Monday 30 July 2018


Oh dear - maybe it is because of our long, hot Summer - Autumn does seem to be arriving early this year.  Another day to go and it will be August and I have always said that up here in the North of England Autumn begins with August.

I have not seen a sign of a swift for the last week or so.   When it was hot the air was full of insects and the swifts were having a field day.   Then the torrential rain arrived and since then no sign.   If they have got any sense they will have begun to go South (although hot weather is forecast again for the end of the week. )

As I backed out of friend W's drive at lunch time I saw that the berries on her Rowan were already orange and as I drove home I couldn't help noticing that the grass verges had gone to seed.   I don't mind Autumn at all - it can be a long and beautiful season,  so let's hope it is like that this year.   I think because we had a long Winter which went on especially long with that deep snow in March we are all rather dreading what we might get this year. 

 I made an infrequent visit to the large supermarket this morning with a vague shopping list.   On the rare occasions I do this I always vow when I get home that I will never, under any circumstances, go again.   The school children are of course on holiday and a large number of them were in Tesco (the superstore is on the army garrison).   I never encounter children in large numbers like this without recalling what my mother used to say - 'God knew what he was doing when he decreed that only the young should have children.'   I arrived home punch drunk and it has taken me the rest of the day to recover, especially as I had to defrost my freezer and repack it with some of the food I had bought.

Later in the day we had another downpour after a pleasant sunny morning and early afternoon, but by this time I had done all I was doing so I was happy to settle down with my book.   I am re-reading Iris Murdoch, always on of my absolutely favourite authors.   I have started with 'The Bell' one of the ones I liked best.   She was such a good writer and also writes a lot of prose and not very much reported speech - now that's my kind of book.


  1. Iris Murdoch, a philosopher first, a novelist second. I always found her books difficult. I must try again. I read some of her philosophical essays recently. I also found them difficult. Too early to talk about Autumn for me.

  2. Oh dear, Pat. I do hope you are right about an early fall. August is our hottest month usually - triple digits and little to no rain. My water bills are very high. I am cutting down some of the plants in my raised beds as most of the veggies haven't done much and with the heat, I have to water them daily. Peppers and cukes are about all I am getting now. My flowers are gorgeous though. I have a stack of books to read. I do that at night in bed until my eyes cross and I turn the lamp off.

  3. I like Iris Murdoch. I like most Bells too.

  4. Mark Twain is quoted as having said (but he really didn't) that the coldest winter he ever spent was a summer in San Francisco. This is apt as I wore a sweater outside today.

  5. Say it isn't so! I'm not done with summer yet.

  6. According to some weather forecasts we have sunshine right through to November! I think lots of plants have been tricked into believing we've had summer and therefore autumn should follow. Our neighbours pears are huge(surprisingly) and almost ready to eat.

  7. I actually enjoy my weekly visit to the supermarket; and thinking about it, there are hardly ever any children there. I think we're expecting temperatures nearing 40 C for the end of the week; gawd help us!

  8. I'm not wishing Autumn on myself, despite it being a lovely season I can't get past the fact that behind it looms winter, an awful time. No, we've had the drop of rain I wanted now let's extend the summer for some time yet.

  9. Ah - each to his own as the above confirms. Thanks for calling in.

  10. I have noticed several sites where the blackberries are already ripe,too hot for crumble yet!

  11. I must confess to have never read Iris Murdoch - I must try her books. Blackberries are ripening here and I hope to pick some for the freezer. Blackberry and apple will make a nice change on my cereal. Re children - you mother was so right. I watched a young mum with three little ones, pushchair, handbag, and shopping bag, getting on a bus and thought 'My goodness, how on earth does she manage'. I then remembered that many years ago I did exactly the same!
    Lovely rain again here and I can almost see a change in the parched grass after only three days. I would like a little more summer, but not so hot and sticky please. The best thing about Tesco is that it is always lovely and cool! I have thought about taking a lounger and a good book in for the afternoon - earplugs too perhaps.

  12. Supermarkets are not my favourite place either and wailing or even screaming babies and toddlers take some getting used to it. I am picking blackberries in the garden go well with the strawberries you can buy. Not sure it is time for Autumn yet, though the garden has taken on a yellow haze.

  13. There are lots of children in our Tesco too, but I'm determined not to buy any.

  14. Oh i agree Pat! I feel i've seen signs that Fall is coming early.. Alot of the birds have left my feeders... and alot of the squirrels have disappeared ... and i feel all that is about 2 weeks early... Hugs! deb

  15. It has felt a little bit Autumnal over the last couple of days but I'm in denial and will hold onto Summer for as long as possible. X

  16. With wheat and other fields already harvested 2 weeks ago, that was my moment of feeling as if autumn is just round the corner. Then I spotted the first bright orange lampion flowers in some gardens on my way to work last week... I am not done with summer yet, either, although it has been almost unbearably hot at the office (34 Celsius and no a/c).
    I must have read something by Iris Murdoch at some stage, but can not right now remember it.

  17. Lots of leaves are falling here in the south west, but only because they haven't got enough moisture to keep them on the tree. It usually seems like autumn for me the moment that we slip into September and there is a certain feel in the air. Let's have some rain and sunshine for a few weeks yet and call it summer.
    I've never quite 'got' Iris Murdoch. I studied her books as part of an adult lit course, but it didn't help!
