Friday 29 March 2019


Lovely lunch out today at our usual Friday venue.   We have gone through the menu once already and so decided today to have two starters one after the other instead of one larger main.   My starter was so delicious and so easy that I shall definitely put it on my list of starters to do - it would take all of five minutes - just a mixture of smoked chicken slices, chopped ready to eat apricots, golden sultanas and pea shoots.  A light dressing completes the dish and it looks really pretty as well as tasting good.

Another lovely day of unbroken sunshine was inviting me into the garden when I got back but sadly I can do so little because of my lack of mobility.   But I did manage to water my new plants and my pots.   The new plants already look to be settling in well so I am hopeful that they will like their new home.

With typical English aplomb the weather is set to turn much colder next week so I am savouring every minute that the sun is out and shining directly into my sitting room.   As I accidentally left my central heating on all night at a high setting I have it set low today and am letting the sun warm the room very successfully.  We have to snatch sunshine when it is around.

Until tomorrow.


  1. That starter salad you describe sounds delicious. I wonder where I could buy some smoked chicken so I could make it.

  2. Ah yes. We have a couple of glorious sunny days and fall into the trap of thinking that winter is finally over. My hubby cleared out the grate and had the chimney swept this week - all the fire accoutrements are now stored away - and they have forecast frost here over this weekend! It's all his fault!

  3. A great day down here too - and it looks as though we should get at least a fine morning tomorrow before the colder stuff arrives. I've been out for a good walk today, also making the most of the good weather.

  4. The warmest and sunniest day of our entire holiday so far, and like you, we have made the mostnof it with a stroll around Ripley Castle grounds and afterwards a walk from Ripley half,way to Burnt Yates and back, followed by tea/coffee on the sunny bench in front of our cottage. Some folks have been walking around in t-shirts and sandals - a little over-optimistic, as it was still a bit nippy with the wind.
    Glad yourmplants are doing well! I hope the frosty night forecast for Saturday to Sunday won't harm them.

  5. Warm and sunny here today and thru Sunday and then back to rain and cool temps.

  6. With the much-needed sunshine I have been working flat out in the garden. I also need to do some outside painting so hope to achieve that this weekend. Make hay while the sun shines.

    Your lunch sounded tasty and healthy. I bought some more perennial plants today (4 for £10) so have put them in the greenhouse overnight and hope to get them planted tomorrow.

  7. Rain this morning was supposed to clear up, but I still see it dripping off the roof from my cozy seat on the sofa. We're supposed to start out warmer tomorrow but then get colder with a possibility of a mixture of rain and snow Sunday morning. But it is slowly warming up, and I prefer that to going from one extreme to the other. Some years it seems we almost skip spring entirely and go directly to a very warm summer.

  8. Yes, our couple days of warm(ish) weather will be followed by freezing temps next week, preceded by rain today, with no sunshine. Have a great weekend.

  9. Enjoy your sunshine !
    A.C. on part of the day and I am looking at the pool so I can exercise. Maybe late April ?

    cheers, parsnip

  10. I have often thought that starters on a menu sound more interesting than the mains. The one you had sounds delicious.
    I have thoroughly enjoyed the lovely spring days we have had recently. I suppose they can't last for ever. Never mind - Spring has definitely arrived.

  11. Sun brings happiness, and the English weather teases us by being either hot or cold. We are going down the starter route as well, so much more interesting than great plates of stuff;)

  12. There is a fashion around here for restaurants which sell multiple small dishes rather than one large one. I have to say I don't go in for tapas style menus really. I like the old tradition of one thing on the daily menu - take it or leave it.

  13. Thanks everyone for your comments. Friday seems a long time ago.

  14. You have us spoiled with daily postings. Began to fret. Happy to see your comment here.

  15. Hope all is well with you Weaver. Pollie

  16. Just checking and hoping that you and Tess are ok Pat.
