Friday 8 February 2019

Goodbye Joe.

At last Joe, my electrician, has finally packed away all his spanners, screwdrivers, flashing lights, all the things that made Tess a nervous wreck, and gone - finished, job completed, check list for a complete overhaul of my electrical system done.   His work has been exemplary - I
can't speak too highly of him.   For a week his van has been poorly and in being repaired at the garage so he has not been able to come.   But he popped in for a couple of hours yesterday to do a job which was urgent and then he came back today to tie up all the loose ends and finish. 

The urgent job yesterday was to remove the down lights in the bathroom at my request and fit me an ordinary bathroom light - it is absolutely lovely and the light it gives out (LED) is such a pleasant, soft light.   The job needed doing yesterday because the decorator had arranged to come in the evening to fill in the downlight holes and plaster over them.  Now the decorator is coming again tomorrow afternoon to give the four 'holes' a quick emulsion paint so that when he comes on Sunday morning to emulsion the whole ceiling it will be all done.   Why anyone wishes to have downlights escapes me - maybe they were all the rage at one time. 

Our usual lunch out today was, as always, delicious.  W had beef and stilton pie with roasted roots and a glass of red wine ;  I had fish pie with crispy kale and a glass of white wine.   Coffee afterwards and then home before Petpals arrived to take Tess for her afternoon walk.    As I write this she is fast asleep in her basket and has not moved out of it to go and eat her tea.   Seems to me a well-loved dog's life is a brilliant life.


  1. I like the sound of Ws lunch. Yum. Sounds to me like a very good day.

  2. Yes, an excellent day, and closing in on a finished loo. WooHoo.

  3. Your lunches make my mouth water and I'm glad your electrics are all in good working order.
    I think, if I come back on this earth I would like to be a well loved dog!

  4. Ah, Joe. I miss him already. Tom, Dick and Harry likewise.

  5. John - you can borrow my Joe now he has finished here - that is if he would be willing to travel to Wales and if you saw his very 'iffy' vehicle you would not expect him to agree.
    Tom - I do have a friend Tom and he is a great help. As for Dick and Harry - well the less said about the former the better knowing your mind.

  6. Getting together with friends over a meal and a glass of wine has to be the best antidote for the winter "blahs"!

  7. I thought it was going to be about Joe Buck as we had been talking about Midnight Cowboy earlier. I am most disappointed.

  8. Yes, A well loved dog has a brilliant life.

    cheers, parsnip

  9. Agree about downlights, we have 8 in the kitchen - 8 bulbs to change with difficulty!
    Dogs in happy homes do have brilliant lives and I expect Tess counts her blessings ;)

  10. It must be reassuring to have a job well done. X


  11. I bet you get a Christmas card from Joe.

  12. Maybe he'll be round with some roses on Valentine's Day?
