Tuesday 12 June 2018


The sky is full of black threatening clouds and the air is sultry.   But I am pretty sure it is not going to rain - it just doesn't feel like it.  Tess and I have just mooched round the estate after lunch and now I am having a job to keep awake.

Coffee with the  girls this morning and a bit of shopping - paying the week's papers that are not on my Times subscription then coming home to wipe out the kitchen cupboards before I put my food away, so a satisfying job done.   But now there is an overwhelming desire to close my eyes.   I shall resist it!

I have always been 'easy meat' for the whole of the bug brigade in early Summer and as I sit here typing this I begin to realise that the nibbling brigade must be out in force today as I resist scratching various itchy places on my back.   It is destined to turn cooler tomorrow for a few days - perhaps this will ease things a little.

By the way, Tess is definitely improved this morning.   She has had her pain killer syringe this morning and has eaten a 'soft' breakfast without biscuits but with the addition of a little of the ham I usually don't let her eat but which is tempting her so much at the moment.   So far, so good.
Out to lunch with friend D tomorrow - I'll see you afterwards and report on what we eat!!


  1. Sorry about Tess' affliction. Tempting treats are good, but will be hard to "wean" her on recovery.

  2. Good news about Tess. The weather here is much the same as yours. I could have slept at 11.30 this morning! It was so sultry and my body just seems to give up. However, I have had my walk and am taking a break from sewing up a teddy for my next great-grandchild. The clouds have parted, sun shining but still a lot of cloud, but the air is lighter, thank goodness.

  3. So pleased to hear that Tess seems to be improving and also that she may just have a fatty lump.
    I was very impressed that you had given her an injection this morning until I reread your post and
    realised that you meant you'd fed her medicine in a syringe!
    I agree with you about mowing the lawn. There are so many beautiful wild flowers along the lanes at the moment.
    It's a shame that they are regarded as weeds.

  4. We are sultry here too. The promised thunder of the evening has yet to materialize. Nice to read your good news about Tess!

  5. "I have always been 'easy meat' for the whole of the bug brigade in early Summer..."

    I have the same problem. I heard once it has something to do with vitamin B. Too much or too little, I don't remember.

  6. Glad to hear that Tess is slowly improving. It's been really chilly down here today - at least compared with the weather yesterday which reached 27 degrees.

  7. Quite chilly here today, only 18 C and dark clouds. Lots of house flies around at the moment.

  8. At work, there are so many colds at work this year, it is impossible to stay well for long. I'm having double the amount of respiratory viruses the last couple of years.

  9. A busy day - you deserve a nap! I lay down this afternoon but, unusually, didn't drop off. I have a nap most days and still manage to sleep at night though only for a few hours (probably why I need to nap!).

  10. I'm glad tess is better.... thank you my dear old friend for your support xx

  11. More storms and rain here last night, but I think it may now be finished for a while. About time!

  12. This might not work for everyone, but I've found that using a fresh, lemony scent means that the bugs leave me alone. I give my feet a light spray of CK one (original version) every day, and I'm largely bite free!

  13. Thanks everyone. Nice to read your comments.
