Wednesday 14 August 2019


Gentle rain all day today - the kind of day we would welcome if it had been dry for a couple of weeks and the gardens needed it.   My antirrinhums are now in full bloom - all pinks and reds with the odd yellow one thrown in for variety - good to see.
My fox gloves are slowly recovering and looking stronger every day after being nearly washed away.  What a nation of amateur gardeners we are.

J, who lives nearby, lost her husband three years ago to cancer.   She now works tirelessly for cancer charities and is at present selling raffle 
 tickets for a huge raffle - and at the same time trawling round local businesses asking for prizes.
This is not an easy  nor is it a pleasant job.   But she is doing it in good heart and getting amazing generosity from our local businesses - one exception but we shall ignore that.   The draw is to take place before the end of the month, so time is of the essence and she is working so hard - and she is well into her seventies.   A case of wear the old ones out first methinks.

Tess's walk today with friend S was short and sweet because barely had they set off when the rain came down harder for a while and they gave in and came home but wees and poos were noted - always an important thing with ones pets.

Now we are all locked up for the night and would you believe it I have the central heating on because it is so cold.   Both of my neighbours also have theirs on so it is not just me who was suffering.


  1. A gentle rain is perfect. I love fox gloves but don't seem to have much luck with them. Our evenings are getting cooler, too. -Jenn

  2. It's been wet here today but so very dark too. I have toyed with putting the heating on myself but I'm wearing my thicker dressing gown instead. X

  3. It has been murky here all day with a few intermittent showers. At one point this afternoon the temperature was around 20C but it is now cool again. I was hoping that summer would hang on a little while longer.

  4. We have the woodburner on. Very windy here now and worse tomorrow. Did we have a Summer?

  5. It is hard to imagine needing the heat as it is still quite hot here. We don't usually get cool nights until nearly October. It is so kind of your friend to work for a cancer charity. I try to support such charities as much as I can as I lost one of my brothers and my mother to cancer.

  6. And soon, I hope, the air conditioning will turn off!

  7. Last night I suddenly heard a bizarre dripping sound. I'd opened the Velux window as far as it would open, and it was raining. It's now nearly 6 am, and it still is. I do wish the meteo people would get it right occasionally.

  8. Goodness it is hot here but only 104 today !

  9. We had a similar day here all day and by early evening it was wet and chilly and getting dark far too early. With more rain forecast tomorrow (Friday) all of a sudden our continuous dryness looks like coming to an end.

  10. Mornings and nights are really chilly now here, too, and I need a jacket for my way to work. I wish summer would last just a little bit longer, it all seemed to turn round so suddenly.

  11. This is my first English summer for over thirteen years and I don't think much of it! Hope next year's is better.

  12. I spent a pleasant day listening to the live broadcast of the rain from Lord's Cricket Ground! Part of the day was an interview with Andrew Strauss and Glenn McGrath, both of whom lost their wives to cancer and have set up charities to help others.

  13. Heating on in August, the weather is crazy. Meanwhile in Italy we are having a heatwave, 35 deg the other day, we cannot get our bedroom below 28 deg so sleep is out of the question. You will be longing for our sunshine, we are dreaming of your rain, such is life.

  14. On our heating control box there's a 'one hour' button. It doesn't feel too indulgent to put the heating on for an hour when it's cold and been bucketing down all day!

  15. Well done to your friend J. I hope her efforts are successful.
    I am getting a bit fed up with wind and rain, and would like things to settle down a bit before we face them again in autumn.
    I am thinking of using my duvet tonight and have been sleeping under just the cover. I was also glad to wear a cardigan for the past couple of days. Maybe we'll get an Indian summer - she said optimistically!

  16. I'm in North Yorkshire too and my heating went on at teatime yesterday as I was freezing, despite putting on an extra layer and thick comfy slippers!

  17. Not a brilliant day yesterday here. Hill tops not available to view. Much better this morning but windy. The bottles of fizz in the fridge, waiting for a sunny warm afternoon, may not be drunk this year.- What a shame. Going down to East Sussex next week where it always seems at least 1 coat warmer.

  18. Cold and miserable summers are nothing new. I can remember as a child one harvest all of us wearing our winter clothes getting the harvest in, in August, including overcoats which for me was my school coat, and the combine harvester being towed round the field by a tractor because the fields were so wet.

  19. O for an Indian summer indeed. Weather wise outside seems warmer than inside the house. Too much rain and wind for gardening.

  20. Thelma -I agree with you it is warmer outside than it is inside.
    Helen - enjoy East Sussex if you are not there on Sunday for me to tell you.
