Thursday 21 March 2019


Thursday and plenty to do today - almost too much, so that this evening I am pretty tired and achy and really don't feel like doing anything.   So I have walked the dog round the estate before it got dark - a nice gentle walk designed to wake me up (not successful).

Then I watched the dreadful news from Africa where the coastal area has been hit by the terrible cyclone and many have died and thousands more made homeless and at present open to disease and disaster as they are without any kind of aid.

What have I done to make me so tired?  Well it was our afternoon for playing for Alzheimer's patients and their carers.   There were a lot of people there and friend W handed out percussion instruments for them to play as we played our ukuleles and sang the old songs. We had a lovely Golden Labrador there and she really was the star attraction as everyone loved her.   In true dog form she went from person to person just to see if anyone had  any treats - one or two did and she accepted them gracefully (and then came back for more on the off chance).   It is a very tiring afternoon  - maybe the concentration - but a very worthwhile one to see people out in the community and so many remembering - and singing - the old songs .

The really amusing thing, which made everyone laugh with sheer delight, was when we all sang 'I'm forever blowing bubbles'.   One of the ladies in charge had some bubble mixture which she blew into the middle of the room as we sang.   The dog thought the bubbles were especially for her and ran about, jumping into the air in her effort to catch them.   This in turn delighted everyone and soon they were all laughing.   Such a pleasure to see. 

Another week over tomorrow.   How quickly they fly by.   Tomorrow ny darling farmer will have been gone for exactly two years.   Where have those two years gone?   It seems like only yesterday and I miss him every single day.


  1. I am glad that you enjoyed your day, even though it seems to have tired you out. My thoughts are with you for tomorrow. You obviously have lots of happy memories to see you through the sad time.

  2. It sounds like a really good day, though a tiring one. i cannot believe it is two years since your farmer died. I think you have wonderful memories of your life together. It is twelve years since my dear husband died and I still miss him, though life goes on. He never really saw three of his four grandchildren. And he loved children so much.

  3. I will think about you tomorrow as you reflect on the lovely life you had with your dear farmer. It’s 19 yeas tomorrow since my mother died aged 76. Kind thoughts.

  4. Yes, a good day, but tiring. Go to bed early.

  5. It doesn't take much to make me tired these days. It is just over two years since my husband died - it does need some effort to adjust to the new way of life.
    I am glad you gained so much pleasure from your afternoon of giving pleasure to others. Sweet dreams and wake refreshed in the morning.

  6. Two Years? It seems more recent to me.

  7. It does indeed seem a lot less than two years. This year in just over another half year, it will be 10 since Steve died - another unbelievable number of years.
    Some days are just more tiring than others, and you always have plenty to do, so it is no wonder you feel it!
    I love the idea of that room full of people singing and then lauging at the dog's antics.

  8. Please go to bed early and have rest.
    A big hug for you.XOXO

  9. It's so nice that everyone enjoyed the dog so much! My thoughts are with you for tomorrow. My first husband died 35 years ago - he was only 28. I still think about him every single day.

  10. You've done wonders in these two years, with such courage and grace. Your Farmer would be so proud of you. You are a shining inspiration to anyone learning to cope with such loss. May you have a restful night and a quiet day tomorrow.

  11. You have done so much in two years . My thoughts will be with you tomorrow.
    Hope you have a restful sleep tonight.
    I think of my Daughter all the time and I wonder what she would have grown up to be.

    xo, gayle

  12. What a lovely afternoon you had but I'm sure it was tiring as well. It does not seem like two years since you lost your Farmer. I will be thinking of you tomorrow.

  13. Well done to you and your friends for taking so much enjoyment to others. Fun and laughter certainly are the best medicine.

  14. I do hope you are rested tomorrow, such a wonderful thing you did for the residence. People respond to animals in such a positive way. So fortunate that the dog was a good sport.

  15. Sad and happy times, balancing your life exactly. What fun, blowing bubbles and the dog dancing around for the sheer joy of it.

  16. Without any kind of aid is a joke. We are always sending aid to Africa and Zimbabwe will not want aid from us, they don't like us. I guess they had bad weather did they?

  17. Thinking of you Weave. Bev x

  18. Without aid? - Britain has flown in tents and rescue kits and pledged £12 million for the humanitarian mission being mounted, the US government announced it's military would join the rescue effort, as are the armed forces of South Africa and Tanzania. The UN has also unloaded 22 tons of food supplies with 40 tons more on the way.

  19. Considering they shot Brits in their beds I am surprised Zimbabwe would touch anything from us with a barge pole...

  20. Today is our Golden Wedding day, but I am still thinking of you Weaver. It doesn't seem like 2 years since you lost your farmer. I still remember the poem his niece wrote for his funeral, such beautiful words.

  21. Thank you for so many positive thoughts sent my way. Love to you all.
