Saturday 28 July 2018


Sorry there was no post yesterday.   On Thursday night, for the first time in this heat wave, the heat really got to me and I had only two hours sleep.   I got up and walked round, read a little, made a cup of tea - tried everything.   Finally I went back to bed and slept for two hours.   Consequently I grew more and more tired as Friday progressed.   When I finally got round to putting on a post - around 9pm (too early to get to bed) I was so tired that I found I kept writing gibberish and, finally, I fell asleep at the computer, just for a couple of seconds my head drooped, my finger rested on the keys and I wrote about two hundred full stops...   At that point I deleted the lot, switched off and went to bed.

Slept for ten hours and feel much more perky today.   Took Tess for her walk and then went out for a quick lunch (a platter of deep fried camembert, onion rings, salmon gougons, battered mushrooms served with a good salad and chips.) 
Since then Tess and I have been out again between the showers.   The gardens are so grateful for the rain and it is interesting to see that several plants I thought might have died have actually already begun to 'green up'.    They have good survival strategies - wish ours were as good.

It looks as though Geraint has won the Tour de France - lovely to see him so delighted today (and his wife too).   I believe tomorrow is only really a courtesy ride around Paris and providing he crosses the line that is it. 

And perhaps the best sports news of all this week-end --Congratulations to fifty three year old Australian Wendy Tuck, who has become the first female skipper to win the Clipper round-the-world yacht race.


  1. It's amazing how seemingly shrivelled and dead plants can revive after a little rain or water.

  2. As do we. Although the oppressive weather has almost finished me off too Weave. I breathe with difficulty and the breath is not enough. Onwards and upwards. I type drivel anyway.

  3. Maybe the worst is over, weatherwise. We also have cooler, more comfortable temperatures today - what a relief! The gardens are also looking refreshed. Nice lunch, where did you go?

  4. The weather has really affected me this summer also.
    Hope yo will have some more rain.

    cheers, parsnip

  5. You seem to be having better luck with the rain than us in Sheppey. We some rain and a thunderstorm Friday night, followed by a cloudburst early Saturday morning and all of a sudden the garden looked wet. The rest of Saturday saw hot sunshine and worst of all, a strong and gust wind that quickly sucked all the moisture back from the ground and we were bone dry again by the evening. I've fell asleep at the computer like that, leaving long lines of the same letter across the page.

  6. I wish I could say the same about rain, but none here, and none on the horizon! Everything is becoming very dry. I fear we may lose some trees and bushes.

  7. The heat and lack of sleep has been a horrid combination. I've been getting up and putting my feet in a cold water bath.

  8. So pleased you had a good night's sleep at last. No wonder we had warnings about the effects of the heat. I think it will take more than a few showers to get me back to 'normal'. However, I do feel a lot better since we have had rain. Today is very wet and windy and I still feel limp, but I think it is relief that the temperature has dropped.
    Celebrations all round for the world's sportsmen and women.

  9. Skippers one and two were both female. Second was Brit, Nikki Henderson, aged 25.

  10. Sorry Weave, but I laughed out loud at you typing 200 full stops with your head at the end of a load of gibberish.

  11. Such a nice meal you had!
    Thomas deserves to be winner of the Tour de France, though I would actually have liked 'our' Tom Dumoulin to win ;-)
    We had a few short showers yesterday, not enough to wetten our garden properly. So the greater part of the plants are still looking thirsty.
    Today there is a lot of wind, our rather big parasol (with heavy base) has fallen 2 times until now.

  12. Since 10.00 here on Sheppey it has been sunless with varying degrees of rain and windy. The roads are wet, the garden is wet and it feels chilly and damp indoors - quite frankly it feels almost autumnal - too much of a sudden change from the hot and sunny we've been having - thanks for the rain but I miss the sunshine!

  13. Try Rennies for cramps. I use them when cycling and they really work. Google cycling and cramps.

  14. Sorry to hear you had such a poor night's sleep, but at least you caught up with it the next night.

    I am hoping that some of my plant casualties may rally now. The poor Phlox flowered magnificently then just shrivelled up despite the occasional splash of water. They are well established so hopefully will forgive me.

    Your meal out sounded wonderful.

    Let's hope for some sunshine again, but not anything like as scorching . . .

  15. Chris - we usually eat in either the bar or the dining room of The Golf Club at Catterick Garrison - wonderful food - French chef.

    Tom - Tom - par for the course eh?!

    Thanks everyone. Heavy showers again today but the sun, when it appears, is really hot.
