Tuesday 9 October 2018

'e mail less'

To coin a phrase.   I have been unable to access my e mails for a couple of days and I have felt utterly deprived.   Now this afternoon, as if by magic, they are back.   So welcome back e mails!!

Did anyone else watch the programme on BBC Four last evening - AN Wilson talking about TS Eliot.  It was an hour of perfect television; I don't think I have ever seen a better programme.   If you didn't see it and have access to iplayer then I do urge you to watch it.

My gardener came this morning and I now have a weed free garden and a mown lawn.   The forecast for tomorrow is good so I shall be able to plant bulbs and new pansy and viola plants for winter.  I wish I could do more myself but I am scared of falling on what is a steep and rather dangerous garden.

Yesterday friends I haven't seen for over thirty years (but who have never stopped writing) came to see me and we had lunch out at a lovely handicapped-friendly restaurant (P is severely handicapped now and is totally wheelchair bound).   Today I am tired and dropped off after lunch.   Having now taken Tess for her afternoon walk we are about to settle down to watch Antiques Road Trip.   I set out to watch it last night but fell asleep shortly after it began and didn't wake up until after the six o'clock news had started.  These days visitors do tend to tire me out.

Outside, as I write this, is pure unbroken blue sky - perfect weather


  1. I am sorry I didn't see it having just finished reading T S Eliot's biography last night! I would like to see what A N Wilson said of him as I have formed my own view of Eliot from my reading. Perfect day here. I am glad you have your emails coming through again.

  2. I thought of you this morning as we are enjoying a lovely day here and I hoped you might be doing the same. I think we are due another one tomorrow, and few more like it will set us all up well for winter.
    I love having visitors but also find it tiring - I suppose we are becoming accustomed to living alone.

  3. Happy to hear your emails are working again.
    As much as I love writing letters and notes I just can not seem to do it anymore. So sad for me.
    Enjoy your program.

    Hugs to Tess woof
    cheers, parsnip and badger

  4. Facebook seems to have taken me over. Most of my emails are asking me to sign a petition or donate. Latter deleted. I find after chatting a few hours I am totally whacked. Wish I could find a gardener who weeded. Ours just cut grass and manage to strim stuff that is not a weed.

  5. A clear garden, new plantings, and old friends. Oh, and the occasional nap.
    A perfect formula!

  6. Pat, we both agreed via E-Mail today that the A N Wilson programme was superb, well researched and well presented.
    Been almost a summer's afternoon here on Sheppey today, really warm and sunny.

  7. I have always admired how AN Wilson goes into such depth with his analysis. He certainly did so here with Eliot.

  8. Now that Google+ has been rumbled strange things will hopefully settle down. At least for a while.

  9. Yes I saw the programme .Love the poems,lines that have stayed in my memory all my life since A-Level English.Very austere man though,not someone to have a laugh with!

  10. On the subject of 'visitors tire me out', I wonder if you are deaf, that's tiring as I know from personal experience. New hearing aides made a world of difference for me. Just a thought.

  11. Yes, warm and beautiful here all day. My garden does need weeding, though.

  12. It could be stormy here this afternoon; just when I'm on airport duty. I hope flights won't be affected.

  13. Yes, as lovely as it is to see old friends, it is also important to get enough rest. Sorry to hear your friend is wheelchair-bound, but good to know there are restaurants in your area where this is not a problem.
    It must be a good feeling to know your garden is being well cared for. You are very sensible in not attempting too much on your own; a fall would definitely not be good.
    Still summerish here, with temperatures reaching 25 Celsius during the day, but chilly mornings so that one has to dress in layers when leaving the house for work.

  14. Good morning. I hope you have woken up feeling refreshed.
    I think anyone, regardless of age, would feel tired after meeting two lots of friends they hadn't seen
    for years in two days. It's very draining emotionally too especially if they have developed health problems.
    I'd love to see a photo of how your garden is developing.

  15. Your article is very useful and have good knowledge, thanks for the post.

