Sunday 21 April 2019

Easter Day

Easter Day here has been unbroken sunshine again - a lovely day and set to be similar tomorrow before it all begins to slip away and colder weather returns.   At least Summer clothes have had an airing today even if they have to go back to their wardrobe tomorrow.

Today my son and his wife came out to Easter lunch with me - there were lots of families enjoying lunch together - a real holiday occasion.   Good food, good company. 

My neighbour, M, has spent the whole day from early this morning in her garden working hard.   As I drew my curtains ten minutes ago she was still out there working in the almost dark.   I was envious of her - there was a day when I could have done that.   Now, an hour and I have to go inside and make a cup of tea and sit down. 

The bad news today is from Sri Lanka - it is always somewhere.   Somewhere in the    world there seems always to be killing, hunger, something catastrophic of some kind or another.  And it seems to be getting worse rather than better.   We might have made huge strides forward in science and medicine and the like but we certainly have made no strides forward at all in humanity to man.


  1. It's one thing after another eh?

  2. And what causes all this hatred to be emptied by some on others' most auspicious times?

  3. Money is the root of all evil. I too get frustrated at not being able to get stuck into the garden. I can dead head the daffs and thats about it. Lovely weather here too. Think positive. x

  4. Such sad news from Sri Lanka.
    I too envy your neighbour, I can no longer see well enough to weed properly till they have grown so large they are almost impossible to pull out and are smothering the plants I wish to keep.
    I am glad you had such beautiful weather for Easter - rather miserable here in our part of Oz, showers on and off with grey skies in between. Cheers

  5. I feel that the non-Christian world is wanting to have its day. They may not have huge armies and weaponry, but they have guile! Expect more.

  6. Sad news from Sri Lanka, is religion at the heart of it? Or rather power 'blocks' manipulating the lesser countries.

  7. I agree with you entirely. But according to Stephen Pinker, who has made an extensive study of the data, the world is actually becoming a more peaceful place over the centuries; your chances of dying a violent death were much higher in the past. Meanwhile our chance of dying from skin cancer is much higher. Just shows how wrong we can be!

  8. Happy Easter to you, sounds like you had a lovely day! I spent 3 hours in the garden yesterday and am rather achy this morning. Very sad news from Sri Lanka.

  9. How I agree with your last paragraph. What can these violent acts achieve when hatred only breeds more hatred?
    I sat in our garden and did some drawing yesterday - it was so lovely even if I do have to sit in the shade!

  10. I too spent a lot of time sitting out in the garden enjoying the glorious sunshine and watching the husband working. I am now paying the price with a bout of hay fever. I think I shall have to avoid the news from now on as it is so depressing and frustrating that there is still so much hatred and bloodshed. Why can't we all just live together and get on with it?

  11. It was a nice day here, as well. Happy Easter! -Jenn

  12. Lovely sunny Easter south of the Equator too.
    As for Sri Lanka, ten years ago, at the end of their protracted civil war, thousands of people died in one year, civilians and fighters on both sides. The impact of that war continues today.
    While the recent deaths are not to be dismissed, the overall picture and the unfortunate history of this country should be kept in mind.
    For those keen to pin all unrest on religion, this long war rested on ethnic divisions and power struggles.

  13. Yes the civil war was all about power struggles and colonial times gone by are relevant to this, both Dutch and British too. With the Catholic churches being the targets of yesterday's attacks it is difficult not to see a religious motivation behind them even if the end result is the struggle for more power. The Catholics at this point were clearly seen as on the wrong side of the tracks.
