Monday 30 September 2019


It has been an absolutely beautiful morning here - warm brilliant sunshine and no wind.   Now, at quarter past four heavy dark clouds are rolling in and rain is forecast again.   I personally feel so much better when the sun is shining.   Now I read in today's Times that the weather forecasters are predicting a bad winter with the first snows set to arrive by the end of October.    I hardly dare think about it.   Cold and me don't mix these days and neither do slippery footpaths and me.   Ah well - let's think about other things.

All along our road summer bedding is disappearing.   A few doors away from me was an absolutely beautiful display of purple petunias - the lady had grown them from seed and was so pleased with them.   Today she is digging them out.   They were battered when we were all flooded a month ago but they recovered only to be battered again with yesterday's twenty four hours of rain - the last straw.   Always sad to say goodbye to summer bedding. 

Speaking of rain - after the 196 starters in the  peloton at theWorld Cycling Championships around North Yorkshire only 46 finished after the six and a half miles and as they crossed the finishing line one of the leaders vomited and all were soaking wet through.   The joys of cycling eh!

Off to get cheese on toast for my tea now.   See you tomorrow.


  1. Down here on Sheppey we're now getting regular bouts of rain, so no more going on about droughts at the moment, but we're still a long way from seeing water levels restored on the reserve, the ditches are still three/four feet lower than average, but we're on the way. Haven't seen the news about the snow by November but then I don't read The Times, it'll be interesting times if it happens.

  2. A lot of our road drains are blocked. I cleared one with my boot, perfect underneath. Cheese on toast, yum!

  3. We seem to be perfectly synchronised today; bright morning, rain moving in and cheese on toast for tea! My petunias are looking very sad too but I'll give them anther day or two.

  4. My children are coping with 40cm of snow on the prairies. I retired to the wet but warmer coast realizing I would not want to cope with such foul weather as I aged.

  5. Cheese on toast -- what a good idea! There's my Monday night supper in Maine decided on. You are more powerful than you might realize -- influencing weeknight menus thousands of miles away.

  6. Still haven't had as much rain here as most places, the wide ditch over the lane is still empty.
    First snow in October would be very unusual nowadays - so I hope they are wrong

  7. I had eggs on toast for lunch (working from home today) and am going to start on a salad for my tea soon.
    Late summer flowers are still very prominent in the gardens around here, and thankfully most of them seem to have survived last night's storm Mortimer.
    I'm not keen on early snow, either - in town, it only looks beautiful for a very short time, before turning into grey-brown sludge on the pavements and roads.

  8. I don't know where you hear these things. I think it is best to avoid all media and go by the pine cones personally. They, and my cats, forecast each morning and get it right. I will check with them nearer the end of the month and let you know if bad weather is expected.

  9. It was raining so hard this evening it sounded as if the window cleaners were at work. Well done to the 46 riders who completed the course. What atrocious conditions they had to contend with.
    I don't relish icy paths either and if it looks bad outside I don't go out. However, I can usually keep warm in winter whereas I find it much harder to keep cool in hot weather.

  10. Thanks for that Rachel - might just do that. The Times is depressing at the moment on all fronts.

  11. I need to get out this weekend and clean out some flower pots. The baskets of mandevillas remain beautiful. Well, thinning a little, but still beautiful.

  12. Perhaps that's the answer Pat, get a bag of pine cones and a cat, if nothing else, the cat would keep Tess active.

  13. I might just be getting a cat Derek - that big ginger Tom who frequently sleeps in my garden is looking decidedly under-nourished and I am beginning to think he might be a stray/wild after all. I am going to put some food out for him tonight to see if I can feed him up a bit.

    Thanks everyone for responding.

  14. I am a little late in responding to the post where you talk about stress. I find I have similar experiences. I do not live alone, but I am older, and I find myself "stewing" over things more than I did in the past., I am fortunate that I have a fitness centre very close to where I live, and I find that getting myself there, and chatting to people I meet when I get there helps, or just being out and about sometimes puts my worry into a less stressed out category. I enjoy your blog. Often driving in bad weather will give me stress, almost an anticipation stress. jean winnipeg

  15. I read how being 80 has brought with it some stress moments, but you have this blog and the internet as well as regular days out with friends, so I think you're doing amazingly well.
    I am 76 going on 77 but I have my wonderful husband and have to stop him doing too much for me!.. but I have wobbly days as I have bad knees and a duff right arm which I broke 4 1/2 years ago and hasn't healed so I am incapacitated in that way.. but I carry on. Keep smiling and walking Tess that's the best medicine.

  16. Thank you for leaving such a nice comment on my blog. I don't seem to be able to stop making books, but the ideas take longer to prepare themselves for production!

  17. That cycling race, which I watched most of, was a real test of endurance!

  18. Oh you had the torrential rain yesterday . . . . yes ...cheese on toast is definitely the best thing to cheer us up on days like these ! :)
