Thursday 30 August 2018

Busy today

Today has been one of those days when I have somehow felt harrassed all day.   Not sure why because this morning was the day of my perm and so I was sitting in a chair at the hairdressers for the best part of two and a half hours.   But as I have visitors at the week end I did quite a lot of grocery shopping before I went in to have my hair done.

Coming out I rushed home and just got there in time for friend W to pick me up and the pair of us to go out for lunch.  (surprise, surprise I hear you say).  Delicious as always.   I missed out the middle course and had first course and pud instead:  Smoked mackerel pate with toast (I have asked the chef for the recipe as it is so delicious) and a lime and passion fruit cheese cake with a raspberry sorbet.

Home to four phone calls in quick succession, all needing answers and all involving looking something up, or arranging something,  or organising something.   I felt quite worn out when I had finished by which time Tess was fixing me with one of her 'are we going out' looks. 

I had arranged for the decorator to call with a view to decorating my sitting room - he has arranged to do it at the end of October.   So that is another job sorted before the winter sets in.

 Looking round the garden later I saw, as John did on his post today, that all my violas have suddenly gone over the top and gone to seed.   Here and there amongst them a sneaky nettle has grown up and the whole bed could do with a good hoe.   Having fallen in the garden a few weeks ago I have no intention of doing anything there for  myself so have put it on my list for my gardener.

One more late evening walk with Tess and at nine o'clock I can now sit down and take it easy  - so nighty-night every one.   Sleep tight.


  1. Your life is so busy I don't wonder you feel harrassed sometimes. Your lunch sounded delicious as usual and I hope your day didn't exhaust you. Enjoy your visitors at the weekend.

  2. Oh Pat, now my cleaning and changing the bedding and emptying the dishwasher sounds paltry. I don't know how you do it.

  3. Life somehow manages to intervene when we least want it. But we dont want boredom do we!

  4. Sometime life seems to gang up on one! Why does it all happen at once! I had a day running yesterday, and today have nothing on. It's a out wet morning so I'm going out to the big Mall where I can walk undercover, and it will be warm too. I didn't think I"d need heating this morning, but I really did. Too late now, I'll head off and get a coffee on my way.

  5. Wow. More than I could manage. See you tomorrow.

  6. You've had quite a busy day so it's no wonder your worn out. Sleep well!

  7. I have just seen your post Pat and i have had a rather harassed day myself.. Lots of running around, doctor appts etc... and the few min i did have to browse around a craft store that i like to do did nothing to calm me.. Which is unusual.. Took hubby out for a birthday dinner and did the grocery shopping.. came home and put it all away.. whew... i'm done for the night.. Sleep well Weave.. Hugs! deb

  8. I'm writing this at 5am to say that I seem to get more and more of those kind of days Pat. Being a bad sleeper, a harassed and busy day combines to leave me in a state of feeling very weary all day, which means that any time after 6pm I can be found asleep in front of the TV. Eating all that fish each week are you sure that you wasn't a mermaid in a previous life.

  9. Busy is good, but harrassed is not. I hope today, Friday, is better. Decorating already? Your living room looked very nice when you showed us pictures some time ago, not as if in need of decorating.

  10. Good morning Pat, up early, as always with the dog. The sun is just breaking over the horizon in the distance, so I wonder what the day will bring. The smoked mackerel pate sounds delicious, never feel guilty ;)

  11. Pansies are happy to be cut back hard, given a light feed and they will reward you with many more flowers, enjoy them for as long as you can. I make sure I get my money's worth out of mine, shame they are not in a position where you can sit and dead head them, that helps to keep them flowering as well. Take care, enjoy the weekend with your friends & try to relax.

  12. I don't know how you fit it all in. The tasks I mean, not the mackerel pate!

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  14. Derek - I am a great fish eater and really begin to dislike all meat (other than roast ham and crisply fried streaky bacon in a sandwich).
    Thanks everyone - comforting to know we all get harrassed sometimes.
