Monday 4 June 2018


Monday morning dawns cloudy, misty and quite chilly - typical of our British weather.   We are overjoyed when we get a whole day's rain for the garden but then it takes two or three weeks for the weather to get back to anything like Summer afterwards.

The lady who cleans for me came this morning so I got well stocked up with local news.   Because she is always out and about - and is local to the area anyway - she knows so much more about what is going on than I do and when she doesn't come I miss her.

My only foray out today was to the hour-long ukulele practice this afternoon.   I have just returned from this and thought I would put on a post before feeding Tess and getting my own tea. 

My chiropodist called at lunch time and has given me a new routine for my feet.  I shall try in the month before she comes again to stick to it rigorously in the hopes of praise when she comes.

Now tea time calls.   I will swear that Tess can tell the time.   She is at my feet as I write this and I can feel her eyes boring into me saying 'where's my tea?' - it is five minutes to four and she has her tea at four each night.   I always feed her before having my tea - after all who wants to eat tea with a pair of pleading brown eyes fixed on their face?



  1. It has been very humid and overcast here today - the sort of conditions which I find very difficult. Yesterday was the same.
    I met one of my daughters for coffee this morning and apart from wrestling to get more photos on my blog that is the sum of my activities for the day! Oh - I did a load of washing so at least that is something useful.
    I always fed out pets before we ate our meals. I think it is the best way to avoid any scrounging.

  2. Sorry - that should read 'our' pets.

  3. Aren't furry friends amazing! Our elderly Daisy knows 5 PM for her daily feed and finds me wherever I am to sit and stare into my face as though trying to say "feed me!" - and somehow her morning alarm clock is set for 4 AM! No wonder I fall asleep as soon as I sit down anymore.

    We see rain nearly every day this spring. While there are wildfires in the west, we have an over abundance of rain. Why are our weather memories so much nicer than what we see today, I wonder.

  4. Oh yes, animals can certainly tell the time. Well, I know that pigs can; every time the clocks changed the pigs took a week or so to settle in to the new routine.

  5. Yes, all animals can tell the time and they don't like it when we change the clocks. The cows would always come up either an hour early or an hour late for milking depending on the change. I had a cat who knew my bedtime and would move and wait at the stairs door at the appointed time. This lot snooze around all evening and go outside when I go to bed, but they take their cue from me on this and are willing to vary it. Dull day here today and cold again.

  6. I believe our pets own us, we don't own them--and they firmly believe we are here to serve them. Because we do!

  7. Animals that depend on a human feeding them all know their meal times! It always took my cats a couple of weeks to adjust to their meals being served an hour later with the annual switch to summer time.

  8. Our Sith cat knew the time too, sadly he has lost the plot these days and asks when he is hungry, fair dos he is an old man. As he then goes to sleep we give him food.

  9. We've had cooler couple of days here Pat and I'm never one to complain about that.. The sun is out but the humidity is down and that helps immensely. The crows have been squawking all day... having their little conversations.. We want to move our mailbox so the man has been around to make sure there are no water/gas lines etc around the area we want to dig for the pole.. Where we want to put it will be a more gradual down hill slope to get the mail.. Which as we age i think that will be better.. Where it is now is steeper downhill on a gravely uneven slope..

    Other than that its been a morning of making hubby pancakes... doing up the dishes, vacuuming, laundry... This afternoon i shall do a little painting on trim around the sliding glass door that leads out on to the deck.. Just one more coat and that will be a good job done.. THEN i might sneak into my craftroom!!! Always nice visiting with you Pat! Hugs! deb

  10. My weenie girls can tell time and count. How do I know? If they don't get the same number of treats they always get they wait anxiously.

  11. We had cold, cold rain all morning, and this afternoon the sun is bright and warm. OK by me.


  12. It is beyond cool that you play the ukulele.

  13. I would love some rain and a few cooler days. It will be onlt 102 today.
    Summer heat came early.

    cheers, parsnip

  14. Yes, our animals are quite smart and certainly know when it is time to eat! We have one cat that tries to boss us around and tell us when to go to bed even. He will cry loudly and try to lead us to the bedroom when he decides it is bedtime. I like to stay up late reading and he does not like that at all!

  15. We are minding our son's Goldie and unfortunately feeding her doesn't result in a peaceful dinner - she's on the scrounge for titbits or leftovers. However we love her, so cope with the pleading eyes, and resist. She's on a strict diet, and is nice and thin, to keep weight off her legs.. she's needed two lots of very expensive surgery with torn AC ligaments, and she's 8 and developed arthritis, so there's every incentive to keep her trim. Poor girl, she does feel deprived though.

    We are heading into winter and the weather has been cold over our Queen's Birthday weekend. It's predicted to get to 11 today - thats 51 for you , and too cold for comfort, especially with a Wind-Chill to drop that further. I'm going out for a coffee and I'll wrap up like the Michelin Man!

    Your garden is sounding as if it's coming on nicely, but as you say, it will take a season or three before it is where you really want it to be. There things can't be hurried (although a great deal of money can help - we need to win Lotto!)

  16. Well dogs are always hungry, Lucy is supposed to be on a diet and therefore always has pleading eyes when we eat our meals, I feed her afterwards, never thought to feed her before!

  17. Thelma - don't suppose feeding her before will make a scrap of difference - her pleading eyes will still follow your every mouthful!
    Yes Donna, I agree about the counting too.
    Rachel - agree about the cows - milking time was always awkward for a few days after the clocks changed. It was cloudy here and quite chilly early on but now at tea time is is really warm and sunny. Hope it has turned out like that for you too.
