Wednesday 6 February 2019

Staying in.

I have had to stay at home all day today because I ordered a new bookcase from The Cotswold Company and it was scheduled to come today.   They let me know that it would arrive between five and eight this evening but as friend S was coming to take Tess out I stayed at home.  T also came and before they went he very kindly cleared up a lot of cardboard and packing from my last Cotswold purchase - it was in the garage.   He took it all away and will take it to the tip for me tomorrow.   Now the garage is full again - this time from the excellent packaging round the bookcase.

I must ask whether my readers in the UK watched Don McCullin on BBC Four on Monday evening.   He is a photographer and he retraced his footsteps (he is now 83) from some of his past.   Both the images he photographed and the commentary he gave as he went round were very good.   If you didn't see it = I really recommend it.
Some (but not many) programmes stay with you and this is one of those for me at any rate.

It is now twenty minutes to eleven and I am more than ready for bed.   The electrician is coming to finish off tomorrow and the decorator is coming in the evening to fill in the holes where my down lights have been taken out in the bathroom.   I shall be happy to say good -bye to them.

Good night and sleep well.



  1. A day at home can be a blessing, but waiting for a delivery that doesn't come is the worst! Glad yours arrived in a timely fashion. Sweet dreams!

  2. Now you have all your book organizing to do! I hope you'll post a photo of the finished product! I had lots of running around to do today, but the weather stayed clear and dry until I got home. Then it started to rain and turned to freezing rain around the dinner hour. Everything out the windows appears to be covered with a layer of ice. I hope it's melted by morning.

  3. Did the delivery people also set the bookcase up for you, or did you assemble it yourself?
    Soon all those jobs around the house will be finished, and you'll be happy and safe - with hopefully no more "surprises" of that kind for a long time!

  4. I still remember seeing an interview with Don McCullin about twenty years ago, a man of almost hypnotic depth and intensity.

  5. It is all so techy now delivery, tracking emails, then you see that you are 76th on the list. Somehow the ability to track everything somehow takes the fun out of life but glad the bookcase arrived safely.

  6. These companies are glad you order things. They get nothing from me. I only order books from Waterstones on line, if I ever buy a new book which is rare, because they still use Royal Mail! I would not like an evening delivery of anything. Once night comes I shut up shop.

  7. Good sturdy furniture from that company. I have bookcases from them too. Colin was too poorly to do assembly so I was happy to find a company that delivered them in one piece

  8. I tried a couple of times to put my books in alphabetical order but they always end up rearranging themselves. Good luck with the new bookcase!

  9. A new bookcase - what fun you will have arranging all your precious books in it.
    Glad the various works are almost finished. You'll be pleased to have the house to yourself once more.
    Sadly, I didn't see that programme but it sounds so interesting. There are so many repeats on TV I hope that this will be shown again.

  10. I did see the Don McCullin programme and loved it.His photos are wonderful and he certainly is a very interesting and compelling man who seemed to be very good at relating to people.

  11. Hello there, from a long time reader who has never commented before! I adore the work of Don McCullin and have been an admirer of his outstanding photographs for many years. He has such a presence, an aura about him and this shines through in his work. I’m intending to go to the exhibition.

  12. I've just found your blog (via John Gray, GG) and will tune in again more frequently as I like your reflections on life. I saw the Don McCullin programme - what a remarkable man! I loved his photos and am well impressed by his fitness and continued zest for life.
