Tuesday 16 July 2019


For almost the first time this summer it has been a very warm day, although here there is still quite a strong wind - in some ways a welcome one.

It was our monthly 'Strugglers' meeting this morning.   We meet in the local Quaker Meeting House - sometimes as many as nine of us but this morning only five.  The idea is to have silence for a while and then to discuss anything we wish to air to one another - any problem we have which needs a chat, anything which is troubling us in any way.

This morning W talked about Labyrinths.   She brought several hand-out sheets and first of all we tried to draw one - easier said than done but we all mastered it in the end.   Then we tried making one in twos - we made it on table tops using wool.  I took quite a while with V to construct it - W took a photo on her i phone and I have put it into my pictures, but it won't transfer to show you for some reason.   Labyrinths are fascinating things and go back into antiquity - I intend to read up on them when I have a chance.

As it is, my reading at the moment has to concentrate on my Book Group book for next session on the first Monday in the month.   It is a collection of essays and in order to finish it in time I really need to read and think about one essay a day.   I have read the first one today and it is proving fascinating reading.

Until tomorrow.


  1. I have a friend who has a canvas Labyrinth based on the one in Chartres cathedral, she takes it around to local primary schools where all the children walk the Labyrinth and sit in the centre for calmness, there does seem to be a revival of interest, thankfully.

  2. I built a labyrinth in my back yard. Here's my post about it, and why I built it, with photos.


  3. I just was going to tell you about Hiliary's labyrinth and how she likes it so well she worked bent over to clear out pails and pails of weeds this spring. Do go read it.

  4. Labyrinths have fascinated me since childhood, but it's been a long time since I've actually been to one.
    It is definitely a topic I would not expect at a Strugglers meeting, as I thought it was more about things that troubled the participants, to give them the possibility to talk about whatever it is that worries or troubles them.

  5. PS: Comment verification on your blog is getting rather lengthy, Pat. For this comment, I was asked to click on pictures of buses first, then crosswalks, and finally bicycles - it seemed to take "forever" until I was finally let through.

  6. What a wonderful labyrinth Hilary has built, a place of serenity and contentment. As a concept it has been around for thousands of years and appears on rock art....

  7. Hot and sunny here on Sheppey yesterday (Tues), with today set to be a repeat. Watering the garden seems pointless at the moment, it evaporates far too quickly.

  8. Librarian, do you not go straight to "Publish you comment" and ignore the verification bit. That's what I do.

  9. Overcast, very warm and sticky here today. I came back from shopping just as the window cleaners arrived so couldn't open any windows!
    Labyrinths are fascinating. I think I read somewhere that they were used for meditation as one walked along them.
    It's always good to a a book or two on hand. I like to read in bed for half and hour before putting out the light, if I can stay awake long enough.

  10. Derek, it won't let me click "publish" without verifying. I've tried, but it insists on that.

  11. Well, would you believe it - it did NOT insist on me proving that I am not a robot just now - I was actually able to "publish" without going through the verifying!!

  12. I am now going to go and look at Hilary's Labyrinth. Thanks everyone.
