door open when the heating's on, so the damp that is drawn out of the wall has somewhere to disperse rather than circulate as damp, warm air in the closed room.
    Good news on the gardener - try not to wear this one out.

    1. Agree with Derek. Circulation of air throughout the bungalow is the better idea. x

  4. Lets me be the first to wish you a happy birthday then! Cameras, you can't trust them at all.

  5. Congratulations on a) the builders' job finished and b) finding a new gardener! I'm glad to know the jobs that need doing in and around your house are going to be done; I know how important neatness etc. are to you.

  6. Oh yes, now we want to seeeeee that picture! -gigggles-

    Hooray for having the work done. Certainly hope they did a good job, and all will be fixed.

    And hooray for the new gardener too. With age, if we are Wise, we realize when we can no longer easily do, certain jobs. It's simply called "life"... -smile-


  7. I make sure I am BEHIND the camera these days! Glad you got the problem sorted and hope that the bill wasn't too indigestible!

  8. I hope to see the photo !
    I have a gardner but I would rather do it myself but I can't.

  9. I hate having my photo taken and can never believe I look like 'that'! Glad the house is back to normal and that you have a replacement gardener. You won't have to worry about the planting now. We had two glorious days down here but today resorted to rain again. We just have to make the most of the lovely days, and at least we don't suffer from droughts!

  10. I hope this gardener rests on the Sabbath.

  11. The camera does lie Weave, but in your case I am sure it is always honest.

  12. There will be gardening this weekend, forecast to be lovely.

  13. Vanity never leaves us of course, which is a good thing Pat. Glad you have found a replacement gardener, take it easy and enjoy the garden from afar.

  14. Thanks for the cheery words everybody.

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