Sunday 30 December 2018

The Year's End.

I suppose you could say that we have been lucky with the weather over the Christmas period - and it is set to be the same over New Year before the cold weather arrives.   Most of our Christmasses seem to fall into this bracket don't they?

Being a tidy soul (a bit of an understatement actually) I shall not be sorry to say 'good-bye ' to the old year.   Then I can take down the Christmas cards, read the many messages on them, enjoy them one by one and then DUST!

Not having to do much cooking for the first time in fifty years I did manage to cook a chicken and pigs in blankets and stuffing on Boxing morning for the buffet at my son's.   A big treat has been seeing my Grand-daughter and her husband and my Great Grand-daughter (aged 2) who stayed the night and 'took Tess for a walk' (a great event at the moment in the life of my Grand-daughter).

But this morning's gentle walk on our usual route means that things are more or less back to normal.   The dawn was exquisite, as it has been for the past few mornings.   I am sure that my camera would take a shot which showed the colour but I don't know how.   As it is it comes out as a pale imitation.

Time now for a shower and then off to our usual Sunday lunch - salmon again today I think.


  1. What a treat for you and Tess! It's raining here after a promising start to the day.

  2. There isn't much room for dusting over the Christmas period, is there? How lovely to spend time with your little grand-daughter - I met my newest great grandson on Boxing Day. I am preparing myself for the inevitable cold weather by reknitting a sweater made earlier this year, which turned out to be two sizes larger than needed. Enjoy your Sunday lunch.

  3. I would have liked snow, but you would laugh if you saw our 'decorations'. A single string of LED lights from the Pound Shop.

  4. Yes, it's great to be winding down. Way down.

  5. Happy New Year to you! I watch for your blog each day and enjoy your posts so much. Thanks for taking the time to reach out and share your life and your thoughts. It means a lot to me!

  6. Tom . my decs are all coming down tomorrow as it is the day my cleaner comes and she will need to dust. Can't wait to get them down

  7. Good for you Pat, my Christmas cards went out the day after Boxing Day, it'll be joyous on Wednesday went everything gets back to normal.

  8. How nice that you got to see your Granddaughter and Great-Granddaughter! I'm sure Tess enjoyed a special walk with them. Enjoy getting back to normal after the holidays. Christmas is wonderful but it also helps us appreciate the normal days.

  9. Hearing about Tess special walk was lovely for all.

    cheers, parsnip

  10. We had a lovely time and really pleased we got to spend some time with you with an unexpected stay over! xx

  11. I got into a fit of cleaning yesterday morning and took down my decorations and tonight I'm missing the lights of the tree. Glad you had a nice time with family. Happy New Year!

  12. I am being a slattern around the sitting room although the floors are accessible. It will remain thus until later in January as we love having the tree up for as long as possible. No rules in this house about 12 Days of Xmas. I even added some decorations to the tree that I bought on sale on Friday!...You were lucky with your happy family visit. All the best for 1019, Pat.

  13. Hope that you have a Happy New Year - and thank you for your blog . Sheila.
