Wednesday 31 October 2018


This has been quite some birthday from beginning to end.   It is now half past five in the evening.   I have just lit my pumpkin and put it on the front step.   I shall now write this post and then I shall flake out on the sofa and do no more.

It started out pleasantly = nice morning, sunshine, no need for an early start, I got dressed and showered at my leisure and then took Tess for a walk.   Shortly after I got back I had three phone calls in rapid succession - all birthday calls.   At half past eleven I left to collect W to go out for a birthday lunch (scampi, chips and peas).   Luckily I for some reason shut the door into the bedrooms and the sitting room so that Tess had the hall, the dining room and the kitchen to roam in.   I had to be back by 1.45 because S was coming to take Tess for a walk as usual.

I arrived back home to find a large box on the door step with twenty cream roses in it.   But on opening the door all thoughts of roses were driven from my mind.   Poor Tess had had diarrhoea.   Everywhere.   She had gone to the patio door to go out and done it there.   There was then a trail across the hall and down the corridor. Of course I couldn't blame her.   I donned rubber gloves, got out the Astonish stain remover, a bowl of warm water, a scraper,cleared it all up as best I could, washed everywhere down, applied Domestos thoroughly.   Then I went into the hall to pick up fifteen birthday cards.   When I picked them up I realised that they had come through the letter box and fallen on a large patch of diarrhoea I had missed.   Every birthday card envelope was covered and I had to don rubber gloves and start again.   By now it was time for S who took Tess out of the way while I finished cleaning up.

At this point two more lots of birthday flowers arrived = I had run out of vases and each room already had two lots of flowers in it.   I had to root out jugs to use.   There are now flowers everywhere.   All my birthday cards were extracted with care from the soiled envelopes, the rubber gloves were binned, everywhere was cleaned again.  A day and a half if not two days all rolled into one.   Three more telephone calls before I could sit down.   So I am now going to rest.   My post on Venice and on my sitting room will have to wait until tomorrow.


  1. Hope Tess is are dearly loved to be remembered by so many....Happy Birthday!!!!

  2. What an exhausting birthday! Poor Tess. Happy Birthday what is left of it and enjoy a well deserved sit down.

  3. Oh dear, poor Tess, poor you! Happy birthday Pat, enjoy your flowers!


  4. Happy Birthday! Oh gosh - you won't forget this birthday in a hurry. I hope Tess's tummy is better soon.

    The flowers sound lovely and a good haul of cards - glad they survived unmarked.

  5. Happy birthday, that’s certainly one to remember. Hope you are relaxed now and maybe enjoying a glass of something.

  6. Oh my! A memorable birthday not for all the right reasons. So sorry you had to deal with this on your birthday but special days make no allowances for real life do they! I hope you can now relax and will later laugh about it but it is a shame that you had to go through that. Hope Tess is better and you can now enjoy your flowers. Thank goodness you had had your lunch first. Hoping you have a better day tomorrow.

  7. Happy birthday Pat. It is always something. Donna@gather

  8. Poor Tess, possibly she ate something nasty while out on one of her walks, she must of been desperate to get outside but obviously couldn't and like you said, you can't blame her.

  9. Happy Birthday to you ...poor Tess and poor you for having to deal with her upset stomach . Enjoy a well deserved rest 1

  10. Happy Birthday Weave. I am glad you had a nice day with friends. The rest was just one of those things. x

  11. Well, that's a birthday you won't forget in a hurry, Pat!!! Poor little dog, but poor you as well, clearing up the mess.
    But Happy Birthday nonetheless, and how lovely to have so many cards (even though they were in poohy envelopes) and so many flowers you have to look out more vases for them!
    Margaret P

  12. Oh my, you don't need that kind of a birthday! I do hope Tess is feeling better. You are obviously quite loved with all those lovely flowers and cards. I hope the rest of your day is restful. Happy Birthday Pat!

