Sunday 12 August 2018


Sunday and out to lunch day.   I have just eaten breakfast and thought I would look at my e mails before having a shower.   Outside is a grey day and a long line of raindrops along the washing line - long time since I saw that.   I will return later in the day with an update on the day's events.

It has been very humid here all day - much warmer outside than it is inside - and on and off there have been showers.   I must say that it is a relief to have the drought behind us.

As usual lunch was delicious - we met the usual folk we meet there and the four of us sat and chatted until almost four o'clock thus passing a goodly part of the day.   Salmon featured highly on our menu as it usually does - a nice light meal and easily digested.

Tomorrow another week begins - I wonder what it will bring.


  1. Either - like me - you don't bother to set your clock or you have a very early breakfast, Weave.

  2. 'A long line of raindrops on the washing line'......oh those words prompted such an image!
    You are obviously a people person and what a gift that is....wishing you a good day.

  3. Enjoy your lunch and keep dry. It has been pouring most of the morning down here but I don't think anyone is complaining. So lovely to have it cool and fresh.

  4. Wonderful, wonderful rain, and a wonderful image.

  5. wall to wall sunshine here but comparatively cool at only 29 C (37-38 last weekend). We had brunch at my Mum's - she is 74 today.

  6. Here in California the fires rage on. We, too, will receive some precious rain but usually not until the latter part of October. A long, hot summer.

    Very wise of you to get out and enjoy the comfort and laughter with friends. Can't imagine the torment of being housebound.

  7. Hope the week ahead brings contentment and the adventures of each new day as it unfolds. I am a long time reader of your blog and have commented occasionally. I am in my early sixties, a breast cancer survivor (diagnosed in 2015), newly retired after working 37 years, living alone (with a cat) in southern California where it is currently very hot and dry; my daughter (only child) lives 400 miles away in northern California (but comes home regularly to visit). I enjoy reading about your days and your positive outlook on life.
