Friday 28 December 2018

Posh fare

Friend W and I were tootling into town on the way to our usual Friday venue for lunch when suddenly W suggested we treat ourselves and instead of turning left at the traffic island we went straight on to the village of West Witton to The Wensleydale Heifer = a notable eating place in the Dales - for a posh version of fish a chips.

Although almost fully booked they managed to find room for us.  (and judging by the number of people there by the time we left we decided there was definitely plenty of money about up here, although of course, as everywhere, there are folk who can't afford this kind of food).

Perfect ambience, excellent service from friendly staff, delicious food (the Lobster Bisque was the best I have ever tasted) and a cheery atmosphere (lots of well-behaved children) made this a memorable meal.   We wouldn't do it every week, it would be too self-indulgent.    But a once a year treat at the end of the year set us up nicely.   Once I got home I slept all afternoon!


  1. Yes, I agree about us treating ourselves every so often. That lobster bisque must have been fabulous.

  2. My brother went to the Heifer when he was visiting his son in the Dales recently. He said, too, that it was very good. I told him I would ask you about it. Now you have told me. Very good to do something like your visit on the spur of the moment.

  3. Son and I have a few posh places that we love but only visit a few times a year. Friends or celebrations.
    I would love to try the lobster bisque.

    cheers, parsnip

  4. We had some posh fare at the Jew's House in Lincoln today. I was just happy to relinquish my chef's hat for the day.

  5. Agree about pushing the boat out. I'd rather have one good meal than ten mediocre. You only get what you pay for at the end of the day.

  6. I was amazed how expensive eateries and hotels are just outside places like Sheffield. There is plenty of money up North.

  7. How nice to share an extra special lunch with your friend after all the busy days of the holiday season.

  8. Proper Lobster Bisque! What a treat! My mouth is watering. One of our extended family produced two large crayfish for our shared meal.. they are a complete luxury here now and it’s years since I had any. Memorable! Time was, fifty years ago, when I remember my father bringing home a whole cray for each of us when he’d been sent off for fish and chips! Certainly, he was given to extravagance, but today 5 crayfish would set you back at least $500 -£250,! Memories of special meals are a wonderful thing.

  9. Lobster in any form is a real treat and why not push the boat out occasionally, especially with a good friend.

  10. I just looked at the menu. I'd have a hard time deciding what to order, but lobster bisque would be the perfect starter.

  11. So nice to treat yourself!

  12. Oh,that sounds lovely. I had a posh lunch with a friend on Christmas Eve. It felt nice to splurge a bit.

  13. If you have the money to treat yourself, then go ahead an do it. I love having the occasional meal out as a treat but couldn't do it all the time as they never seem to put enough veg on my plate.

  14. Sounds very good - and why not treat yourselves every once in a while! -Jenn

  15. Sounds like a lovely way to end the year. Even the nap.

  16. A happy and healthy New Year Pat and may you enjoy more "Posh Meals".
