Tuesday 10 July 2018


Lunch out today as tomorrow, Thursday and Friday are all impossible.   Tomato and basil
salad followed by mackerel with potatoes and aubergine and samphire in a Hollandaise sauce.

What started out today as a cool, breezy, rather cloudy day with the promise of a shower, has turned into a hot, sultry and quite exhausting day.
I swear that however long this weather lasts I shall never, ever get used to it.   I find it totally draining.

Going out to lunch meant that I missed the Fly past up The Mall - so I shall now watch it on the six o'clock News.  There are so many Headline stories today  - finally getting all the boys out of the caves in Thailand, the Boris and David saga (set to continue), the Fly Past,  Tennis, the run up to the  semi-final (surely I don't need to say which sport) - all will be vying for Headline space.  I
wonder which one will gain it.

Tess and I walked after lunch down the Lane in the shade - still too hot for both of us.   Even my brain is becoming addled in the heat and I can think of no more to say today.   See you tomorrow.

I apologise for the odd paragraphing.   I have just gone back to edit only to find that it is perfectly paragraphed here - so there is a gremlin somewhere.


  1. Hopefully there will be better temperatures for you soon. We had some rain today and it was rather cold. Just to cool down a bit. Tomorrow will be warm again.

  2. Lunch sounds delicious. I hope you get a good rain shower and feel more comfortable soon. X

  3. I can't wait for it to get cooler and I am really struggling with the humidity. I feel quite guilty at not enjoying it when so many others think this weather is marvellous.
    It's definitely too hot to even watch tennis and I missed the fly past too. I think my brain must have been wilting in my armchair about then.

  4. Sorry your weather is so hot.

    cheers, parsnip

  5. I woke up cold in the night, the wind was blowing from the north and it turned very chilly.
    Cloud cover all day, much cooler, not a single plane seen here, they must have gone home a different way.
    It's so annoying when everything looks fine in drafts and then goes funny when published!

  6. Iam hibernating in the house with the aircondition Pat... Too hot to even think.. i agree!! i've been concentrating on cleaning and straightening the house which has been neglected of late... Soon we will have to get out there and mow the lawn.. not looking forward to that. But we have to get thru this heat to get to the cooler days so we shall just put our heads down and do it.. Hubs and i have a little trip planned in the Fall so another reason to look forward to Fall.. We NEED rain badly.. My pine trees are so dry..

    I notice you eat alot of fish Pat.. Its good for you. i on the other hand rarely eat fish.. Just do not care for it.. I do like tuna fish and i've had some tilapia i 've liked.. But Salmon is just too fishy tasting for me and i've never had mackerel though i've heard of it.. Good for you! Take care Pat... don't do too much.. this heat shall pass... until one day with global warming perhaps it won't pass... Hugs! deb

  7. Oh dear, I'll try my best not to remind some people of their wish for cold weather when it becomes an issue next winter.
    Shame you missed the Flypast, it was quite spectacular live at the time and the later news didn't do it justice, more concerned about football!

  8. Much cooler down here today, even when the sun broke through this afternoon. Didn't know anything about the Flypast till you mentioned it and I don't seem to be able to maintain any interest in Wimbledon, let alone Brexit. All the news I hear seems to be about football, the weather and boys being rescued from caves - three stories which most people regard as good news. Whatever next?

  9. I used to be able to stand the heat in the shade, but no longer can. It almost makes me ill. And, yess, I'll be complaining about the cold come winter.

  10. Times are odd, and rather depressing. Even with a world cup run to get excited about. We had exactly one cooler day before the sun came through again today and it was getting pretty hot by 5pm. Our cricket ground is as brown as straw.

  11. And don't forget the Tour de France. I haven't been watching as it seems a sin to be indoors in such beautiful weather.

  12. That lunch sounds very nice!

  13. It's been in the upper 90's here for more than a month and not near the rain we need...the farmers especially need moisture. I get out early to do any outdoor chores and stay in the rest of the time.
