Thursday 5 July 2018

Thank you.

Thank you Mother Nature for giving us a day off today, for giving us a break from the very hot, draining weather to a cloudy and cooler day with a cool breeze.   Reading the forecast it is going to be hot again from tomorrow but the respite today has been very welcome.

Because friend W is away on a course for the week-end we had our Friday lunch today instead.   And delicious it was too.   Smoked mackerel pate with watercress followed by Tagliatelle with sun-dried tomatoes, anchovies and pea shoots for me and for W the same starter followed by Sea trout.
I had this last week and it was also delicious .

How very lucky we are to have such a super restaurant (Tennants Auction House) in our little town.   It has really put us on the map and is seen by many as the Christies of the North.

In the garden my round courgettes are doing very well.   I already have three on the plant and the largest of the three will be cut to eat on Saturday when I have folk round for a meal in the evening.
The more I cut them the more they will produce I am told. Two very small Patty pans will also be cut to chop into the salad.   It is so many years since I grew my own produce that I am finding it quite exciting.

Another week bites the dust tomorrow - how quickly the weeks go past.  It is almost sixteen months since my dear farmer died.   I miss him still but have many happy memories to call upon.
Also I am sure I have learned to be much more self-reliant.   There is no-one there to call on to do jobs I shy away from so I have to get on and either do it myself or call in an expert.   I am learning.   Slowly.

Tennis.   Football.   Very little else on our TV at the moment.   Because of England's success at football England flags for fixing on cars have sprung up in the shops and are selling like hot cakes according to the shop-keeper I spoke to this morning.   One of the bungalows opposite me has suddenly raised a Union Jack in his garden.   Pity it is upside down.


  1. OMGosh... upside down..... maybe you should mention it... In a nice friendly neighborly sort of Glad to hear your garden is growing well.. And you will soon be eating the fruits of your labor.. I know hubs would like to grow a few things but we do not feel like battling the animals.. Our neighbors place looks like Ft. Knox... no thank you.. Hugs! deb

  2. 29 degrees here on Sheppey today, hot, sunny and sticky, with more to follow. I'm not especially looking forward to it going cooler and raining but at the same time desperately need the rain. The cracks in my garden seem to widen by the day now and it really is desperate and yet a water meter prevents me spending a fortune on watering it.
    Yes, TV is thoroughly boring at the moment with the cricket limited to only a few matches, we have people driving around here with silly flags hanging out of their cars and quite a few are to be seen lying along roadside verges. You're doing very well growing a few veg now and nice to see you maintaining an active social life, well done, it's better than saying you have little to do in life.

  3. Very Hot and sticky here today, we had our fresher day yesterday. Time to go out and do the watering again, at least it only takes a few minutes here.
    The lady who was here before us had a flagpole, I hoped she would leave it but her son wanted it so it went. Shame.

  4. Well it was a lovely day here. I enjoyed all of it.

  5. You probably live near enough the coast to pick up a cooling breeze I would guess Rachel. Am I right?

  6. We are far enough inland to not feel the breeze, apart from yesterday, as Sue mentioned in Suffolk, when we had a bit of a fresher breeze. I think it has been cooler right by the coast but not inland. I have been enjoying the high temperatures. I just don the shorts and live in them all the time.

  7. Hot very Hot today 107 to 115 today but we have a new wildfire (it was human caused) just down the road !
    Not good.

    cheers, parsnip

  8. So lovely being able to pick your home grown crops. I used to love it even when I just grew a few things in pots.
    I really hope the weather breaks soon as I am finding it very difficult this year. Probably because in addition to the heat I have had hayfever. I think I have heat fatigue!
    So pleased you can enjoy happy memories of the farmer now. He would be proud of the way you have adapted to your new life.

  9. Just had a terrific Indian meal and then drove onto the beach close to my house and watched and photographed a fantastic sunset across the sea - now 21.50 at night and still 70 degrees outside - loving it.

  10. It has been so hot here for the last week that we have daily thunder storms, and even all day rain. In my state it simply did not get hot enough to have afternoon thunder storms. At least not in the past.

  11. There's an ebb and flow to a marriage, each one knowing instinctively their job. Mine was keeping the house clean, food/meals and laundry. He took care of home and car maintenance, all electronic stuff, and was a wonderful decision-maker when I would stall out. Next month it will be five years without him. Not a day goes by that I don't think of him and wish he had not died. Not only do I miss his company but it's everything he used to take care of, and so easily it seemed. I resent having to pay someone to do what he did. I resent it even more if I have to do it! Sorry, Weave, you and I are are traveling the same weary road. We'll get there but it's a struggle at times.

  12. I had a simply delicious trout dish at Wombleton, chunky fish bathed in lemon butter and slightly browned almonds and we learnt that trout are farmed in Pickering...

  13. Cooler and (finally!!) rainy yesterday and today here. The lovely summer weather is forecast to return tomorrow, just in time for the weekend. I don't know yet whether I'll be watching the footie tomorrow evening, as I'll be at O.K.'s and we like to be outdoors as much as we can on a fine day, since we are both cooped up in office jobs all week.
    Nice to know your own veg is coming along well. My sister is growing her own cucumbers and plenty of herbs on her tiny balcony, we've had that for salad last night.
    The description of your meal at Tennant's is mouthwatering!
