Monday 15 April 2019


The news has just reported that Notre Dame in Paris is on fire.   No more news as I write this and we must hope that it was got under control before too much damage was done.  No doubt we shall know more in the morning.

Other news of course is of Tiger Woods's comeback after a few years in the wilderness.   You have to admire a man who can get himself back to that level of performance don't you?

I don't watch the News all that often because it is too depressing at the moment, but after my fall yesterday and three walks with Tess today and an hour playing ukuleles with friends I just felt like a sit down after tea.

I returned from ukuleles to find my gardener D was here removing a small area of lawn which I intend to have as an area of garden with small shrubs.   I did ask for suggestions from my readers but nothing much came forth.   At present there are two small box trees of conical shape waiting to go in. Tomorrow afternoon I intend to trawl a couple of local garden centres on the look out for something else to fill the space.   Never a dull moment.   Sleep well - I did in spite of my fall.



  1. I've just come in from an evening walk and seen the images from Paris. A massive fire in Notre Dame is an odd thing to happen at Easter. Makes one wonder.

  2. So sad about the Notre Dame.

  3. One of the main problems was getting all the people out and away from the cathedral. Hope some of it can be saved. Glad you are ok too.

  4. Heartbreaking news about Notre Dame. So glad you're not sore today and were able to get on with your busy day!

  5. Notre Dame looks to be in a terrible state,and still burning

  6. It’s so sad about Notre Dame, they say it’s just a shell now. I visited it many years ago and it was beautiful.
    On a different subject, you don’t fancy lavenders amongst your shrubs? Hope you’re not too sore after yesterday.

  7. How terrible that such a wonderful building has been damaged so badly. Glad you have suffered no ill effects after your fall. Perhaps a trip to a garden centre might provide inspiration for your new shrubs.

  8. Whoever would have thought that so much of it was of wooden structure.

  9. Ceanothus is always fun to have in your garden. Notre Dame looks very bad, one would have thought that restoration companies would be aware of the risks of fire. I suspect that the repairs were being done on a shoe string with aggressive tendering and other problems. The French elite will close ranks but the Internet is awash with reports of conflict between church and state over who should pay.

  10. I was so excited about Tiger. He overcame so much, physical stuff and stupidity. Notre Dame is our sad failure.

  11. Have you thought about putting an Erysimum " Bowles Mauve" in your garden. Mine has been flowering for several months now, and will continue until winter sets in, though it didn't really " sleep" this last winter. It is a mass of beautiful purple. Easy to take cutting too and make more plants! Hope you feel better soon after your fall.

  12. Still too soon to know what started the fire, but I really don't understand why contractors working on these ancient buildings are not more vigilant. Do they not have fire risk patrol people? They would have known that it contained so much wood. One careless action is all it takes.
    Such a beautiful building, although I remember the outside best, with those fabulous buttresses, seen from a little way down from the river.

  13. I suspect it will take Notre Dame longer to make a comeback than even Tiger Woods could manage. Still, York Minster achieved something similar, so lets hope it's possible for Notre Dame to be restored too.

  14. The fire at Windsor Castle was caused by someone knocking over a hot tungsten halogen light. These days they use cooler LED ones. I would not like to be the worker who was discovered having a crafty fag in the attic, or the lead-worker using a torch without proper safeguards.

  15. So sad about Notre Dame. I am glad you are not too sore after your fall.

  16. Vincas have lovely colours and dwarf hebes are a nice shrub. Pollie

  17. I'm glad there have been no repercussions from your fall. You are doing all the right things in retirement, a good social life, exercise, a pet and volunteering. It is not always as easy as it looks. Keeping up with current affairs is also supposed to be a good thing but my goodness it is so depressing. Fortunately we have seen most of it before and survived.

  18. Since we’re losing bees and butterflies I’ve read encouragement to plant things with the blue and yellow flowers that apparently particularly attract them. Lavender was mentioned of course. So many losses in both the built environment and natural one!
