Sunday 18 November 2018

A Garden Post

After thick early morning fog it is now a lovely, clear sunny day.   But Tess and I just nipped up to our Council Tip with the flattened cardboard flower boxes that my Birthday flowers came in (the garage is now neat and tidy once more) and there - only a mile away - it is still thick fog.

My fence looks splendid and it is perfect in that Tess is now free to roam the garden at will and is unable to escape.   She has no road sense at all having grown up roaming the fields with the farmer and rarely venturing on to the lane.   The lady next door is so impressed that she is having various bits added in her garden and the fencer is working there today. And the lady who lives the other side of my bungalow is also so impressed that she has asked him to do some for her too.

Sorry about my shadow but at least it shows you just how sunny it is.

My garden is, of course, beginning to die back but if anyone could hazard a guess at what tree that is in bloom I would be grateful.   It was a large tree but my gardener pruned it back.   This year's growth hasn't flowered but there are plenty of blooms coming out on last year's.
Here is the view from the back terrace so you can see what I hope will be the tulip border in the Spring!
Sorry the garden picture has come in the wrong place but you get the general idea.


  1. My first impression is - flowering almond tree.
    Tess is well fenced in now. Always a relief knowing our four legged companions are safe and secure.

  2. Your garden is even colourful now! Joke: My next door neighbour stole my garden gate last night, but I didn't say anything incase he took offence. (A fence. Geddit?)

  3. LOL, Tom! My, everything looks splendid! Just a tad envious :)

  4. I enjoy your blog and others, but have never commented on one until today! The bush could be a Viburnum Bodnantense 'Dawn' or a Daphne.

  5. I think your bush is a vibernum. I have one which is supposed to flower in January (my birthday month) but has taken to flowering late in the year if it's mild. It couldn't be a flowering almond which doesn't come out until March/April, the first of the flowering fruit trees.

  6. Looks a good fence, the first thing we had to do was have someone build a fence but he made a right hash of the gates. Could be, the tree, a weigala, there again it couldn't be but I love that word!

  7. Tess will have a wonderful time exploring in the garden with no leash on. Your fence looks very nice and in the spring with your new tulips and flowering tree it will be beautiful in your garden.

  8. The fence is beautifully done and your garden looks lovely. I'm sure it will be stunning come spring with all the tulips and forget me nots. Wonderful that Tess can play in the yard now.

  9. It is a shrub Viburnum X bodnantense. It flowers on bare stems right through winter in my garden in the northeast.It has a lovely scent.

  10. Your garden is lovely and will only improve with time. How happy is Tess, with her own yard!

  11. Beautiful fence. Is the slatted fence looking out to the street ?

    cheers, parsnip and badger

  12. I thought Viburnum but thought it too large. But someone else said it was! Garden looks lovely.

  13. It's looking great Pat. The tulips will be lovely and colourful in the Spring. X

  14. Haha, Tom's joke is like the ones you get in Christmas crackers, isn't it!
    Your fence looks really good, your gardener has done a great job, no wonder your neighbours want to employ him as well.
    Your shadow in the picture is a very lovely addition!

  15. Since it is still quite large after being cut back by your gardener,perhaps it is tree,not a shrub. Paperbark maple trees do bloom that way in autumn, with flowers resembling the ones in your photo. Wonderful looking fence,how nice for you and Tess! - Mary

  16. I love your new fence and it goes so well with the other fence. You will now be able to let Tess out early on her own and not worry about her. Your whole garden is just beautiful!

  17. I agree with Mary - Viburnum bodnantense - have one flowering here and it smells so beautiful. Your fencing chap has done a brilliant job for you and glad to hear that a little dog can't escape!!

  18. The fencing looks wonderful. How nice that there are two more jobs for your man to work on.
    If the blossom on your tree is perfumed I think that Bovey Belle has solved the mystery. We had one in our garden but my husband loved 'pruning' things and it hardly ever had the chance to have blossom.
    So nice for Tess to be able to go into the garden safely.

  19. He can't be short of work if he works on the Sabbath.

  20. Your garden is lovely, even this time of year! And the new fence is so good looking as well as useful. I am sure Tess is happy, too!

  21. I love the fence and glad Tess has a safe place to play.

  22. This might be inappropriate but I feel like you and Tess are friends and I have noticed some other folks in your country are putting up extra supplies in case of shortages due to Brexit. I only mention this because I want you both safe and well. I do hope I have not offended anyone.

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. Great job, well done. Tess will love roaming in the garden unattended now.

  25. Thanks everyone. Yes Parsnip, the slatted fence shuts off the back garden area from the front lawn which goes down to the road.
    Rachel - he is having to work week ends at the moment as he has such a lot of work to do before the bad weather sets in (when he won't be able to do so much of course)

  26. nice article great post comment information thanks for sharing.