  13. Very happy Birthday to you.
    Oh dear, poor Tess and poor you, not something you want to find when you open the door. The flowers and meal out all sound lovely. Tomorrow will be much calmer I'm sure

  14. The happiest of birthdays Weaver. So sorry about Tess, hope she's feeling better.

  15. Diarrhea - the gift that keeps on giving. Hope Tess is better and that you can enjoy your cards and flowers without any further messy interruptions. Cheers!

  16. Although this was certainly not how you imagined your birthday, here's wishing you Happy Birthday nonetheless! It would have been my late husband's 50th today - that makes two people I know who have or had their birthday on the 31st of October :-)

  17. Oh dear! Definitely not the birthday I envisaged for you. You must be exhausted and I hope Tess is OK. At least you had plenty of cards and flowers to brighten the day.

  18. Happy Birthday, Pat. You certainly got a lot of wonderful surprises and one not so wonderful. Poor Tess; I hope she got it all out of her.

  19. Happy Birthday. And hoping Tess is ok now!x

  20. Happy, Happy Birthday Dear Pat, with many happy returns! So sorry for the mishap on your special day. I hope with all my heart that Tess is okay now, poor thing. This probably tops all your other birthdays for its being one of a kind. Imagine if you hadn't closed the other doors! How nice to have received so many flowers and cards, evidence of how highly thought of you are. Birthday hugs from across the pond!

  21. Happy Birthday! Enjoy all your flowers and cards. I hope that Tess is feeling much better now.

  22. Wishing you a very Happy birthday. Hope Tess is better now and you’ve had a lovely relaxing evening.

  23. Happy Birthday from across the pond, Bea.x

  24. Thank you everyone for your birthday wishes. A couple of hours of Trick or Treaters after tea was a chore I could have done without but now, after a couple of hours chatting with my son who came round to spend my birthday evening with me \i am winding down for bed. Back tonormal tomorrow.

  25. Sandy in the USA31 October 2018 at 17:02

    Happy birthday to you from the USA!

  26. Roses and shit. Sums up life, eh Weave? A very happy birthday to you my dear.

  27. Happy Birthday Weaver from Australia!

  28. Oh dear, Weave! What a day! I'm glad you got to have a relaxing evening. Happy birthday to you!

  29. Happy Birthday to you from the East Coast of the USA! When you see this, you'll be waking up on the day after so hope sweet Tess is over what ailed her while you were out yesterday. Yesterday's birthday will be memorable for all sorts of reasons!


  30. Oh my gosh, what a bday! I had a similar ordeal with my dog a few months, so I know how awful it can be. Tomorrow you'll be able to enjoy the flowers and cards more. Best wishes on this special day...

  31. Happy Birthday wishes to you, may today be less stressful!
    So sorry Tess has been poorly, hope she is feeling much better.
    Take care both of you.
    Pam in Texas.xx

  32. Oh dear. Our Bok had an 'accident' recently, but he's very good and goes to a specific corner. You can't blame them, even if the clearing-up is unpleasant.

  33. A couple of years ago our local paper gave out a coloured poster, sanctioned by the council, that tells children not to knock on your door Halloween night because you won't answer it.
    Stick it on the front door and it works a treat.

  34. Happy belated birthday. The flowers sound lovely. Poor Tess, hope she's on the mend.

  35. Oh dear....hope that the smell of all the flowers covered up the poo smells ! Happy Birthday for yesterday. ( A gentle hint for next year......for a quiet evening ,don't put a pumpkin out ! ). Hope that Tess is better today. XX

  36. Oh my! A Happy Birthday, indeed!! As Tom said, it's life - poop AND roses!! We must take the good with the bad, I suppose, and we don't have to like it. Happy Happy Birthday from way across the pond!

  37. Oh dear - that does sound hard work!! Glad that you managed to enjoy your Birthday despite it all .

  38. Happy Belated Birthday to you and may you have many more. I hope your day was pleasant despite Tess's upset tummy.

  39. Horrifying return home. I’m so sorry you had to deal with that, but am happy that Tess is better. Best birthday wishes from me, one of your US lurkers.

  40. Tom's comment does quite aptly sum up life I guess! Thanks everybody for the good wishes.
