Friday 13 July 2018


No post yesterday.   Sorry, just too tired after lots of dashing about basically.   They have been resurfacing the roads around here for the past few weeks, which means if you want to go anywhere you are likely to quite suddenly come across a 'Road Closed' sign and have to turn round, go back and try another way.   This meant that when going to play ukuleles for the elderly yesterday in the village of Bainbridge in Wensleydale I had to take the long route.  Today we have played for an Alzheimer's Group in a Day Centre - I think they enjoyed us.

Other news is that  -joy of joys - it has rained quite heavily for a couple of hours today and is still cloudy - so there might even be more.  What a difference the rain has made to the garden.   Everything looks so much brighter.   The forecast for the weekend is for hot weather again (with a possibility of rain next week) but this weather will have done some good and will negate the need to water the gardens and pots for a couple of days at least.

Courgettes and Patty pans are coming thick and fast now.   I still have Ratatouille left to eat up so shall have to begin giving them away.   My gardening job for the week-end is to investigate local suppliers of water butts to see if anyone has a square one.   This would fit neatly against the wall and seems to me to be a much better idea than a round one.   If I can't locate one then I shall have to buy on line - but I always like to use local suppliers where possible.

I must say that President Trump's visit does seem farcical - and the amount of entourage in the form of security that he has brought with him is mind-boggling.   I wish I could make out more about the man.   I have been in Trump Tower in New York.   It is all gold plate and gloss walls.    All show in other words.   I do wish I could make my mind up exactly what the man was like - but then we hardly know what our neighbour is like do we, so how can we know about folk further afield.   As my father used to say -"Everybody's queer except me and thee and thee's a bit peculiar".



  1. Plants like the rain so much more than a water hose. I doubt we'll see rain until September and the temperatures are about 100 degrees.

  2. Knew you'd get some rain, lucky you. We still have hot sunshine here and even hotter over the weekend - no rain forecast either.

  3. Lucky you with your rain!As the crow flies we are about 20 miles from you, sunny all day here,out with the watering can again tonight.

  4. So happy you have received your much needed rain. Lucky You.
    Plants love the rain more than just a water from your hose.

    Wish I lived closer I love Patty Pans just send them over.

    cheers, parsnip

  5. If you can get to a B&Q they do a good range of narrow waterbutts. We got a tall narrow one for a small space with a tap low down which is handy and a fastened on lid which has a lip and makes a good water tray for the birds.

  6. Perhaps, Ivanka, the daughter, will have more luck in being accepted as President of the USA.

  7. My grandmother used to quote that old saying. Thankfully the temperature has dropped a little and it is far more comfortable since our shower of rain. I am greedy - can we have some more please?!
    I can't say that I find President Trump an appealing person, but I sometimes wonder if he is at ease with himself as his bold and brash behaviour suggests. At times he looks quite ill at ease and unsure.

  8. No rain here, some mizzle yesterday which I doubt did anything, so the DP watering again. DT is a total nutter and not welcome in Aberdeenshire as his golf course destroyed nature reserve and upset people who had lived where he wanted to build his golf course for many, many years. His way of getting rid of them was to chop off their water supply.

  9. Like others I’m glad you've had rain, just wish we had. It seems ironic that we are literally a stone's throw from the sea and that the gardens are so desperate for water. Of course sea water would be useless!
    I think if the Altzimer Group you played for didn't like your music you would have known about it Pat!
    I love your dad's saying. It's going into my journal tomorrow.

  10. We had two minutes of rain ...not enough for a freshen up

  11. The quote from your father made me smile. Even if we don't really know the man, your visual on Trump Tower speaks volumes to me. As they say in German, Trump is all 'Schein' and no 'Sein'. Which basically means that he's all appearance and no substance.

  12. You need a Trump Tower square water-butt Weave. Only drawback is that they are a horrible gold colour.

  13. So if you cannot make your mind up about Trump - how do you feel about putting children in cages ?

  14. I suspect the answer is not too worry about Trump, his reign of office should not be too long. Envious of your rain, it hasn't made it to the East yet.

  15. But

    I have made up my mind about President Trump. I feel horrible that little children are living in chain link wire cells that look like dog kennels with concrete floors. They do have little thin mats to lay on the concrete floors and super cozy mylar plastic blankets.
    That was at just one facility. Some facilities have beds within the chain link wire cages, and other facilities allow no access, so the public doesn't know what the conditions are. What must those places be like? This would be considered child abuse if a private citizen treated their children like this, but when our current (U.S) government does it on a grand scale, that makes it ok!? No.

    I made up my mind when

  16. Happy for you having some rain !....Still not a single drop here :( no rain for over two months . Daisy Debs :)
    p.s. ....................lets not talk about ... him :(

  17. Lots of lovely dry weather here and harvest is in full swing. If you wish to follow views on Nato there is a post on my blog. Mexico and past border control in the US were written about some time back and there to be read. Water butts of any type are useful but as Derek said, they are usually empty when you need them.

  18. We could use rain here in West Virginia. Very hot, humid, and dry. Miserable July. The only thing to look forward to is August, when mornings stay cooler and evening temperatures drop quickly. Mountains are good about that. As for Trump, he is the epitome of grossness, callowness and self-aggrandizement. I pray daily that something will finally get him out of office. He's an embarrassment to our country, and is wrecking the work of decades in environmental, health, science and cultural advancement.

  19. I love your father's quote!!! I hope I can remember it. Wishing you all the rain you need, although I guess we take what we get. Happy Weekend, dear Pat.

  20. I remember a comment about the lobby of one of Trump's casinos that described it as like being on the inside of somebody who had just eaten a pepperoni pizza. Trump is all about the show, and what substance there is is tawdry.

  21. "Nowt as queer as folk" would seem to suit Trump too! Your comment on Trump Towers instantly made me think of the old saying "All talk and no trousers" (whilst his wife could definitely be "all fur coat and no knickers!!) One thing's for sure, he says what he thinks and whilst it may be offensive, occasionally he isn't wide of the mark . . .

    I am glad you had some rain. I wish I could say the same here. We are still being VERY careful with the water, which is no bad thing I suppose. It teaches us not to take things for granted.

    Sorry about the road resurfacing where you are - I wonder, is it going to "set" in this heat?

  22. First - been enjoying reading your blog for a few months now. Thank you for writing it.

    Secondly, I don't think it is too hard to form an opinion of the vile President of the U.S. (Grannie Sue put it very well). There is nothing good, decent, moral, or even human about this man. He is clearly mentally ill and morally unfit to be a human being, let alone president of the United States. And the syncophants that he surrounds himself with are just as sick and morally unfit. His comments about women, the disabled, and minorities during the election should've been enough for anyone to see exactly what type of person he is. And, what he has done since the election, from his policy with immigrant children to his constant lies should be enough to provide clarity on the truly immoral and Hitler-like person he is.
