Tuesday 19 March 2019

Improving weather

Gradually, bit by bit, the weather is improving, the wind is lessening and it is getting warmer - still a long way to go and it is the Equinox later this week so it had better hurry up.

My gardener has not been well but while I was out this morning he came and cut my front lawn for the first time.   It badly needs scarifying and he intends to undertake that shortly he says.   He has also cut back dead top growth on various plants and given them room to grow and take in the sunshine.   Of course I will not have got rid of my Mare's Tail weed - it takes years to eradicate - but hopefully there might be a little bit less than last year and he has enough weed killer to treat it once more once it begins to grow.

No more tulip bulbs have disappeared from my long border - I reckon I have lost about half of them - and they are growing well.   I planted three Shasta Daisy plants between them this week (Thanks Thelma of North Stoke for the idea) and have also ordered three Helenium to go in.   The next job is to create a small, square bed of dwarf shrubs just outside the front gate.   A small square of lawn needs lifting and my gardener will do that as soon as he feels a bit stronger.   There are also snowdrops to be split up while they are in the green - not the end of the world if it isn't done, but it would be good if we could catch them in time this year.   Sadly my garden is too steep for me to risk doing the job myself, although should there suddenly be a still, warm day I might be tempted to have a go.

Brexit, the events in New Zealand, the events in Zimbabwe and Mozambique - aren't we lucky here to be in a peaceful place - long may it last.   I do hope the statement is not tempting fate.   What is Brexit compared with the other two events?   We shall get there eventually, or not, as the case may be - I am not holding my breath.

If you feel like visiting a new blogger, do visit JayCee who has started a blog this week - after her retirement.   Sometimes it takes a while for blogs to get going - it would be nice to get her off to a good start.


  1. I seem to recall we have had terrorist attacks. Peaceful?

  2. Much better weather here too. I now have the new fence and it is lovely. Takes your mind off all the woes of the world.

  3. The good weather is coming right in time for my Yorkshire Holiday! I am hoping for a smooth flight on Thursday, and walk-friendly weather during our stay.
    You are right, the events in other parts of the world are so much worse, and I wonder how much is going on about which we never hear.

  4. Gardening, the cure for many problems - even if it did get off to a shaky start in the Book of Genesis. Today in the Botanic Gardens I fell into conversation with a Dutch man and a Muslim woman; talking about gardens and the weather, of course. All seemed well with the world.

  5. Our lawn is more moss than grass these days. Still, should be easier to mow when the warm weather arrives.
    I am thankful that we do live in a more peaceful part of the world over here. My brother in law will not visit as he thinks it is too boring, with nothing to do. Well, I am happy with boring if it means no terrorist attacks and murders thank you!

  6. Don't risk splitting the snowdrops.One slip ......Take care.Barbarax

  7. I'm glad to meet you here and enjoy your writings.

  8. Each time I go out I notice that there is a little more colour in the gardens and the borders are beginning to fill out. Such a lovely time of year.
    I have given up listening to the news and reading newspapers. So much misery and then can we be sure we are being told facts, and not someone's slant on current events. I am afraid that I have become rather cynical in my old age.
    In spite of the mess we are in I am still glad to be living in the UK.

  9. Thank you so much for your kind recommendation to visit my little blog. I shall have to up my game in case anyone starts to read it!
    I did my stint at the local hospice this morning. Left the house in thick fog, came out to brilliant sunshine. I hope the weather over your side is still spring-like?
