Friday 16 November 2018


My new fence is looking splendid and is almost finished - I shall put a photograph on then.  The weather has really been first class for the job and my joiner/gardener has worked really hard on it.  Now all that remains is to finish the creosoting - he came and started today when it was very foggy.    The fog thickened and by mid-afternoon had become fine rain, so he abandoned the job and went home.   I was pleased as he has developed a terrible cold and I felt he should be at home with a few hot toddies and with his feet up.

Meanwhile friends W and M and I all went out to our usual venue for lunch.  Delicious as always - we had the same this week:   a starter of red onion, beetroot, a strong cheese  sauce and a salad mix. The next course was a chicken, ham and leek pie with lovely roasted carrot and parsnip and a tub of chips.   Far too much, but that's better than not enough.

Then we had a look round the items for sale tomorrow  - it is a Fine Art and Fine Furniture sale and the stuff in the sale was exquisite.    I got home and had only been in a short while when the furniture shop rang to say that my sitting room curtains were ready and could they bring them to hang.   What a pleasant surprise.   It is only a  fortnight since my decorator left and I had been led to believe it might be Christmas before my curtains were ready.   Now they are up, beautifully hung and drawn against a dismal night outside.   The room looks and feels much warmer.

I tipped all my tulip bulbs into a bucket, gave them a good mix up and now they are ready for putting in.   A pleasant surprise was that when I unsnipped them from their bags I found I had totally miscalculated and had only bought 150 not 250 - a much more realistic number to plant.   Divided into groups of five units that means only 30 bulbs per unit of ground.   One a day starting tomorrow means that they will all be in by Wednesday - the day when the weather is destined to become wintry - so hopefully I shall beat it.

What a busy week this has been.   And, judging  by my calendar, next week is going to be just as busy, particularly as I have a dear friend coming 
to stay the night on Tuesday - so one thing is for sure - there will be plenty of chat that night.



  1. It alway feels good to get a job finished and ticked off the list and you have so many on the go at the moment. Having new curtains really finishes off a room - you will be all nice and cosy in your living room for the winter. Good luck getting those bulbs in - hope you beat any bad weather.

  2. The new curtains came early just in time for friends and dark nights,
    Your Tulips will look so wonderful next to your new fence.

    cheers, parsnip and badger

  3. Cant wait to see the photos! Lovely lunch.

  4. You can't have too much pie and chips. But beetroot is something I've never got to terms with. The earthy and sweet taste, and yet the tang mother loves it!

  5. Reading through the last couple of posts I noticed that ukele band is still going strong. Maybe some readers from far afield haven't heard of George Formby. Shall we point them to YouTube?

  6. Thick fog here at 9.47pm - hope it clears a bit tomorrow so that I can make a start on the bulbs and my fencer can finish creosoting the fence. My other job planned for tomorrow is to defrost the freezer and start again - that should be fine whatever the weather!

  7. We have had mist rolling in from the sea, Pat. AS I said on my own blog, we had coffee and cake at the golf club (I'm a non-playing social member, husband goes as my guest - saves both of us joining!) and we could hardly see the first green from the club house.
    Do post a photo not only of your lovely new fence but also your new curtains! How lovely to have them well in advance of Christmas! You and Tess will be lovely and cosy and warm now.
    Margaret P

  8. As usual, your lunch sounds very tasty. May the bulbs go in before the weather turns more 'wintery'.

  9. We have day two of ice. I do not like being turned into a coward.

  10. Glad to hear that the fence is nearly finished, should be a good weekend to complete the job if the gardener is feeling OK.

  11. I have lately rediscovered beetroot for myself - I sort of had "forgotten" about it, but I really like it, so your starter sounds particularly nice. Also the chicken, leek and ham pie would be welcome!
    You are always so busy, but in a good way, it seems. Well done for your gardener/joiner, I hope he can get rid of his cold very soon; foggy weather certainly does not help.
    Lovely to have a friend staying with you next week!

  12. Everything pulling together beautifully, new curtains, new fence, tulips for spring - it has become home!

  13. The fencer probably breathed in a few of his creosote fumes, always bound to make you feel bad and even worse if you already have a cold. Relax for a change and enjoy your friend's visit and your other meals out and your newspaper, crossword and book. Lovely day here. My brother is in Melsonby this weekend.

  14. What a relief to find that you had fewer bulbs to plant - not nearly so daunting. Your garden will look so good with the new fence finished and that lunch with friends sounds delicious.
    Enjoy your friend's visit and the chat. The new curtains have arrived in perfect time - I remember when mine arrived and gave the room such a lift.

  15. Spring is going to be good round at your place.

  16. Your new curtains will make your room feel so cosy and finished off - I remember when I moved into my house, of everything, they were what really made me feel at home. Good luck with your planting; when the tulips come up in spring, with your smart new fence, the results will be wonderful and the planting will be a distant memory!

  17. What kind of curtains did you choose? I love English curtains. The traditional ones, anyway - such beautiful fabrics and they look like such good quality. It is absolute garbage what you find in the stores now. You would have to pay a steep price for decent ones. -Jenn

  18. Pat, I humbly apologize in advance. I have no wish sow of disharmony. But I have grandchildren and I'm concerned about their future. What I want to know what's really going on in Yorkshire and in other parts of the UK. just I read there's a town in Yorkshire not far from where you live that is 99% Mohammedan and has Sharia Law. I couldn't believe it, so I checked and I discovered that in 2011 the town was 93% Mohammedan so it must be true. Following on, I read that 3 of the 4 suicide bombers in the 7/7 London attacks were from this town which is near Dewsbury and is called Savile Town. Please tell me it's not true. But I dread that it may be true and I fear for my grandchildren's future.

  19. Its sounds like you are turning your house into a comfortable home for yourself and Tess. Looking forward to seeing the photos.

    Not sure about the previous comments have I missed something!
