Monday 26 August 2019

A Non Day

Well I am certainly putting today's experience down to old age and I am sure you will agree.   All the time we are being told to drink plenty and take care if we are elderly and the weather is very hot.

This morning I got up quite early - I didn't sleep well - had my breakfast (a peach and a banana) - stripped the bed and put on the washing machine. o  By nine o'clock I was tidy all round the house, the washer was going round merrily and I thought of having a shower, getting dressed and taking Tess for her walk before it got any hotter.   But first I switched on the computer to read my e mails and get up to date on yesterday's post.  H next door passed my window and called through the patio doors (open already) to say she had dug up two small Alchemilla Mollis plants which she knew I would like.    I thanked her, we chatted for awhile and when she went I pegged the sheets on the line.  I had my shower, went into the bedroom to get dressed,  didn't resist the temptation to lay on the bed for a minute and woke up two hours later.

By this time it was far too hot to take Tess for a walk, I got dressed, microwaved a jacket potato for my lunch, adding a little salad.   Ate it and fell asleep in the chair and again woke up two hours later.

We are told that if we are elderly we should avoid the hot weather if it is upsetting us, so I have done nothing at all today.   Tess has not been for a walk, she has been in and out from the back garden all day.   I feel mean but I just don;t feel up to it.   Later in the evening I shall phone my son and if he is in ask if he can come and take her for a walk.  I just don't feel safe enough to venture out.   It is very hot indeed here.



  1. We do have a breeze here as I'm about 3 miles from the coast. I've been for a walk but found myself walking on the shaded side of the road. You are doing the right thing. Stay safe.

  2. Stripping the bed, washing and pegging the sheets and making yourself lunch does not sound like you've done "nothing at all"!
    Isn't Tess also glad to stay in the relative coolness and shade of the house?
    You do well do give your body the rest it wants. In my opinion, when we fall asleep, it is because we need the sleep.

  3. You were plenty busy on a hot day, it is not in your power to keep going ALL day, so accept that sleeping in daytime because of the heat is normal. And don't feel guilty about Tess, she will survive.


  4. Dog Days.

    Peg out the sheets
    In 30 degrees?

    Take care
    Not to peg out yourself.

  5. Suppose it affects us all different ways and you are most certainly doing what you should be.. OK I'm only 72 and a tad arthritic but I love this weather and it's the best I've felt for ages. Went out on the reserve with my dog at 6.00 when it was lovely and cool and fresh and then two long cycle rides along the sea front this morning and afternoon and some gardening.

  6. Same here. We used to bask in the sun for hours a few years back but not any more.
    We often take a few winks and find we have been asleep for a couple of hours, lol
    I used to mind but take it as it comes now although I still resent this getting old thingy. lol

  7. Sounds like my Saturday. My roomie was out before 7 cutting grass while I got dressed & ready to go shopping as soon as the shop opened. Since I'm only 3 months out of the hospital & dragging an oxygen tank, I do things slowly & between naps on these hot days too. Both of us had a cold milk shake for lunch & a nap. He seemed to nap off & on all day between jobs while I knit & worked on bookkeeping. LOL In the old days we'd be out going here & there & visiting. Now we go out for breakfast sometimes then off to medical appointments & even with the naps we're in bed before 9. Are these really the "GOLDEN YEARS'? I think my 40's were a lot more golden than these!

  8. As others have said, it seems you were certainly busy enough for such a hot day and if you fell asleep you must have needed it. I hope you are feeling more rested now. Take care.

  9. We tend to blame age and weather for everything. Perhaps we should revise our priorities instead.
    The 7-hour sleep is a well-known health formula, a Must, a great metabolic booster. If it so happens that I (in my seventies) manage to sleep only 4-5 hours during the night, I'll do my best to complete the remaining hours during the next day. Otherwise, I shall have to bear unpleasant consequences such as fatigue, weight gain etc..

  10. A very hot day, so having a nap after a bad night sound like a good thing. Temps dropping as the week goes on - Take care

  11. if it is very hot it is not good for their paws. My dogs have been flopping about, under the hedge then back in the house, in to the paddling pool and then back to the hedge. We took them in the forest at 6am there were many people there with their dogs.

  12. I tried to take my border terrier out at 7am when it was quite cool. He went about 20 yards and then turned round and went home, even tho he didn't go out yesterday. You're being sensible not going out if you don't feel up to it. It honestly won't do Tess any harm to skip a day and as you say you've got the garden. Please don't worry and do take care of yourself.

  13. Perfectly normal! When it's that hot, your main job is to go slow, take it easy, and keep cool. And best for Tess to do the same.

  14. The same has been happening to me. I try to have a short walk each day. I wake quite early most days, start the day gently and try to get out before it becomes too hot. I am often back by 10am and have fallen asleep over the crossword by 11am. When it's hot I don't fight it. I hope I find a bit of energy when things get cooler. No guarantees though.

  15. Best way to be, don't force yourself to do what your body doesn't want to do. Go with it.

  16. My vet has now put a notice up saying "We are on our 5th animal of the day presenting with acute heat stress brought on by inappropriate care during this extreme heat. Two have died and three more are being treated.

    Do not walk your dog today. Do not throw balls and allow them to run around the garden with children. They will NOT miss the exercise."

  17. It's dreadfully and dangerously hot here in Georgia, too. I try to do any work outside before 10 am and after 5:30 pm. In between it's inside - dogs, too - and I've been napping quite a bit, too. It's only sensible :)

  18. Thank you for all the tips, especially that notice in the vets/
