Monday 25 March 2019

This afternoon I had a small sewing job I needed doing and I happen to know a lady who does just such things.   What is more she lives in such a pretty part of Wensleydale that it is a joy to drive there and enjoy the scenery on the way.   Bright, sunny weather with a breeze added to the enjoyment as Tess and I tootled along.

It was much warmer up the Dale than it was at home and when I drove into the yard Mr. Sewing husband was sitting outside the door in the sunshine contemplating mowing the lawn.   He said he was in no hurry as he had 'all afternoon'.
Aren't we the lucky ones? 

On the way home we called at a small Nature Reserve where there are a few rare plants in Summer.   But as yet nothing, not even the grass, has started to grow but we enjoyed the meander.  Coming back in the car she was horribly sick - luckily on the floor - but it did mean that the minute I arrived home I had to remove the carpet and scrub it; not a brilliant end to what had been a lovely afternoon.

I took some photographs but can't find them.   If they appear tomorrow I will add them to the post.


  1. Goodness! What caused that? Had you noticed her eating grass, or scavenging? Our corgi used to get carsick, poor boy, but fortunately the Goldie doesn’t.

    And what a job scrubbing the carpet will have been. I don’t envy you that .. I hope you’ve managed to get rid of the smell.

  2. Yes, what a joy to be able to just sit outside enjoying the warmth of the sun. I did just that this afternoon while P was out having a gentle jog. Such luxury.
    Hope poor Tess is feeling better.

  3. Yes, up to that certain point, it sounds like a lovely day. It has been sunny here in Ripon, too, but rather chilly still with the breeze that seems to be the leftovers of yesterday's strong winds. We walked along the canal in the afternoon after a morning spent visiting sone of our favourite shops. i hope Tess us alright again.

  4. Hope Tess is ok. Sounds like pleasant day and good weather for a change.

  5. Very cold here. Bitter in the wind.

  6. Tess must have eaten something outside she shouldn't have - hope she's feeling better now. How nice to be able to combine getting your sewing job done with a beautiful ride. We had a sunny day here, too, but it's still breezy and cold. It's supposed to really warm up by the end of the week. Fingers crossed!

  7. Lovely day out till Tess got sick. Hope she is ok by now.

    cheers, parsnip

  8. Poor pup. No fun to have an upset stomach.

  9. There are some things about having a dog that I don't miss. Hope dear Tess is feeling better.

  10. Blimey, no grass growing, no mowing done, so lucky - we've been mowing lawns down here for the last month or so. Beautiful sunny day here but the cold wind reduced the warmth.

  11. Poor Tess, and poor you having to clean up. We have had beautiful days here for three days now and lawns have been mown too. Do hope Tess is better now and that you can find a sheltered spot in your garden to enjoy the sunshine.

  12. A small sewing job. Interesting. One wonders about needles and pins and sewing thread in the work basket at home.

  13. It is a surprise that there are people who professionally do sewing jobs, but a nice day out. Hope Tess is better.

  14. Right - to answer Rachel and Derek. I have Benign Essential Tremor in my hands. This means that I can't even hold a cup of tea if the cup is full, so I certainly have absolutely no chance whatsoever of either threading a needle or sewing a seam. I have given away all my sewing materials and my machine - I used to be a keen quilter, embroidered and crafter but cant do any of it now.

    Thanks everyone for your comments. As for Tess - there is no expression more true tha 'sick as a dog' - she was better within five minutes - sadly unable to wield a brish and a bucket of water. The carpet came out of the car, I put it on the path, poured water on it and swept it briskly - job done - good as new.

  15. Oh I see, might be a bit difficult. Playing the ukulele must be a bit tricky too.

  16. No Rachel it isn't because you only have to strum. The fingering is done with the left fingers and they are marginally better than the right but not much. Funnily enough , although my handwriting is dreadful because of it, I can do the crossword perfectly in my usual pre-tremor hand because I have a square to work in - it is a brain condition (but not serious) and somehow the squares in a crossword outline the space I have to write in and keep me right.
