Saturday 24 August 2019

Too hot.

It has been a lovely day here, a day of warm sunshine and with a gentle breeze.   A perfect day for the Wensleydale Agricultural Show.   People flocked there in their thousands (the car park is behind my garden and it filled up quickly).  During the afternoon friend W called and we went to our local Ice Cream Parlour (Brymor Ice Cream) - and we sat indoors there and ate our ice creams.   Then it was home again.

I haven't taken Tess out other than into the garden all day as she doesn't perform well in hot weather but we went on a walk after tea when it was beginning to cool down.

My arthritis does not like the hot weather and has been very painful all day, which is probably why I have been so tired.   Now that it is cooling down a bit I am beginning to get my second wind.   I can't imagine what I would be like living in the Tropics.


  1. The heat tends to wipe me out. As much as I complain about our weather here I couldn't live in a hot climate now.

  2. I couldnt either. Way too hot. Scotland in the 20+degrees NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

  3. It's humidity on top of heat that gets me. I am completely useless. It's sad that I spend the early months of the year longing to be warm, then when it comes I long for it to be cool enough to need a cardigan!

  4. I couldn't live anywhere hot. I get hot too quickly (my hair was soaked earlier, just from doing a bit of gardening -I had to pour a jug of water over my head to cool down!!) My asthma hates the combination of heat and humidity too.

    Envious of your icecream - I can't eat it at present and forgot to top up with some lollies for the freezer this week. (Hence the cold water!)

  5. I have lived in the tropics since my marriage over 51 years ago and I still complain about the humidity! I grew up in inland Australia with a dry heat, much easier to cope with. I
    could not cope with your cold winters now, I complain about the temperature when it goes below 6 degrees! Mind you I complain also when it goes over 28 degrees. Extremes seem so much harder to tolerate as we get older.

  6. I live where it is hot hot hot but it was only 92 today. Quite cool for us.

  7. No surprises with that blog title then and some of the comments.
    I imagine that at least some of the people there, who are still drying out their houses after the recent flooding, must be enjoying the opportunity to get some warm air through their properties.

  8. Derek was expecting this post and the comments, weren't you, Derek, you said so in another comment not long ago :-)
    I, for one, am glad we have some summery weather back after a few unseasonably chilly days. To sit on my settee in the evening, wrapped in a blanket, nursing a mug of hot tea and briefly considering whether or not to turn the heating on - that should not happen in August in my part of the globe!

  9. I rather suspect that the title was there for a purpose Librarian but I have the same thoughts as you.

  10. Each to his own I guess but I also guess that those of you who adore hot weather are not struggling with athritis in their feet and legs. I walked round with Tess this morning - very slowly - at seven o'clock but it was still hard and painful work. But again there is a nice conversation going on between you all and I like that.

  11. I don't like it overly hot here in UK, but was on holiday in Singapore in April and was surprised that I didn't once complain about the heat (it was 32 degrees every day). Perhaps because I had no housework to do!

  12. I understand what you mean about eroding your confidence what you do something thoughtlessly stupid. Although I am only 77, it happens to me quite often. It is very worrisome. I would have never given it a thought when I was younger but now it has become a cause for concern.
    After much heat, it has cooled down very nicely here in Indiana, USA. Nice cool mornings and decent daytime highs.
    I enjoy readings your blog.
