Thursday 17 January 2019


I always have an early hair appointment on a Thursday.   Yes, maybe it is lazy of me to always get someone else to wash my hair and persuade it into some kind of shape, but I cannot tell you how long it is since I washed it myself - definitely more than twenty years.   I go as soon as the hairdresser opens and so am home again half an hour later.

My rule is at least two - and often three - walks a day with Tess (not all that long as I am not capable of long walks, but far enough to get some fresh air and exercise).   I also have a rule that every day I do the Brain Exercises in The Times - a codeword, a killer, a quick crossword and a word circle.  Then if I feel inclined there are three Sudoku to go at, increasing in difficulty.   I try to read the newspaper - after all I have bought it - and hopefully a couple of chapters of a book I happen to be reading.   This, plus tidying up, planning lunch (if I am not eating out!) putting a post on my blog, reading other posts, various regular visits out, and my days are quite full.

Today was a  day when a small group of us visit an Alzheimers support group to play ukuleles and sing old songs.  It is always an enjoyable afternoon as everyone enjoys the singing and there is always a lovely atmosphere.   Friend A called for me because we are still at the stage where it may be dark before I arrive home and I can't drive in the dark.  When I arrive home it was still quite light - a month tomorrow since the Winter Solstice and at last it is beginning to lighten.   Do hope the old adage ' as the days lengthen the storms strengthen' does not apply this year.   It has certainly been a very cold day today - around two degrees and very sunny but with a sharp Northerly wind.

I have four tubs of pansies and polyanthus along the front of my bungalow - they were looking very sad this morning where the frost had caught them
but by afternoon they had perked up. Let's hope the sun puts in a good appearance tomorrow - it does the soul good.


  1. 3 minutes a day both sides of the Solstice. It soon adds up.

  2. It was still light at 4.30pm today whatever Tom means. It was light.

  3. I had to give up on my Sudoku today, still got brain fog.

  4. Make sure you water the pansies well before a freeze Pat.. It helps them.. :) Hugs! deb

  5. Thanks for the advice Debs - unfortunately I am reading this at 11p, so they will have to take their chance tonight but I will remember to do it before tomorrow night.
    Tom/Rachel - I think it is the Solstice we mean but I am in a muddle now too!
    Sue - I finally gave up on the super fiendish in the Times - couldn't find anywhere to go, so think I had got one in the wrong place early on in the puzzle.

  6. I'm very fortunate that my best girlfriend is a hairdresser and she does all the cutting and coloring for me. I don't even have to decide when I need it done - she'll look over at me and say, "You are ready for some color," or "You really need a little trim."

  7. I can usually tell how cold it's been by the morning state of my Globe Artichoke plants, but by 11am they're usually perky again.

  8. Did you really mean that you only have your hair washed once a week, or did I misunderstand.
    I was talking to my newsagent yesterday and he was telling me that he only sells 4 Times newspapers each day and only 16 of my paper The Telegraph.As you can imagine, The Sun outsells all others, perhaps people who read that paper get their brain stimulation from trying to find something interesting to read.

  9. Washing my hair is something that happens almost automatically with my morning shower, but I regularly go for colouring and I enjoy my visits at the hairdresser's. The lady who "does" me is also my neighbour and friend, and she is very good at massaging my head and neck when she washes the chemicals out. It is a small luxury I was not able to afford for many years; now that I can, I don't want to miss it anymore.
    You meant the solstice. Equinox is September and March 21, Solstice is December 21 (dates differ; some say 20 or 22).
    When I left work yesterday at 5:00 pm, I also found for the first time in many weeks that it was still almost daylight. Hooray!

  10. Well do not have the patience for crosswords, but am delighted those three minutes happen every day as it get lighter!

  11. I take my daily walk in the morning to buy a paper and enjoy doing the crosswords, have progressed to the cryptic ones but not in the Times, and I'm no good with Soduko.
    I feel for the garden plants on frosty mornings, they look so sad and cold, but how resilient they are. A bit like us, I suppose!

  12. Going to a hairdresser once a week sounds like a lovely idea. It’s companionable and pampering. I go once a month for a cut and colour and wash my hair in the shower otherwise. I remember as a teenager in the 60s, head over the sink and my sister pouring water over my head with a jug! No more thank goodness.
    Freezing here in Sheffield with snow forecast. x

  13. Derek - if you did a 'head count' I think you would find that many females of the species (human) only have their hair washed once a week. I can't afford more than that and as my hair is really now rather dry it would not be good for it to be washed any more.

    Thanks everyone for your comments.

  14. Many might be the case Pat, but most, if not all, of the women that I have known, have done the same as the Librarian and washed their hair every time that they have a shower. But then again, I have known some women that don't wash every day.

  15. I wash my hair about once a month.
