Sunday 18 August 2019


I returned from my usual Sunday lunch out to find that my gardener had been and mowed my lawn - it was really long and ready for doing but keeping it that bit longer does keep it healthier.   A friend's daughter called an hour before I went out for lunch and asked if they could take Tess for a walk with their dog, Meg, so Tess had a day out too and came back half an hour after I did.   Since then she has slept in her basket and has not attempted to eat her tea so I think they have worn her out.   I must say she is such a trusting dog that she would go off with anybody who invited her to do so.   She would sell her soul for a walk.

Lunch out with three friends as usual - it makes such a pleasant Sunday rather than a lonely one.  We always go to the same place and almost always we have Salmon Florentine (salmon steak on a bed of spinach) with Hollandaise Sauce.   I am becoming a creature of habit - something I thought would never happen. 

There is a busy week lined up for the coming week with Strugglers on Tuesday (followed by lunch out), our Poetry meeting on Wednesday and my usual hair appointments on Thursday and then back to our lunch out on Friday.   The days whizz by in a flash as do the weeks.   At least I can't complain that time drags.


  1. Wish my "lunches out" friend was still around. You're the source of envy!

  2. Your week sounds perfect. I love your line about Tess selling her soul for a walk! -Jenn

  3. It sounds like you've had a perfect day and have a busy week to look forward to!

  4. A nap with Tess after a walk is a nice image.

  5. 'A person of habit' - sounds very good. It enables things to run smoothly and effortlessly with minimum dependence on anything or anyone.

  6. Filling the week with such wonderful "obligations" is the smartest thing we old folks do, eh?

  7. There's nothing wrong with 'routine'. Most of us thrive on it.

  8. Sounds quite lovely to me

  9. Things to look forward to and happiness with the weekend, a contented life.

  10. I find comfort in routine and habits, as long as they are broken up every now and then by special events and new or unusual things to do, and I guess pretty much the same is true for most people.
    It is good to know that Tess is the kind of dog everyone can take for a walk, even with other dogs present she is no fuss, it appears.

  11. It's good to be busy, isn't it? I am definitely a creature of habit and take comfort in it knowing that I am less likely to forget something. Or at least hoping so.
    Another busy week ahead. Where does the time go?

  12. Enjoy your week, I'm sure you enjoyed your salmon. I'm looking forward to meeting three cousins from distant parts on Friday.

  13. Yes - I do enjoy routine - it seems tomake the time go more quickly. Thanks for calling.
