Sunday 17 June 2018


A friend called with her husband and her electric lawnmower this morning and cut the grass in front of my bungalow.   It was so good of her and now it looks neat and tidy like everyone else's front lawn.   So thank you S and N for your help - much appreciated.

I went out with two other friends for lunch as usual.   The fourth member of the team, W, was ninety seven earlier in the week and is being feted by her family all day today in celebration.   So we were a friend short.    The three of us had our usual salmon with vegetables (delicious with or without the 'florentine' (spinach') which two of us have) then it was one ice cream, one Eton mess and I had a chocolate extravaganza.    Then we sat for an hour and a half in the bar drinking tea, putting the world to rights and having a good laugh.   When one lives alone I can't think of a better way to spend a Sunday.

Now it is half past five, I have taken Tess for her walk and I am in for the evening.   At the risk of offending anyone (sorry Rachel) is it really necessary to have football and/or tennis on the TV to the exclusion of almost anything else for the next month?   Thank goodness for iplayer I say. 
Dark-looking rain clouds amass here but very little rain forecast.   Plants certainly look better for yesterday's deluge.


  1. It is something for me to do at a time when I need something to occupy me as I cannot always fill a day and football fits the bill. My interest extends to more than just the football. BBC and ITV are alternating so I guess there are things to watch on the other channel when football is on. I do not watch Wimbledon but I don't complain about it.

  2. I'm so glad to hear about you getting this help! I'm sure that a whole army of bloggers (myself included) wished we lived close enough to lend a hand whenever you need one.

    Have a wonderful day, Weaver! :)

  3. I'm glad that you have had your lawn mown Pat, you won't feel like the odd one out now.

    Despite being a sports fan (well some sports anyway), I agree that the coverage can be excessive on TV, and one or two blogs. Wimbledon on both BBC1 and 2 does my head in, as does the snooker but we should have the fun shortly, of watching England trying to beat lowly teams.

  4. Once the World Cup group stage is over the number of games reduces. I note that Countryfile is on at 7pm tonight as usual so all is not lost!

  5. Thank Goodness for streaming lots to chose from.
    Trying to train iwinston to clean up by "droping" a toy in the box. Not going well but having a lot of giggles.

    cheers, parsnip

  6. Well said about the football. We love to watch 'The Chase' each day, its fun answering the questions, but of course it has been replaced with Football. This is about the only programme we watch as most of the others are rubbish, so we are a little annoyed.
    Glad you have got the grass cut.

  7. I'm looking forward to the tennis ( sorry!) love seeing as much as possible and the football is keeping me company.

    I'm pleased your front garden is all neat and tidy now, I had Brother in law doing strimming round new trees today - a great help, now I can keep it under control with the mower.

  8. Good that your lawn is presentable again. It is scorching hot for the next several days, 32C and above, so it will be indoors for us!

  9. That was very kind of your friends! And what a lovely afternoon - I actually can't think of a better way to spend a day!
    I'm lucky in that the World Cup is being shown on the Sports Channels over here so it doesn't interfere with any other channels. Have to say that I do enjoy watching a game now and then - Come on ICELAND!

  10. How kind of your friend to cut your lawn for you - now you can look your neighbours in the eye! It is amazing what a difference a good fall of rain does for the gardens, even though plants have been watered with tap water. We had a 100th birthday tea last Wednesday in the communal lounge here. A wonderful lady who still looks after herself and retired from work when she was 90!

  11. I’m happy for you Weave. I enjoy seeing a tidy and mowed yard. I rent my townhouse and there were 2 different times my grass didn’t get cut weekly. I sit near my window in the living room and watch the birds, chipmunks, and squirrels scurry about daily. I’m so thankful they are mowing weekly again. I’ve lived here 14 years and a good tenant I might add. I don’t hesitate to ask the owner to keep things tidy and in working order. Gabs

  12. Rachel, I know you love watching football - in fact I get most of my information on football from reading your posts - and a good geography lesson as well as you often draw a map to help. Each to his own I agree its just that when there is sport on both channels it is harder to find anything to watch - and I agree it is not always easy to fill one's day when living alone (easier in summer than winter I suppose as there is usually weeding to be done, but that means one must still have enough energy).

  13. In German, the term "König Fußball" ("King Football") is well known - and not wrong, as it really does dominate our media landscape. But I can still find other things to watch, or I read, now that I can do that again after my operation.
    Your Sunday with friends really is a wonderful arrangement for all of you, so glad you are keeping this up even if not all of you can be there every Sunday.
    Very good of your friends to help with your lawn!

  14. Living alone, which I enjoy most of the time, can only be a problem I imagine if you are the type of person that is used to living as a twosome. One thing that you have proved to us all Pat, is that with your regular friends meetings/lunches, your ukelele sessions and gardening that you don't have to sit at home all the time feeling sorry for yourself and inviting people to feel sorry for you on your blog, it's not your style.

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