Monday 21 October 2019


Perhaps our first completely dry day for many weeks - although the sky was often quite cloudy there was no rain about.    My replacement gardener (my usual one has damaged his back) came and mowed my lawn for the last time at the end of last week and also replanted my two front-door-side tubs with violas, dwarf daffodils and polyanthus.   Today he returned to water my Mares Tail weed with strong weed killer - we can but try.   I must say it is pleasing to see everywhere looking a bit tidier again for the Winter.

Indoors my humidifier (or is it a de-humidifier?) is still going in the bedroom although it doesn't seem to be gathering much water any more and when I went into the bedroom to check on it this evening it had switched itself on to Auto.   Does anyone out there know anything about the workings of such things?

Until tomorrow.


  1. That is probably a good sign that the wall is beginning to dry out. Even so, you may want to keep the dehumidifier running on Auto for a while so the deep down insides of the wall can dry out as well as the surface. Most people here in coastal Maine have them, as our basements tend to get wet in the fall and spring, and summers can be muggy.

  2. My dehumidifier turns itself off when the water tank is full. Once emptied and put back in it turns back on.

  3. I concur with Shady - empty the tank every day without fail.

  4. That sounds like good news to me, and as if the wall is drying out. Your garden will look so pretty in spring with all the attention it has been getting.

  5. The tank may be hard to empty and balance,especially when full. Maybe the nice dog walker can assist.

  6. A friend of mine had a 'Cavity Wall Insulation' company, and would install a dehumidifier whilst working on damp houses. He often emptied huge amounts of water from them; several times a day. It sounds to me as yours is OK.

  7. Good job(s) on the garden front. I am sure it looks as neat and tidy as we know your place to be, from the photos you showed us some time ago.

  8. The exact opposite to you, weather wise, here on Sheppey, we had one of our wettest days for a long time. It rained non-stop for 12 hrs all day and everywhere is pretty wet and cold.
    Surprised at your comment about last cut of the year re. the lawn. My lawns are now growing so fast that it would be impossible to leave them more than a week or so. This last few winters we have had to mow a few times during the winter and it's a real pain.

  9. Glad to hear that both wall and weather are getting drier. A pretty miserable day down here yesterday, what my father would have called a "wet day with no rain".

  10. Thanks for all the advice about the de humidifier. I called in at the place where I hired it this morning and he said sounds to be working perfectly. As it is charged by the week and I hired it on the eighteenth he suggests I keep it running until the 25th, which is Friday and see how it is working then. So I shall do so.

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