Wednesday 28 August 2019

It has arrived.

Leather jacket two has arrived and I love it.  I would hardly call the colour 'raspberry' more of a mid brownish colour but it fits well and will certainly be kept by me.   It is already hanging next to its leather 'sister' which I bought last year so I am sure it feels at home.   As soon as I find somebody to take my photograph in it I will post it on here as promised.   There is nothing like a new jacket or any clothing for that matter to make one feel good is there?

D, my gardener, has been and cut my lawns today and they are looking good.   He has fed them both well and cuts them long which has made all the difference - he has also fed them mid-season which helps.

Much cooler here today and I must say that it is more my kind of weather - and Tess's too I feel.   I might even have a couple of crumpets for tea - real Autumn food if ever there was one.  (any excuse)


  1. Crumpets sound delicious. I'm looking forward to a chocolate cupcake. We've been baking this afternoon.
    Im glad the temperature is more comfortable for you. X

  2. Can't wait to see a photo of you and your new jacket
    Your weather sounds wonderful, today mine will be 104 and thunderstorms.
    So tired of all this heat.

  3. Who dreams up the names for these colours? I'm sure they're paid more than I ever was when farming or looking after children with disabilities. I'm sure you're quite the fashion icon in whatever shade you wear.

  4. I wish I could speak about my lawns in the same way, what parts that are still alive, still haven't needed to be cut for over a month, no grass is growing. Some parts never recovered after last year's drought and are properly dead and so this winter I am going to scratch it over and sow a wildflower meadow on it. Might look a bit odd as people walk by but it's gotta be better than a load of dead thatch.
    Does your leather jacket have leather tassels running down the underneath of each arm.

  5. The jacket sounds great I'm looking forward to seeing a photo.

  6. Crumpets. Yum. With lashings of butter melting into the holes and a spoonful of honey.

  7. Now you need the motorcycle Weave.

  8. No Derek - no tassels.

    Rachel - I think on balance I prefer thick white bread toasted and served with lashings of butter. Just succumbed to the temptation of crumpets which of course is why the Co-op puts a basket of them in the aisle to trip me up.

  9. Crumpet!

    You should have had two jacket potatoes :- )

  10. Looking forward to seeing you in your new jacket. I have just ordered a new coat to wear to a wedding in October. I hope I like it when it arrives.
    Cooler here today. thank goodness. I am looking forward to having a little energy as long as it doesn't go back to being hot and humid.

  11. Haha Gwil. Anything special is good and good for the day.

  12. Standing in the garden last night at 8.00, under cloudy skies and in a chilly temperature and with it almost dark, it was quite depressing to realise that our brief hot spell is now over and not only that, the days are speedily getting shorter. Hopefully, we'll get at least one more hot spell before summer ends.

  13. Derek, I really like the idea of a wildflower meadow in your garden and hope you will have one next summer and post pictures of it on your blog.
    Pat, you are right about new clothing, there is just something about it that can really make a difference to how we feel. I bought a few new things for autumn last week and hope to get to wear at least one of the new dresses during my upcoming holiday (mountain hiking in Austria - not exactly an activity I'll undertake in a dress, but there will always be our evening meals at the hotel!).

  14. I'd kill for a pack of crumpets; but I'd freeze them till winter.

  15. Cro - never thought of freezing them - shall now do that in case I feel like having one for supper one night.
    Derek - wild flower meadow sounds marvellous. There is one between here and Bedale which I pass often. It can be glorious in mid summer. I would love to photograph it for my blog but it really is in such a dangerous place that it would be impossible.
    Thanks everyone.


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