Sunday 14 October 2018


The gales in the night last night were horrendous.  I sleep without my hearing aids but the winds were strong enough to keep me awake even without them in.   This morning, when I drew back the blinds, I was surprised to find that everything was unchanged.   It has poured with rain all day although there is not a breath of wind.   Now, at 4.20 the sun is out and it is a lovely day although somewhat colder than of late.   I have bought two iris rhizomes and I am now wondering whether to put on my garden gloves and go out and put them in the garden.

A lovely lunch out again today at our regular Sunday lunch venue.   I had Salmon Florentine (on a bed of spinach) with vegetables, followed by apple and plum crumble and custard.   All very good.   Now, replete, I am putting on this blog and then feeding the dog.   After that a restful evening.
I see Tom today is bewailing the way in which blogland has shrunk and how many of those we used to communicate with have disappeared into the ether.   I think he is right and I feel sad to have lost touch with some people.   But I suppose that people lead busy lives and some can't find time or inclination to blog any more.    But I do add my voice - please open a blog and communicate.   That's what it's all about.

See you tomorrow.


  1. Blogging keeps me going. I think I have nothing to say so go out and see something to post up, even if its the same old beach! And the blue railings!x

  2. It's late afternoon here, and the skies are darkening. There's been a strongish wind all day, and I think we may be in for a storm. I enjoy a good storm, but HATE strong wind.

  3. It has been raining all day here in Lincolnshire with no sign of the Sun putting his hat on today.
    It is saddening when the occasional regular blogger suddenly 'goes silent'. The blogging community is a bit like local life. I have lived here so long I have seen many changes to the village and its residents. Some have passed on, others have moved away.

  4. A grey, humid and gloomy day here on Sheppey today but as is the norm, no rain.
    Writing blogs becomes tedious after a few years Pat, trying to find new and interesting subjects to write about, other than normal daily routines, gets harder each week. Blogging is presumably becoming old-fashioned as the likes of Twitter and other communication channels take over. On Tom's blog you describe blogging as your "tight circle of friends" and that's I guess, how it all ends up, just a tight circle of friends, who sometimes make it difficult for outsiders to participate.

  5. I don't have a blog but i would love to add a comment: I truly enjoy your blog of your life and your beautiful countryside. Thank you for taking the time to write!

  6. I read all my regular blogs but only comment occasionally. As I said on Rachel's blog recently I have a chicken blog but that of course only gives me a small band of like minded chicken keepers in the comments. That's fine by me. We agreed I went into the old farts category but I didn't think to say my chickens are special. I keep seramas as well as a few other bantams and seramas are the smallest chickens in the world. They are all different feather types and all different colours and are so cute.

    But I digress, what I really wanted to say was that although I don't comment often I do love reading about your life and I also love the friendship that comes through these blogs and the comments. It is like a little community and one that I feel honoured to be a part of.

  7. I love your blog, Weave. It all started just before you lost the farmer, and continues to this day. I like the ordinary..your walks with Tess, lunches with friends, your devoted son, the garden you love but must avoid because of the fear of falling Just yesterday you bought boots, partly because you needed them but partly because you felt terrible that so many shops have closed. I love you for that.

    I think I've mentioned before that I copy and print each day and when I have a week's worth, they are sent as a small booklet to friends who struggle with illness or sorrow---or just to let them know I'm thinking of them. Tucked in the same envelope might be a cartoon, a poem, a picture---doesn't matter, really. It's mail. Real mail.

    By the way, I've tried leaving comments on Cro Magnon's blog. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, and no doubt I'm doing something wrong. The latest was just yesterday when I wanted to tell him I love ANYTHING with Bok. I've also tried to post comments to Tom's. Again, nothing. Maybe you have to be a member.

    Now that I've said that, let's hope you receive this. ;-)

  8. I enjoy blogging, and following others who do. I have made lovely friends through this medium and also through Forums. It's a shame when people decide life is to busy to write and turn to Instagram instead - pictures aren't the same without a good tale attached. We share life's up and downs through our on-line friendships and I usually find something to witter on about, or just some photos of our surroundings.

  9. Glorious day in Italy, blue skies with hang gliders above is as we lounged on our terrace, perfect.. You are so good at posting frequently and I check in regularly to see what you are up to. I am inspired to try harder with my blog, even if it’s just to say we had another sunny day.

  10. An entire day of rain - how lovely rhat sounds, and how long we have not head that! Much as I enjoy the sunshine and warm temperatures, this is the middle of October, and this summery weather is unnatural and the ongoing lack of water worrying.
    Some bloggers have moved to other platforms, others have simply lost interest. I stick to this provider as it has never caused me problems serious enough to make we want to leave. Funnily enough, often I have so many ideas for posts just when I have least time to sit down and write.

  11. Many bloggers have move onto to either Facebook, Twitter or Instagram possibly because its an easier and quicker way to put out a communication. But communication is two way, and I think that maybe the blogs that survive the longest are those where a dialogue has developed between those who comment and the blog author, it then becomes more personable.

  12. I looked out on the first morning after a very windy and noisy night and, like you, I was amazed to see everything looking so normal. The wind has sounded like thunder as it roars round the buildings. How lucky we are not to be facing the devastation that Florida and other parts have had.
    I feel guilty about not putting on a post more regularly but I don't go out, except locally, by choice. I feel that to others my life might seem quite boring, but it is not to me. I am not sure that I have the ability to make the mini-minutiae of my daily routine be interesting to others.
    Perhaps I am just selfish - enjoying reading the blogs of others but too lazy to make the effort myself. Must try harder!!

  13. Sorry for the late comment. Today we had a power-cut (a rare event) and yesterday seemed to fill up with other things. I've now eaten the other things. I tried Facebook once, but it got me into more trouble than late-night blogging, so I got out while I still could.

  14. Over the 10 years or so that I’ve been reading a handful of good elder-bloggers from round the world there have been many changes. People have down sized, lost partners or even sadly in one or two cases, died.
    Yours is one of my favourites; the daily rundown of your life is peaceful and interesting. x

  15. So manyof you here have made such salient points. You are all quite right. Blogging is about building up relationships with like minded people and forming a kind of friendship. If someone calls on my blog and I recognise that we are not likely to make a real connection (just like one feels in real life with one's neighbours)then I don't make a real connection and gradually we drift apart. Others have been blogging with me for years. Incidentally I think I have been blogging on this blog since around seven or eight years ago.
    Incidentally Gail - I think these things just happen sometimes - keep trying and you may find it comes right again in a day or two.
    As to why I blog regularly (well over three thousand so far) it is a discipline for me to write something, however trivial, every day. Selfish in a way.

    Thanks for calling everyone.
