Friday 7 September 2018

Friday evening.

Yesterday, as I had a free day, I drove the thirty or so miles over to Sedbergh to meet my God-daughter for lunch (squash and ginger soup and a ham, cheese and avocado sandwich - delicious except the slippery avocado kept making the sandwich fall apart!).

The sun was out and the Dale was looking at its very best.   The journey over - from East to West - was exquisite and I kept thinking just how lucky I am to live up here in such beautiful surroundings.
There was quite a breeze blowing and already the leaves were falling from the Silver Birch trees, which always seem to be one of the first to shed their leaves.

After a couple of hour's chat I made my way home, by which time the sky was full of cloud and now and again there were flurries of rain - so not quite so enjoyable.   But I did have a lovely day out.

Today was our coffee and chat morning and afterwards friend W and I had a walk round Tennant's Auction House.   There is a sale tomorrow and today was a a  Viewing Day.   We always like to look what is on offer - usually lovely rugs, lovely jewelry and often beautiful collections of china which people have lovingly collected over their lifetime and then after their death nobody wants to keep.

I have a new next door neighbour and she has moved in today.   The bungalow has been empty since I moved into my bungalow so it will be lovely to have the place lived in again.   This really is the most friendly place I have ever lived in.   The whole road is welcoming.   Lots of the people have dogs and that is a really good way to get to know one another.   We meet on our morning walks and the dogs get to know one another too.

Tomorrow is a fairly free day too.   I have to go into town but once that is over I shall sit and read the paper, cook myself a jacket potato for lunch and then in the evening watch the Last Night of the Proms - always an event I enjoy.


  1. Thanks for the reminder! I too love Last Night at the Proms.

  2. The empty house in our lane now has a young family in so that's good.
    Have a lovely Saturday

  3. I never like to see houses empty for long. It will be nice for you to have a neighbour now. I am very lucky here as although we all live in the same building, each of us has a front door and can stay behind it if we wish to do so, but there is a communal lounge should we feel like some company and everyone is friendly. There is a coffee morning at the beginning of each month which most of us attend and four ladies have a regular afternoon game of bridge.
    I try not to pay much attention to your delicious lunches as I am trying to lose a bit of weight!

  4. I hope you become friends with your neighbour.

  5. Oh, Tom, I hope so! I'm not supposed to, yet, because the orthopedic surgeon has not "cleared" me. But I have so many places to go...

  6. I assume the avocado in the sandwich was sliced and not mashed?

  7. It all sounds lovely. We are muddling along. We went to vote for our representative in federal parliament today. A lovely drive but still cold. Now to hope she gets in when the elections are called.

  8. I hope the person who moves in next door is someone you enjoy. Maybe they will also have a dog! It's a beautiful time of year to be out for a drive. I would love to have seen the scenery that you saw. -Jenn

  9. I am glad you are having a new neighbour and hope it is someone who will become a good friend. I bet the scenery in the Dales is beautiful at the moment. Your lunch sounded lovely and HOW I would have enjoyed viewing that auction with you!

    I see gmail has given you another Spam entry to delete.

  10. mmm the soup sounds delish. Always good to experience new places and things with a good friend. I think the auction house would be too dangerous for me lol.

  11. Two neighbours we know had a small jazz band of local residents perform in their back garden. We went to have a listen. I couldn't drink because I was driving, but the wine flowed and it was warm enough to eat our quiche and cakes outside. They live in a place where you can see the stars. Lovely evening. I thought of you and your ukulele group as I was sitting there enjoying myself.
