Wednesday 12 September 2018


If I never hear the word Brexit again it will be too soon.   Does everyone else switch off automatically when the word is mentioned on the News?   Has anyone been counting just how many times in the past year Brexit has been the number 1 story on the six o'clock News?   Can anyone tell me just how much money all these negotiations have cost?    Did anyone anticipate that there would be all this fuss and todo over us leaving?

Answers on a post card please and don't sent the cards to me send them to a politician - they seem to like discussing it all so should be happy to display the cards. 

Can anyone tell me please why my e mail address on my blog has suddenly changed from bt internet to g mail - and if so how do I change it back please?


  1. My biggest bugbear on the whole issue is that BBC presenters cannot even pronounce the word properly. There is no G in Brexit. I stopped listening to Farming Today because Charlotte Smith was driving me mad saying "Bregsit" all the time. Debbie

  2. Probably already cost 10 times what we were supposedly going to "save" by leaving

  3. I refuse to comment on the B word! My bp would go through the roof. No idea why your email should have changed, do you have a gmail? Should be able to change it in your settings?

  4. Blogger belongs to Google, and to run your blog on this platform, you have had to create a google ID first; along with it you automatically were assigned a gmail account (it used to be called googlemail until a while ago). You can change which email address you want to appear on your blogger profile; just gomro settings and change it. Why it has changed automatically, I don't know.
    As for Brexit, I won't say more about it than that it saddens me immensely and worries me slightly.

  5. Sorry, that should have been "just go to settings". Typing anywhere else than on a proper keyboard is difficult, I find, especially with bad eyesight such as mine.

  6. I turn off any trump news like you do Brexit.
    My avatar was changed on one of my profiles. I didn't change it.

    cheers, parsnip and badger

  7. The second question could perhaps be addressed to your political representative, who should be in the best position to answer it.

  8. As long as we do actually leave, and as long as we don't fork out £50 Billion, I will be happy. I should add that I voted to remain!

  9. Your opening couple of lines seem a bit daft when you then invite loads of comments, some of which will mention the word Brexit, or talk about it. Your last couple of blogs made for some interesting and entertaining discussions, politics are just plain boring.

  10. Someone sent me a FT link on why the country is in such a mess, wil put it on my own blog though.
    As for your email, my gmail disappeared overnight a couple of days ago, so presume Google is playing around. I now go 'incognito' to retrieve it! And I have also got a synching error apparently - whatever.

  11. "If google isn't a monopoly I don't know what is." D Trump Jnr.

  12. Anonymous (above) should tune to Radio 5 in the morning; both Nicky Campbell and Rachel Burdon pronounce the word properly - no "eggs" in Brexit. I clearly remember the difficulties of leaving the EU being mentioned during the time leading up to the referendum, presumably lots of people chose not to listen.

  13. I never doubted that the Brexit negotiations were going to be painful, expensive and damaging to the UK, not least to its reputation. I have come to regret my vote against Scottish independence in 2014, it now looks a more attractive option than the mess that is Brexit. The devolved countries are clearly not a priority in the negotiations. My status in the UK is uncertain - after 19 years of working in academia but I am glad that my EU citizenship at least guarantees my children the right for free movement when they grow up. I rarely watch the news in full now, just quickly read through the headlines. I prefer in depth reporting on the topic, for example by listening to relevant radio programmes. Have a lovely day. I hope you get to the bottom of the email change, I have no suggestion.

  14. I am sick of politics altogether. How can politicians make such a tangled mess of something which seemed to be a fairly straightforward, if long drawn out, process? Maybe I am being naive. We knew it wouldn't happen overnight but it is as if opting out of Europe was never really taken into account as a serious possibility.
    As for your gmail problem, I am sorry I cannot help.

  15. Thelma, the FT is part of Project Fear re. Brexit and is politically left wing in its editorial.

  16. Rachel I never knew that, but I do find the whole article a true sideways swipe look at Eton and Oxford credentials....;)

  17. I haven't read the article because I no longer read the FT. It is an oft heard myth that the FT is independent and non political. This is not so and is currently under the watch of a left, anti government editor.

  18. One good thing about the major hurricane threatening my area right now is that no one is thinking about or talking about Trump. It's just neighbors helping neighbors to prepare and a sense of gratitude for all the emergency response teams from all around the southeast pouring in to help.

    I wish people would remember this feeling of community cohesiveness when we're NOT facing a major threat! We all need each other, all the time.

  19. One of the daft things about getting involved with politics is illustrated above, whereby people don't read particular newspapers because they lean in whatever direction. I've read The Telegraph for about 40 years and to be honest it has never crossed my mind about whether it leans right, left, or upside down, I simply enjoy reading the paper, is that so unusual?

  20. Oh dear - it is all a can of worms isn't it. Your guess is as good as mine as to what the outcome will be. Thanks for trying to explain things.
