Sunday 6 January 2019


Sundays are always good in that I don't have to give lunch a thought as four of us always go out to lunch..  (prawn salad for me today I think).  Sunday is perhaps the hardest day of the week when one lives alone and going out to lunch passes a large part of the day.   Weather wise I think we have been very lucky up here in the North East of the UK.  Although there has been quite a lot of cloud we have also had quite long periods of sunshine (at the moment my garden is flooded with sunshine but it comes and goes).
All this does tend to lull one into a false sense that
Spring is on its way (herbaceous geranium, winter jasmine and pansy, viola and polyanthus in full bloom  do nothing to dispel these thoughts).   But there is nothing like a bit of sunshine to cheer one up in this rather dismal stage after Christmas.

Twelfth night been and gone, decorations away in a drawer.  I have looked through my cards (lots of robins this year) and when I go out to lunch I shall take them in a bag for my friend who will be there.   She makes all her cards and likes plenty of ideas.

So now it is all back to normal.   My Book Group meets here tomorrow to discuss the Robert Harris book 'An Officer and a Spy' - I always look forward to that.   The diary fills up - always good.  I have no desire to sit and vegitate.   While I can move I shall get about.   Still driving at present although I don't go all that far, but it does make life a lot more pleasant being able to just go to see friends or nip into town.   I had hoped when I moved here that I would be able to walk the mile or so into the town centre but I think it is just too far.

So, get back to your activities, put Christmas behind you.   I do hope that by now you have eaten up all the goodies.  I thought I had and was
intending to have a slightly frugal diet this week before I dare step on the scales - then this was absolutely destroyed last evening when I had a Mamma Mia Pizza from the take away (with chips and salad) - delicious.   Shall start the frugal eating tomorrow!



  1. "Twelfth night"

    What is that?

  2. Everyday reminds me I am alone when I get home to an empty house.

  3. You sound like H.I. - she eats twice as much as me. I miss Twelfth Night. The Victorians took away the Twelfth Night celebrations for the sake of productivity.

  4. After a whole week together, most of it spent here at my place for a change, O.K. has just left for home. We both start work again tomorrow, and even though I am never bored at home, I like my job and I am quite ready to get back into normal life.
    We've had snow and ice, but it has now turned into rain - which I am glad because of O.K.'s long drive home. All my Christmas decoration has been packed away, too, all surfaces dusted, and I took advantage of the emptiness to give all real wood surfaces a good polishing with a beeswax furniture spray.
    The bedding and towels are changed, the dishwasher is humming away in the kitchen, the shoes I wore on yesterday's slightly muddy walk are clean - and I can get back to my blog. Will post pictures of "our" snow in a minute!

  5. Remind me why living on one's own is so devastating, you live a reasonably busy week out and about, isn't a nice quiet night in an enjoyment. Looking also at your thumbnail photo, you look remarkably slim, is putting on weight really that much of an issue.

  6. I'm just enjoying the last of the Wensleydale with cranberries along with some homemade parsnip soup for lunch. The decorations have been packed away but the cleaning is still to be done. I'll get around to it at some point.
    Enjoy your lunch out. X

  7. Still far too many goodies left from Christmas here, but I stuck them in the freezer for later. Have a good Sunday! -Jenn

  8. Yes, Twelfth Night today; decorations down, and Wassailing tonight. Next stop Easter.

  9. Living alone is not devastating in itself but when one is still traumatised by how it came about, the empty house is a nightly reminder, Derek.

  10. We've had mild, late fall weather for all of December. I fear the brutal storms will come and last into April.

  11. Difficult to know how to answer that Rachel, other than to say that while I've had three wives leave me, it was never traumatic.

  12. I have cleaned out most Christmas and Birthday treats so it is back to normal.
    Still a few decorations up ( cold is still hanging on ) but they are very easy to put away.

    Have a lovely lunch.
    cheers, parsnip

  13. What happened to me has been extremely traumatic, Derek. I am traumatised by the man I once knew, for 34 years, who overnight 18 months ago left the house, leaving all the doors open, in the middle of the night and disappeared without warning. He is now unrecognizable, both physically (he has lost 4 stone) and his personality has changed and he is in the care of the psychiatric services.

  14. Gawd, now at least I know, it is indeed really awful and is something that I have never had to live through, thank you for sharing it with me and I am truly sorry.

  15. Be sure that Spring is on the way - snowdrops just coming into flower in the wood, Blue Tits investigating every little nook and cranny as a possible nest site, and the Woodpeckers are drumming on the dead trees to advertise for a mate. And there's not even any sunshine down here.

  16. Derek. Reading the correspondence between Rachel and yourself prompts me to say that we are all different. My first husband died after thirty nine very happy years of marriage - I never expected to meet anyone else. The farmer and I were married for twenty three years and he was the love of my life. I still miss him every single day.
    But what Rachel has experienced is something very different and I can't possibly understand what she has gone through this past year. I am sure you feel the same.

  17. I'm not going to touch the discussion about living alone. It's far too personal. Loneliness is not something one can be talked out of. I hope you have a good week coming up!

  18. Thanks everyone. Plenty of food for thought here.

  19. Pizza AND chips!! Such wickedness! You have made my mouth water. I have a new pair of trousers that I need to shrink into for them to look good, so I too am eating frugally.
    I enjoy seeing all the bulbs popping up but know that winter will have a sting in it's tail before long. Apart from a few sharp frosts we have had no bad weather at all.
    How fortunate I am to have found that I actually like living alone when I had never done so before. Enjoy your lunches out and your group meetings, and visits to and from your friends and family.
